Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Control, Helplessness, and Love

Control, Helplessness, and Love

During my 35 years of counseling individuals, couples, families and business partners, I have discovered that an important purpose of our controlling behavior in our relationships is to avoid the feeling of helplessness. One of the hardest feelings to feel is helplessness. Most of us are unwilling to even know what we are and are not helpless over. Our controlling behavior toward others generally comes from our unwillingness to accept our helplessness over others feelings and behavior. We do not want to know that we are helpless over whether another chooses to be loving and accepting toward us or judgmental and rejecting toward us.

If we truly accepted our helplessness over others, would we continue to get angry at them? Would we continue to blame, to judge, shame, criticize? Would we continue to comply, or to be nice instead of honest? If we truly accepted our helplessness over whether others loved us and accepted us, would we work so hard to prove our worth to others?

Sometimes - because we often manage to have control over getting approval or avoiding disapproval - we may confuse approval with love and think we can have control over getting love. But love is always a gift freely given with no strings attached. We may receive attention and approval when we try to control getting love from another, but that is generally short-lived and not fulfilling.

Moving beyond our controlling behavior, as well as our core shame the belief that we are inherently bad, inadequate, unlovable, unworthy, not good enough, happens easily and naturally once we fully accept our helplessness over others intention to be open or closed, loving or unloving, accepting or judgmental. Our core shame is one of our deepest, oldest false beliefs and one of our oldest protections against our feelings of helplessness. Our shame gives us the illusion of power over others: that is, we tell ourselves that if we are not being loved because we are not good enough, we can continue to strive to be good enough and then we will have control over getting the love we want. Believing in our core shame allows us to believe that we cause others to be unloving to us, that it is our fault when others are unloving because we are not good enough. It takes us out of the truth of our helplessness and into a sense of control - if only we change ourselves we can then change others. This illusion of control over other peoples feelings about us is difficult for most people to give up.

Paradoxically, accepting our helplessness over others leads us to our personal power. Once we fully accept that we cannot have control over others loving us and taking care of us, we may then finally decide to learn how to take care of our own feelings and needs.. This major step moves us out of being victims of others choices and into control over our own lives, which is what we do have control over. We do have control over our own intent to learn about loving ourselves and others, or protect against pain with some from of controlling behavior. You will feel incredibly empowered once you fully accept your helplessness over others. Try it! For one week, try throughout the day reminding yourself that you are helpless over others feelings and behavior. You will be astounded at the results!

Once you accept your helplessness over others, then lots of energy is released to take care of yourself. Many of us have been taught that taking care of ourselves is selfish. Contrary to taking care of yourself being selfish, taking care of your own feelings and needs is what personal responsibility is all about. As long as you make others responsible for your feelings of worth and lovability, you will try to control how others treat you and feel about you. As soon as you take responsibility for defining your own worth and lovability and taking care of your own feelings and needs, you move out of being a victim and into personal power.

The challenge is to accept our helplessness over others. This is often difficult, because

By ContentMart EditorPublished 01/20/2005Health Medical Fitness Rating: Unrated

Content Mart Editor

Friday, August 27, 2010

Don not Be Fooled By Your Symptoms

Don not Be Fooled By Your Symptoms

Why do we so easily get fooled into focusing upon symptoms and blinded as to their causes? The very act of focusing so fully upon the symptom itself distracts your attention away from its root cause. This is true of many things in life, be it work, relationships or health. We pay dearly for this folly in every area, but none more so than in our health.

In a relationship it becomes all too easy to pay attention to a minor argument whilst not looking at the emotions and the history which have set a solid foundation from which that little squabble has sprung. In reality the only way to make things better in the long run is to look at the whole picture and not at that one little blip on the horizon. We know this, but do we do it?

Why do we turn a blind eye to the bigger picture? Usually the answer is because we are afraid. We don not want to be confrontational, or we are scared that pandoras box is about to be opened and the lid will never go back down. We are basically creatures of habit and are scared of change and the unknown. But in a relationship this is not always the best way forward.

In business it is similarly easy to become tied up in the focus upon symptoms as opposed to their causes. Unless you have a solid understanding of the overall business you can easily find yourself fighting fire in a frenzy of frustration and losing sight of where you are meant to be heading. This is why in large businesses there are key people whose task it is to maintain their focus and organize all players to best achieve the desired result.

