Monday, August 22, 2011

Web Traffic Genius Review - Don't Buy The Web Traffic Genius Plugin Before Reading This ArticleB

Web Traffic Genius Review - Don't Buy The Web Traffic Genius Plugin Before Reading This ArticleB

By: Samson LaForet

Home | Internet-and-Business-Online | Traffic-Building

If you're anything like me, you know how important link'>">link building is but you also dread all the work required to do it well. After all, link building is the real secret behind making your website successful in any niche no matter what the competition is. To help with that, The Marketing Assassins Tim and Anthony Buchalka created the Web Traffic Genius plugin. But you're probably worried that it's just another scam.

Read on to find out why that just isn't true:

1. Automatically Submits To RSS Directories - Link building is my life. So, any time I can find something that makes the process much easier, I jump on it. That's what originally drew me to Web Traffic Genius. Every time you put up a new blog post, your feed is submitted to some of the major RSS directories on the web.

This strategy is huge for getting your blog or Web 2.0 sites listed. Ask any of the major SEO affiliate players and they'll tell you just how powerful RSS is for your business.

2. Creates Feeds For Each Post - Every post that you make with Web Traffic Genius installed will end up getting it's own feed. Again, the power of this is that you're compounding the amount of backlinks that you get. In the past you had to manually submit an RSS feed to a directory and you would only do it for your main site.

But when you have a feed for each post, you multiply the submissions without having to do any extra work.

3. Link Building For Other Sites - This is a secret that I'm almost a little bit afraid to let out. When you setup the plugin, there will be a few configuration steps you'll have to follow. And if you look carefully, you'll see that there's a menu item called ExtraFeeds. Basically, this allows you to put in other websites. This may not sound like anything special to you.

But when you realize that every time you post, you'll not only be building links to your blog, you'll also be building links to those other sites, there's no stopping your potential.

 4. Easiest Blog You'll Ever Build - What really surprised me about Web Traffic Genius was their customized Wordpress package that they put together that combines the Web Traffic Genius plugin with a bunch of other plugins designed to make your website go skyhigh in the search engines. I couldn't believe this the first time I tried it out.

If you're into creating niche sites, this alone will be worth your money for the time it will save you.

Article Source: Articlesnatch">Articlesnatch> About the Author:

I'm so excited about the Web Traffic Genius plugin that I hope you'll act right now and read more of my Web Traffic Genius review. You'll even find out about the special bonus I'm offering for people who take action to get their sites listed on page one.

Read more: Article/Web-Traffic-Genius-Review---Don-t-Buy-The-Web-Traffic-Genius-Plugin-Before-Reading-This-Article/863597#ixzz1VnsFHsyd">Article/Web-Traffic-Genius-Review---Don-t-Buy-The-Web-Traffic-Genius-Plugin-Before-Reading-This-Article/863597#ixzz1VnsFHsyd>
 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How To Work From Home Successfully

- Choosing The Right Occupation For Yourself

By: Allan Lim

If you are wondering how to work from home successfully, you need to understand yourself more. Set aside some quiet time and ask yourself what you really want. Write them down. Write down your goals and put it in front of you.

By doing so, whenever you met with any obstacles, your goals will motivate you to move forward despite of all the obstacles in front of you. Success does not come easy but it is probably not as difficult as you think.

First, you need to know what is your purpose of choosing to work from home. Is it because you want more freedom? Is it because you want to spend more time with your family? Or is it because'>">because of the opportunity to make more money

Second, you need to ask yourself what skill set you have. This will determine the line of work that is suitable for you. Something that is suitable for others many not necessary be suitable for you.

You may think, 'If he can do it, then I can do it too'. Unfortunately, that is not always true.

There are two main ways to work from home. Either you find a work from home job or you start a work from home business.

What is the difference?

Well, a job is just a job. You get paid for a job done. But you will not get paid if you do not have any assignment. One very good example is to work as a free lancer.

If you are good in graphic design, you can become a freelance graphic designer. If you are good in writing, you can become a freelance writer.

A work at home business is very different from a work at home job. If you build your business the right way, it can be very rewarding and provide you with a constant stream of passive income.

One very good example is affiliate marketing.

However, it will take some time for you to achieve a certain level of success. It is very possible that you won't make any money in the first 6 months.

Therefore, you may want to do both work at home job and work at home business at the same time. Your work at home job will sustain you and provide you with the money to fund your work at home business.

The good news is, you only need $30 per month to fund your online business. However, if work from home business is the path you choose, you must be prepared to sacrifice your leisure time to work on your business. Success doesn't come easy.

