By: Samson LaForet
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If you're anything like me, you know how important link'>">link building is but you also dread all the work required to do it well. After all, link building is the real secret behind making your website successful in any niche no matter what the competition is. To help with that, The Marketing Assassins Tim and Anthony Buchalka created the Web Traffic Genius plugin. But you're probably worried that it's just another scam.
Read on to find out why that just isn't true:
1. Automatically Submits To RSS Directories - Link building is my life. So, any time I can find something that makes the process much easier, I jump on it. That's what originally drew me to Web Traffic Genius. Every time you put up a new blog post, your feed is submitted to some of the major RSS directories on the web.
This strategy is huge for getting your blog or Web 2.0 sites listed. Ask any of the major SEO affiliate players and they'll tell you just how powerful RSS is for your business.
2. Creates Feeds For Each Post - Every post that you make with Web Traffic Genius installed will end up getting it's own feed. Again, the power of this is that you're compounding the amount of backlinks that you get. In the past you had to manually submit an RSS feed to a directory and you would only do it for your main site.
But when you have a feed for each post, you multiply the submissions without having to do any extra work.
3. Link Building For Other Sites - This is a secret that I'm almost a little bit afraid to let out. When you setup the plugin, there will be a few configuration steps you'll have to follow. And if you look carefully, you'll see that there's a menu item called ExtraFeeds. Basically, this allows you to put in other websites. This may not sound like anything special to you.
But when you realize that every time you post, you'll not only be building links to your blog, you'll also be building links to those other sites, there's no stopping your potential.
4. Easiest Blog You'll Ever Build - What really surprised me about Web Traffic Genius was their customized Wordpress package that they put together that combines the Web Traffic Genius plugin with a bunch of other plugins designed to make your website go skyhigh in the search engines. I couldn't believe this the first time I tried it out.
If you're into creating niche sites, this alone will be worth your money for the time it will save you.
Article Source: Articlesnatch">Articlesnatch
About the Author:I'm so excited about the Web Traffic Genius plugin that I hope you'll act right now and read more of my Web Traffic Genius review. You'll even find out about the special bonus I'm offering for people who take action to get their sites listed on page one.
Read more: Article/Web-Traffic-Genius-Review---Don-t-Buy-The-Web-Traffic-Genius-Plugin-Before-Reading-This-Article/863597#ixzz1VnsFHsyd">Article/Web-Traffic-Genius-Review---Don-t-Buy-The-Web-Traffic-Genius-Plugin-Before-Reading-This-Article/863597#ixzz1VnsFHsyd
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