But if you are a one man band you have to do everything yourself. You have to find a way in which to deal with the minutia and the overview. This can be a challenging task and one of the easiest ways in which to fail is to spend endless hours dealing with the lumps and bumps, thereby distracting your attention away from what you really want - propelling your business forwards in the right direction.

In health issues we can see this same pattern so very clearly. You get indigestion and take a Rennie or equivalent. You get a hangover and nurse it all day, but do you stop drinking so much? You get acid reflux, IBS, stress and endless other symptoms, but do you change your lifestyle? Do you change your attitude? But you can ignore the messages which your body is trying to tell you at your own peril!

It is important though not only to observe your own body and lifestyle, but to take a look at the bigger picture too. The community in which we live has a major impact upon our health and our susceptibility to disease. Read a little about the Roseto Study and I'm sure you will agree.

As a community we suffer heart disease, cancer and many, many illnesses which scientific research has clearly shown are caused as much by the way in which we live if not more so as by our genetic inheritance. When I say the way we live I do not just refer to diet and exercise regimes; I mean community spirit, the effect of being in a good and close relationship, family support, relaxation and balance.

It is very clear that the only way in which these major health issues can be tackled is by looking at the whole community, not just the whole person and certainly not focusing merely upon the symptom.

Focusing upon symptoms is the easy way out, but in reality it is a cop out; Unless you open your eyes to the bigger picture it may ultimately prove to be a killer.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for health, balance and well-being.

P.S. Curious about hypnosis? You can get a free hypnosis mp3 from my website.

About the AuthorWith a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy, NLP and sports psychology, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from http://www.RoseannaLeaton.com and peruse her extensive library of hypnotherapy health downloads for well-being

Author: RoseannaLeaton

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Health Diabetes

Health Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus: Easy methods to conquer DIABETES MELLITUS: FALL IN LOVE WITH IT!

Know for sure that once href="http://www.penfolds.net/health-wellness-life">diabetes has taken hold of your body, it has fallen in love with it. The natural corollary is that diabetes won,t leave your body!

Then, what do you do with such a headstrong partner?


The crucial moment calls for the accurate shots diplomatic moves at the right moment when your opponent spouse is at its weakest!

As you sing its song, dance to its rhythm and satisfy it with your acquiescence, that's actually the time when you can take control of it.


That,s true!

Mind control is the cue!

Using this tactic, which become a habit with us, we can cure all ailments including diabetes mellitus.


Medical studies have found that diabetes is not a disease that appears overnight.

One thing is for sure, though. Diabetes mellitus can be cured naturally.

The means are yoga and Ayurveda.


Both yoga and Ayurveda are age-old time-tested means to strengthen the body through natural means.


Obviously once you let a wound fester; it can turn cancerous with disastrous consequences for the sufferer.


So is the case with the ailment ,diabetes, or diabetes mellitus: Diabetes is a life-long partner.\
Now, how do you adjust with your lifetime mate?

Don,t you love your spouse, share time together and also take care of each other?
You do.


You can, and should manage your mind. Then, you will insulate your body against all forms of diseases.

Else, you,ll become a slave of your inclinations or desires. And, know for sure such a lifestyle will land you in a soup!

Your body will revolt, the naturally gifted authority to check attacks of germs and viruses will get weakened, and you will very soon be a patient.

The moment you give space to such urges one blocks the logical part of the mind. On the other hand, that part of the mind is activated, which makes us feel good. That portion is the manager of all our urges.

So in the above situation, even though the mind does remain active it stays so only partially – hence we feel the pleasures. At that juncture, we fail to reason out or we simply do not like to do any serious thinking. This reasoning capability again comes to the fore once the urge is satisfied.
However, it has been found that sometimes we carry on logical exercises in our minds even as we physically indulge in the pleasurable activities. This typical situation happens when we are under stress. Tension, fatigue, and unknown apprehensions are the catalysts.


Yoga is a set of ancient time-proven Indian set of exercises. Yoga helps to synthesize the body of the practitioner yogi with his mind.
The ancient Indian treatises and folk-lore bear adequate testimony to the fact that yoga can deal with all forms of attacks on the human body – both physical as well as mental.

Thus, regular practicing of the mind control exercises through meditation tapasya, deliberate breathing pranayama in particular moves asanas give us the magical power to be the masters of our minds!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Could you give up soft drinks for better health?

Could you give up soft drinks for better health?