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 Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Best Website Advertising Methods

The Best Website Advertising Methods
By: Rich Armstrong

The arrival of the World Wide Web saw advertising expand to a completely new genre: online advertising, which was the fastest growing mode of advertising the world had ever seen.

Online advertising is a mode through which companies communicate with the audience through advertisements displayed online. With the Internet playing bigger and bigger roles in people's lives, more and more small companies are branching out into website advertising.

Through the easy accessibility of the Internet, geographical and time constrictions are demolished. An ad can reach any part of the world at any time. The best website advertising is especially when an ad reaches its target audience at all corners of the globe.

Tenets of Advertising

Advertising has three important tenets. For the best website advertising, the ad rep or advertising agency representing any company or any product and service must adhere to the main tenets of advertising which form the abbreviation - AIDA.

Attention, Interest, Detail and Action are the four commandments of every advert and the determining factor for the best website advertising strategy.

First, the ad should be attractive enough to gather the attention of the target audience, secondly, the ad should provoke an interest in the audience to want to know more about the product or service.

Following this, the ad must contain all the essential details that would finally affect the customer into taking an action which is to purchase the product.

Brand Recognition

Making an ad does not necessarily imply that the company should make a sale. That may be the primary objective but not only would the company be able to make a sale, but through advertising, the company also has a means to attain exposure for its brand.

For the best website advertising, brand recognition is a very important feature and once a customer is aware of the ad, it would provoke the customer into purchasing the ad once they feel the need for it.

Therefore, online advertising not only serves as a feature for boosting sales but also serves to create public awareness regarding the brand.

New Age Technology

The creation of the web browser and the extent of its complexity today allowed for a very "dynamic" form of data to populate the Internet. Databases support dynamic content to facilitate "form data", which is why one is able to complete purchase orders on the Internet.

But this is nothing new: people have been buying stuff online for the past 10 years at least. In addition, websites became sophisticated and starting 'personalizing' to users requirements.

These are not forms of Internet advertising but are actual technical developments that strengthened the growth of such advertising. Likewise, the increase in broadband speeds, connection speeds, and most importantly users' accessibility, all had a similar effect.

It is the infrastructure behind commercial intent that allows commerce to grow and it is important to understand that these were the critical elements behind the phenomenon of Internet advertising, and not the actual mode itself.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Combining a Passion for Oils with Business Savvy

Linda Scott

Linda Scott knows she is in the right place at the right time. As one of the leaders of her Young Living Essential Oils “Dream Team,” Linda's passion for essential oils and her business know-how has allowed her to enroll nearly 300 Young Living distributors in just a year and a half.
The love for her mother, Emma Jean Scott, led Linda to Young Living in 2005 after watching her suffer with severe pain in her left leg. Numerous tests failed to produce a diagnosis. While her mother continued to lose weight and experience pain, a friend told Linda about Young Living Essential Oils.
Willing to try anything, Linda purchased Aroma Siez™, Aroma Life™, PanAway®, and Relieve It™ essential oil blends. After using the oils, Linda says her mother's discomfort subsided. Then new to the world of essential oils, Linda felt she didn't have enough time to treat her mother.
Sadly, Emma Jean passed away December 30, 2005. It was then that Linda committed herself to learning everything she could about essential oils, “I never want someone else's mother to go through what my mother went through.”
Linda remained true to her vow. She devoted herself to learning everything she could about essential oils. When she came home from Young Living's 2006 Grand Convention, an annual meeting of Young Living distributors from around the globe, she was laid off from her job as a legal assistant. Instead of panicking, she “praised the Lord,” and dove into Young Living full-time.
She told herself, “Oils are a blessing, but I need to make a living. I have combined my passion for oils along with my business savvy.”

Business Building

Along with her passion and tenacious attitude, Linda says the key to her rapid success is threefold: a nurturing upline with wonderful women, such as Linda Greenfield and Vicki Opfer; a dedicated business mentor and friend, Emmanuel Redding; and faith in the Holy Spirit.
Linda's strong team is what keeps her fire and momentum because, she says, “Team work makes dream work.” When it comes to her Dream Team, Linda says, “We are a force to be reckoned with. They keep me going on the right track and I love them all very much.”
A firm believer in Young Living and its founder Gary Young, Linda and her Dream Team's goal is to create “health disciples.” Linda shows people the importance of Young Living and states that, “Once a person has a life-changing experience, they look at the business aspect differently. The key is communication and building relationships; people want to know how much you care, not how much you know.”
As Linda works toward her goal of reaching Crown Diamond, Young Living's highest distributor rank, her advice to other business builders is to not get discouraged. Grateful for the help she has received from her mentors and her daughter, Brittany, Linda says to anyone needing advice, “Call the Dream Team. We will help.”