Author: Robert Hilke
Total views: 35 Comments: 0

Word Count: 683 Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 8:36 PM Important Details About Soft Drinks versus Ionized Alkaline Water.

Category: Top Health

Author: Robert Hilke
Total views: 35 Comments: 0

Word Count: 683 Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 8:36 PM Important Details About Soft Drinks versus Ionized Alkaline Water

Could you give up soft drinks for better health?

Most people know that soft drinks are loaded with sugar. Do you also know that soda drinks are very acidic? Most people probably have no idea about that. And even when they did know about the acidic pH, fewer individuals would understand how dangerous that is for their health. Over time, a diet loaded with acid results in a body that has gathered much acid. The acidic pH that accumulates in the body makes it hard to maintain ideal weight, and it can lead to osteoporosis and other severe and chronic well being complications.

But, did you also know there are other dangers of drinking soft drinks?

Soda Drinks - Full of acid, sure, however what else?

How healthy are your soda drinks? Many individuals already know that soda drinks are full of acid that is dangerous to the human physique, however, prior to 2005, some soft drinks also had very elevated ranges of benzene. In a examine completed in 2005 by the FDA, many soda-drinks and juices being offered then had levels of benzene better than 1 elements be billion ppb. The FDA permits as much as 5 ppb.

What is Benzene?
Benzene is a chemical that is considered to be linked to leukemia. Benzoate is found naturally in cranberry juice. Benzene will be created by a response in the soft drink or soda or juice if it contains Vitamin C, or additive of Vitamin C, and a preservative like sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Add a little bit of heat and light, and you could possibly have benzene.

Due to this discovering by the FDA, some soft drink producers are altering their formulas.

Despite the well being dangers of soda drinks, this is without doubt one of the most commonly consumed drinks in America. What number of times do you choose not to take the soda drink along with your fast food order to drink water as an alternative of the soda? How many cans of soda do you gulp per week? How many different varieties of soda drinks do you have cooling in your fridge?

Wow! With all the soft drinks Americans consume, no wonder so many people are in trouble with their health.

So what is a healthy alternative to ingesting all that soda?

Alkaline Water - made with a Water Ionizer.

It would be helpful if each person would turn away from the use of soft drinks that are extremely acidic, loaded with sugar, and as the above data suggests, other doubtlessly dangerous ingredients.

As a substitute turn to the use of Alkaline PH Water which is loaded with minerals to nourish the body, is alkaline to assist in balancing body balance pH, is microclustered to dramatically enhance hydration, and with a negative ORP (oxidative oxidation potential) to help slow down the aging process.
What an exquisite change that may be!

What a beautiful enhancement in your health you could achieve!

It is easier than you suppose to make the change.

Alkaline Water Ionizer Machines are easier than ever to obtain. You can easily connect one to the sink in your kitchen and begin immediately to enjoy healthy alkaline ph water that is rich in minerals and alkaline pH.

While the case for good health is strong in favor of Water Ionization, it is important to note that not all water ionizer machines are the same. Water Ionizers vary greatly in design, capability, flow rate, results and warranty. Recommended specifications include solid platinum coated titanium electrolysis plates with at least 490 sq. in. surface area, a pH range of 2.5 to 11.5, an ORP range of -800, 5 year warranty without small print such as geographic location or source water quality, no water flow constraint required to achieve pH ORP ratings, and at least 230 watts in order to provide enough power to perform a sufficient quantity of electrolysis with reasonable flow rate.
About the Author Change Your Water and Change Your Life today with Kangen Water Ionizer to make healthy mineral rich ionized alkaline water that is delicious and which produces powerful antiaging properties. http://waterionizerbiz.com 800-584-3596 begin of the skype high lighting 800-584-3596 end of the skype highlighting.

Author: Robert Hilke Total views: 35 Comments: 0

Word Count: 683 Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 8:36 PM Important Details About Soft Drinks versus Ionized Alkaline Water Could you give up soft drinks for better health?
Most people know that soft drinks are loaded with sugar. Do you also know that soda drinks are very acidic? Most people probably have no idea about that. And even when they did know about the acidic pH, fewer individuals would understand how dangerous that is for their health. Over time, a diet loaded with acid results in a body that has gathered much acid. The acidic pH that accumulates in the body makes it hard to maintain ideal weight, and it can lead to osteoporosis and other severe and chronic well being complications.

But, did you also know there are other dangers of drinking soft drinks?

Soda Drinks - Full of acid, sure, however what else?

How healthy are your soda drinks? Many individuals already know that soda drinks are full of acid that's dangerous to the human physique, however, prior to 2005, some soft drinks also had very elevated ranges of benzene. In a examine completed in 2005 by the FDA, many soda-drinks and juices being offered then had levels of benzene better than 1 elements be billion ppb. The FDA permits as much as 5 ppb.

What is Benzene?

Benzene is a chemical that is considered to be linked to leukemia. Benzoate is found naturally in cranberry juice. Benzene will be created by a response in the soft drink or soda or juice if it contains Vitamin C, or additive of Vitamin C, and a preservative like sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Add a little bit of heat and light, and you could possibly have benzene.

Due to this discovering by the FDA, some soft drink producers are altering their formulas.

Despite the well being dangers of soda drinks, this is without doubt one of the most commonly consumed drinks in America. What number of times do you choose not to take the soda drink along with your fast food order to drink water as an alternative of the soda? How many cans of soda do you gulp per week? How many different varieties of soda drinks do you have cooling in your fridge?

Wow! With all the soft drinks Americans consume, no wonder so many people are in trouble with their health.

So what is a healthy alternative to ingesting all that soda?

Alkaline Water - made with a Water Ionizer.

It would be helpful if each person would turn away from the use of soft drinks that are extremely acidic, loaded with sugar, and as the above data suggests, other doubtlessly dangerous ingredients.

As a substitute turn to the use of Alkaline PH Water which is loaded with minerals to nourish the body, is alkaline to assist in balancing body balance pH, is microclustered to dramatically enhance hydration, and with a negative ORP oxidative oxidation potential to help slow down the aging process.
What an exquisite change that may be!

What a beautiful enhancement in your health you could achieve!

It is easier than you suppose to make the change.

Alkaline Water Ionizer Machines are easier than ever to obtain. You can easily connect one to the sink in your kitchen and begin immediately to enjoy healthy alkaline ph water that is rich in minerals and alkaline pH.

While the case for good health is strong in favor of Water Ionization, it is important to note that not all water ionizer machines are the same. Water Ionizers vary greatly in design, capability, flow rate, results and warranty. Recommended specifications include solid platinum coated titanium electrolysis plates with at least 490 sq. in. surface area, a pH range of 2.5 to 11.5, an ORP range of -800, 5 year warranty without small print such as geographic location or source water quality, no water flow constraint required to achieve pH ORP ratings, and at least 230 watts in order to provide enough power to perform a sufficient quantity of electrolysis with reasonable flow rate.

About the AuthorChange Your Water and Change Your Life today with Kangen Water Ionizer to make healthy mineral rich ionized alkaline water that is delicious and which produces powerful antiaging properties. http://waterionizerbiz.com 800-584-3596 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-584-3596 end of the skype highlighting

Most people know that soft drinks are loaded with sugar. Do you also know that soda drinks are very acidic? Most people probably have no idea about that. And even when they did know about the acidic pH, fewer individuals would understand how dangerous that is for their health. Over time, a diet loaded with acid results in a body that has gathered much acid. The acidic pH that accumulates in the body makes it hard to maintain ideal weight, and it can lead to osteoporosis and other severe and chronic well being omplications.

But, did you also know there are other dangers of drinking soft drinks?

Soda Drinks - Full of acid, sure, however what else?

How healthy are your soda drinks? Many individuals already know that soda drinks are full of acid that is dangerous to the human physique, however, prior to 2005, some soft drinks also had very elevated ranges of benzene. In a examine completed in 2005 by the FDA, many soda-drinks and juices being offered then had levels of benzene better than 1 elements be billion ppb. The FDA permits as much as 5 ppb.

What is Benzene?

Benzene is a chemical that is considered to be linked to leukemia. Benzoate is found naturally in cranberry juice. Benzene will be created by a response in the soft drink or soda or juice if it contains Vitamin C, or additive of Vitamin C, and a preservative like sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate. Add a little bit of heat and light, and you could possibly have benzene.

Due to this discovering by the FDA, some soft drink producers are altering their formulas.

Despite the well being dangers of soda drinks, this is without doubt one of the most commonly consumed drinks in America. What number of times do you choose not to take the soda drink along with your fast food order to drink water as an alternative of the soda? How many cans of soda do you gulp per week? How many different varieties of soda drinks do you have cooling in your fridge?