Monday, August 8, 2011

Raindrop for Kids

August 8, 2011

We all know that children love to play and have fun. They are also good at exchanging germs. With summer coming to a close and school just around the corner, there will be greater opportunity for them to pick up germs. They get them on the playground, in the classroom, and from other children. So what can parents and grandparents do to strengthen their children? I suggest giving them the wonderful benefits of Young Living’s Raindrop Technique® kit to support their immune system as they start school.
If you have any concerns about using essential oils on children, try the oils on their feet first. Be sure to follow individual label instructions and dilute oils with V‑6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex when using topically. Follow-up the initial application to the feet with a light application to the back as indicated below. Keep an eye out for reddening of the skin and let the child know to tell you if he or she feels any burning or discomfort. If this happens, you can easily add V‑6™ Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex to cool down the skin.
To perform the Raindrop, have the child lay quietly on a bed or massage table on his or her back.
1. Start with Valor®. Put a drop in each hand. Cross your arms and apply Valor to the child’s feet. Hold the feet and wait for an energy change in the body.
2. Have the child roll on to his or her tummy to put the oils on the back. Rub your finger over the bottle to get a small amount of oil on your finger, then rub the oil up the back starting at the lower back. Watch for any redness or discomfort.
3. One at a time apply oregano, thyme, basil, cypress, wintergreen, marjoram, and peppermint to the back. Children can be more sensitive to the oils, so be sure to check after each oil to make sure there is no redness or discomfort and apply V‑6 oil if necessary.
The Raindrop Technique is a great way to prepare kids for school and winter. It’s also a great way to get them used to using Young Living’s essential oils at an early age.
Peace be with you,
Kaye Lynne Murphy, LMT
Kaye Lynne Murphy, LMT, is a licensed massage therapist specializing in Raindrop Therapy and emotional release on people of all ages. She is the author of “The 15‑minute Feelings Release” CD, a self‑help emotional release program following Young Living’s Feelings Kit, and a 30‑min. Raindrop Therapy DVD. Her practice includes helping adults and children better themselves by using Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils. She uses only Young Living products in her practice. You can register for her free e‑NewsLetter at

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beat the Heat with Essential Oils

July 22, 2011

Let’s face it: It gets really hot in the United States in the summer. The average daily temperature in New York City is 89 degrees Fahrenheit and can get up to 140 degrees in your car! Fortunately, relief is on the way with the use of Young Living’s therapeutic-grade, pure essential oils. Although many oils can be found at your local health-food store, keep in mind that the quality and purity of essential oils play a huge role in their effectiveness and safety.
Use unadulterated essential oils and spend the time to research and educate yourself. If you read the labels carefully, most commercial-brand bottles will say “100% pure,” but they will also say “not for internal consumption or to be used directly on the skin.” However, Young Living essential oils are therapeutic grade and many of them are intended for internal use.
Peppermint and Lavender
Because both peppermint and lavender are versatile essential oils, no home should be without them. Lavender is an adaptogen and, therefore, can assist the body when adapting to stress. Peppermint is a natural tension reliever.
To help you cool off this summer, simply put a drop of peppermint on the back of your neck and the bottoms of your feet. If you have sensitive skin, dilute essential oils in a small amount of carrier oil, like almond oil or olive oil, and apply. You can also place a drop of either oil on a cool, moist cloth and hold at the back of your neck.
To give your car a refreshing sense of coolness, diffuse peppermint by simply putting a few drops on a cotton ball or tissue and place it in the air vent of your dashboard. The scent will help uplift you and may help you feel more alert. Using lavender in your car will help ease the stress of traffic, and both oils may help you concentrate better on driving.
Adding peppermint to your drinking water is another great way to cool your body temperature. To evenly blend the peppermint, put one to two drops of peppermint in a teaspoon of honey or agave then add the mixture to water. Remember to always use a glass or ceramic container, since essential oils are very potent and will literally eat away at the plastic containers we drink from.
As the temperatures rise, most homes become a refuge for ants. Put a few drops of peppermint in their tracks to send them back outside. You’ll have no need for toxic pesticides! For mosquito bites, peppermint and lavender applied directly to the bite may help reduce minor itching.
So when you are melting from the summer heat and the mosquitoes have chosen you for that day’s meal, remember these tips for relief.
-Tracy Griffiths, RPP, RPE
Tracy Griffiths is a Registered Polarity Practitioner and Registered Polarity Educator. Tracy directs of the Life Energy Institute/Grace Aroma Wellness, which offers continuing education for nurses in California, acupuncturists, and massage therapists nationally. Tracy teaches the essential oil component of the Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Program and is also the author of Aroma Yoga®: How to Use Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice. Visit for Tracy’s upcoming classes and workshops.