Wow! With all the soft drinks Americans consume, no wonder so many people are in trouble with their health.
So wha is a healthy alternative to ingesting all that soda?

Alkaline Water - made with a Water Ionizer.

It would be helpful if each person would turn away from the use of soft drinks that are extremely acidic, loaded with sugar, and as the above data suggests, other doubtlessly dangerous ingredients.

As a substitute turn to the use of Alkaline PH Water which is loaded with minerals to nourish the body, is alkaline to assist in balancing body balance pH, is microclustered to dramatically enhance hydration, and with a negative ORP oxidative oxidation potential to help slow down the aging process.
What an exquisite change that may be!

What a beautiful enhancement in your health you could achieve!

While the case for good health is strong in favor of Water Ionization, it is important to note that not all water ionizer machines are the same. Water Ionizers vary greatly in design, capability, flow rate, results and warranty. Recommended specifications include solid platinum coated titanium electrolysis plates with at least 490 sq. in. surface area, a pH range of 2.5 to 11.5, an ORP range of -800, 5 year warranty without small print such as geographic location or source water quality, no water flow constraint required to achieve pH ORP ratings, and at least 230 watts in order to provide enough power to perform a sufficient quantity of electrolysis with reasonable flow rate.

About the AuthorChange Your Water and Change Your Life today with Kangen Water Ionizer to make healthy mineral rich ionized alkaline water that is delicious and which produces powerful antiaging properties. http://waterionizerbiz.com 800-584-3596 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting.

800-584-3596 end of the skype highlighting.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Join the wonderful World Health form essential oils

Join the wonderful World Health form essential oils


I welcome you to my new world of Young Living Essential Oils. Of course, essential oils are not new; they are just fairly new to me and maybe to you, also. I get so excited realizing that God created all these incredibly awesome plants even before He created us! Genesis 1:11-12

Wholistic natural medicine and s have been my way of life for over 35 years. My son was delivered by a naturopath at his clinic almost 34 years ago, and my doctor has always been a naturopath. You may have heard of Bastyr University located in Kenmore, WA. I was Bastyrs first full-time Registrar when it was a fledgling college in Seattle, WA.

I have used the most excellent food supplements, Chinese and American herbs, homeopathic products, air purifiers, etc. that I could find for my family, myself, my pets, and my home but something was missing. I was always searching for some product that worked better and faster, some new discovery and then in the Spring of 2007 I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and I have been a believer ever since! Essential oils are the missing link I have been looking for! Not new at all, but centuries old; yet new ways to use each oil are being discovered by people like you and me every day.

Essential oils make so much sense! The oil is the essence, life blood, of the plant; therefore, the healing medicinal properties are so much more powerful than dried herbs and vitamins, and they are absorbed into our bloodstream within minutes. Of course, not all oils are created, or should I say, cultivated and distilled the same. That is why I only use and can safely recommend Young Living products.

Sadly, a little-known fact is that the United States does not regulate or require labeling standards for essential oils - so often times an essential oil will be labeled 100 percent Pure when in fact, it is not.

There are 4 different grades of essential oils:

Grade A

Is the highest grade of essential oils. This is what we term Therapeutic-Grade essential oil. Therapeutic-grade essential oils are carefully steam distilled from organically grown plants at low temperatures to maintain the highest constituent value healing properties the plant has to offer. These oils will not contain any pesticides, chemicals, or other contaminates. All of the beneficial and healing molecules will remain intact. Grade B is food grade and may contain pesticides and chemicals.

Grade B essential oils will not be distilled with the same care as grade A essential oils, therefore they will not contain the same healing value.

Grade C
Essential oils are perfume grade. These will not be from organically grown plants and in most cases are extracted with solvents, which produce a higher yield, rather than steam distillation. Grade C essential oils are distilled only for their aroma and will contain many impurities; some of which may even be carcinogens.

Floral Water is the by-product of the distillation process and is a common ingredient in many skin and hair products.

The quality will vary depending on the purity of the distilled plants. All of Young Living Essential Oils are therapeutic-grade essential oils. Because the United States does not regulate the quality of essential oils, Young Living has taken it upon themselves to set the standard for the highest-quality and most pure essential oils. If an essential oil does not meet Young Livings high standards of purity and constituent value, it will be rejected. Therefore, from time to time, there may be essential oils that are not available through Young Living, yet may be available through another company.

Do not be fooled - insist on the best! It is my desire to tell others what I have discovered and learned. To share with the world, information about Gods incredible gift of essential oils--information that has been passed down through the ages, and is being rediscovered by today’s science.

If you or someone you know is passionate about health and purity of product, please visit my product website and contact me if you have questions or need help making choices.

Come, join me on this incredible journey into a real world of health, wellness and joy Isaiah 61:3…He gives the oil of joy… I really do Love These Oils!
May God bless you and your loved ones with vibrant health.

Victoria Irving

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Young Living Essential Oils Income Opportunity

Young Living Essential Oils Income Opportunity

Young Living Essential Oils is a company which produces, markets, and sells natural products that focus on beauty and well-being. The company is the largest of its kind when it comes to essential oils. Founded by Gary Young, the company offers an opportunity for individuals to become distributors. The company boasts low start-up costs and great profits.

As a distributor, you will sell all Young Living Essential Oils products and receive profit for each product sold. Although it may sound like a typical job, it is not a job. Distributors essentially own their own home-based business selling these products to friends, family, and other connections.

The company sells more than just essential oils and therapeutic products. They sell a whole line of beauty products and dietary supplements. Products range from shampoos, cleansers, and lotions to colon cleansers, vitamins, and weight loss supplements. These products have appeal with those focused on skin care and youth. As the company says, Young Living Essential Oils is all about the body, soul, and mind.

Once you decide to become a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils, the company will offer complete training and marketing products, some for fee and others that are free of charge. As a distributor, you all have access to brochures, catalogs, DVDs, and other marketing and training materials. When it comes to start-up costs, it varies from distributor to distributor because the cost will depend on the amount of training and marketing materials you decide to purchase.

This company states they are a multi-national company which means they do business all over the world. Their specialty happens to be the manufacturing and marketing of therapeutic-grade essential oils as well as products enhances with these special oils. Gary Young happens to be the founder. He learned the power of these oils through personal experience that led him on a world crusade to educate himself on the value of these oils and their medicinal benefits. Now the company has over 130 different types of oils they sell through their reps, and an additional 250 nutritional and personal care products.

Young Living Essential Oils follows a very traditional sales method and believes that the best way of selling a product or spreading the news is through the word-of-mouth approach. This distributorship opportunity is particularly suitable for those who have a large network of friends and family. In fact, the company calls itself a relationship marketing company.

You can make profits in ways other than simply selling products. You can create a multiple stream of income by recruiting others to become Young  distributor. They are a multi-level company who will pay you a percentage of your recruited distributors profits, and the profits of their recruited distributors. In this way, you can earn an income even without selling any of the products yourself.

Like other businesses, you can have the same freedom and benefits with Young Living Essential Oils. As a distributor, you can sell as little or as much as you would like and make your own schedule. This means that you can run a full-time or part-time business around your current job and family responsibilities.

Author: Brian Garvin

Article Source:


Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to Young Living!

Welcome to Young Living!
I'm so glad that you've decided to investigate this wonderful company and its unique and effective products. You can experience Young Living for yourself by visiting my site and exploring the wonderful products for yourself.

One exciting product I think you will like is Raindrop Technique Essential Oil Collection. Raindrop Technique® combines the art of aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage in the application of essential oils to various areas of the body. This collection provides a revolutionary means of bringing balance and harmony to the body - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

This is but one small example of the huge collection of unique products we have to offer. Please feel free to call or email me if I can answer any questions or provide additional information.


Chauncey Penfold
Skype: chauncey.penfold

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Essential Oils are the way to permote beter Health and Wellness

Essential Oils are the way to permote beter Health and Wellness

Gout Pain Testimony by Keith Bartholmew

A couple months ago we had the opportunity of hearing Gary speak. He told of his experiences using the oils on pre and post op. patients in Ecuador. During his lecture he spoke on how and what oils they were using to help their patients deal with pain. A week or two later I had an attack of gout. When I get a full blown attack, as this one was, it is very painful with a lot of swelling, and it hit all at once. I can be walking fine when I went to bed but was not be able to put a shoe on when I got up the next morning. I cannot stand to have anything touch the swollen area. Sleep is out of the question, as soon as I move I am wide awake. If the swelling is in my knees or feet, I have to use a cane to walk. Our Doctor prescribes 800mg of ibuprofen up to 6 times a day....not a good choice.