Better health with essential oils
Chauncey Penfold

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Winning Entry

August 4, 2011

We want to thank everyone who took the time to participate in the Essential 7 blog contest. The number of quality responses overwhelmed us and made it difficult to pick just one winner. It was exciting to see how many people’s lives have been improved by the power of essential oils. We would like to share our favorite entries:
Winning entry:
I have been using Young Living essential oils for more than a year now and will never go back. I’m a 22-year-old dance teacher who has seen her share of injuries. I have had a bad hip for about five years now and was told I would need an expensive operation to correct it.
I then turned to Young Living’s PanAway®. It was the best thing ever and now my hip doesn’t limit my activity level. I don’t go anywhere without it and my students are always asking to borrow it. Thanks, Young Living!
-Karlie Gilbert
Runner up:
My husband was a non-believer in the power of the oils until one day when he came home from work in an extra grumpy mood. The combination of work, money, and our two noisy children pushed him over the edge. I was not going to let his grumpiness rub off on me, so I added a couple of drops of Peace and Calming® to our diffuser and to my neck without saying a word to him. All the while, my hubby was in the kitchen grumpily muttering about options for dinner and dirty dishes piled in the sink.
After about five minutes—the time it took for the scent to make it to the kitchen—he started humming under his breath and then he came up behind me and said “I don’t think I got a kiss when I got home.” I giggled under my breath and we went on to have a peaceful and calming evening. Did I mention our children didn’t fuss the rest of the evening? I told him later that night what I had done and he admitted that Young Living Essential oils “might” actually work!
-Amanda Smith
Congratulations to Karlie for her winning entry—she will receive a free Essential 7 kit. Even though you may not have won the contest, you can still take advantage of the Essential 7 August promotion. Thanks again to our readers for your entries, and don’t forget to congratulate our winner.
—Ryan Seely, YL Product Marketing Manager

Improve health with essential oils
Chauncey Penfold

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thinking with Clarity

August 1, 2011

Several years ago I attended a week-long writers conference. I settled into my room and took out my Travel Fan Diffuser, poured what I thought was Peace & Calming®, and proceeded to look at the handbook for what class to take the next hour.
Attending a class on writing dialogue for multimedia, I was surprised at how easy it was for me to understand the intent. It was much easier than ever before. I realized that the diffusion had an amazing effect on my ability to expand my understanding of writing techniques. Entering my dorm room, I went to hold the bottle and discovered it was Clarity™!
Consider how often we need more clarity in our lives: while working, approaching any challenge, and even when we are afraid. Diffusing Clarity is simply the best approach to enhancing our ability to think clearer and be more creative.
A 15-year-old girl had issues with concentration and this affected her testing scores. When deciding which oils could help her, we settled on: one drop of Clarity, one drop of frankincense, and one drop of Brain Power™ once a day on the back of her neck up the spine and into the soft spot between the first cervical vertebrae and the skull. We also suggested diffusing Clarity while studying. Within 30 days she was seeing marked improvements in her test scores.
For those of us who simply want to grow in our understanding or release our difficulties in learning, think of the following:
  • Pick a subject you are not familiar with, yet curious about. Whether it is drawing or history or hiking, it is all to heighten your life experience. Biologically our brains become more active when we seek greater challenges.
  • Start diffusing Clarity daily for at least a half hour twice a day.
  • Apply Clarity on the back of your neck up the spine and into the soft spot between the first cervical vertebrae and the skull.
  • Apply Brain Power on your temples.
  • Apply frankincense on your hairline (real or imagined it still works).
Enter into your journey assured that you have an amazing trio of helpers. Now relax and discover how these blessed essential oils assist us in every aspect of our lives.
—Nancy Weber, RN, CCA, CAAI – Medical Intuitive, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, Animal Communitcator, Psychic Detective. For animal lovers check the new power point and Animal Scent Newsletters.
Flowers From My Heart – a newly released book by Amanda Borghese – layout design by Nancy Weber!

Better Health with essential oils
Chauncey Penfold
337 856 9461