Remembering Gary lecture I blended 20 drops of Valerian, 10 drops of helichrysum, 3 drops of cloves and 3 drops of peppermint in an ounce of waterand drank it down. Gary said that he loves working with the people in Ecuador because he can tell them to take this oil or that oil and they do, and say thank you. Here in the US we question him, will it taste bad, or I do not like the smell.

I would like to say that instantly the pain was gone, but it did not work that way. The oils worked very subtle, but in 3-4 hours I realized that the hard pain was gone. I slept all night...what a joy.

The next day I still had the swelling, but no hard pain. That night I took half dose, 10 - 5 - 2 - 2 drops respectively, and again slept the night through. The next morning the swelling was down enough that I could get shoes on and could walk without a cane. The amazing thing is there was no hard pain.

Normally a gout attack will last a week to 10 days. This time it was 3 days, and only one day did I have hard pain.
Gotta love the oils.....even if they donot taste like chocolate.
Keith Bartholomew.

Sleep through the night

Gary also mentioned that part of our sleeping problems is because of acid build up in our bodies. I found that taking a level teaspoon full of Alkalime at bed time and I sleep the night through. I used to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep until it was about time to get up. Now I seldom wake up during the night. Try it; you'll like it.


Nancy Sanderson shares husband Blaines knee problem.

We are using the pain formula that Gary told us about that he uses on patients in Ecuador.

20 Valerian,

10 helichrysum

3 clove

3 peppermint in 1/2 oz of water.

As Keith says it does not taste like chocolate, nor smells like chocolate. Anyway that has really helped with his pain. Now that it is spring and that time of year to do irrigating on the ranch, Blaine is on his knee from daylight to dark. So by the time he is off of it, it is really hurting.

The knee is a whole lot better to where he can bend it, but it still hurts pretty bad at times. Gary said that it could take 6 months or longer to rejuvenate the knee.

Another thing that we are doing as Keith learned from Gary is to use Alkalime to neutralize the acid in the blood. Having acid in the blood it causes the paint to be more severe and you can not sleep at night. This has really helped Blaine to sleep better too. At night when we use the pain blend I have had to stop using peppermint as that was keeping Blaine awake at night. So I have added 20 Vetiver to it and leave the peppermint out. That works great. Plus he is taking 1 Tbls of MegaCal, 1 Tbls Sulfurzyme, and 1 Tbls of BLM. and then around noon 10 drops of wintergreen in 1/2 oz water.

The oils we use on his knee is Palo Santo, wintergreen, lemongrass (at times as it is to hot for the knee), M-Grain because the oils in this blend are all anti-inflammatory, and NeuroGen for the penetration of all the oils. It feels like Ben Gay with the heating action, so it is very soothing. At times we switch the oils and use 1/2 valerian, and ½ vetiver, with PanAway for fast pain relief with peppermint.

As you recall Blaine could not bend his knee, it was swollen three times the size and very hot to touch. He could not drive let alone sit in the seat. He had to sit in the back and have his leg propped up on the seat. He could not put his sock on or put his leg in the pant leg. Now he is irrigating the fields and doing everything he did before. He sometimes over does it and of course the knee hurts, as it is still healing and he does over do it.
He has come a long way and he still has a long ways to go but you sure can see the difference. Injuries like this can take a long time to rejuvenate so be persistent.

Nancy Sanderson


Do not expect the same results unless you are using Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils and supplements. Also each person is different so they may not work as well for you as it does for others so try another oil or supplement that would work better for you.

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are required by law to state.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Consult with the health authorities of your.

Nancy Sanderson

Thes are some of the many uses of products avable from Youngliving to to
permote good health and wellness

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What is Health and Wellness

What is Health and Wellness 

Wellness is a state of optimal well-being that is oriented toward maximizing an individual s potential. This is a life-long process of moving towards enhancing your physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental well-being.

These six dimensions highlight important components of wellness. Take time to explore your own level of wellness and see if you have gotten your dose of wellness today!


Wellness is the integration of mind, body and spirit. Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. Overall, wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety of ways. Wellness involves continually learning and making changes to enhance your state of wellness. When we balance the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, and environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness.

A healthy body maintained by good nutrition, regular exercise, avoiding harmful habits, making informed and responsible decisions about health, and seeking medical assistance when necessary. To remain well, physical wellness requires that you take steps to protect your physical health by eating well, getting plenty of exercise, maintaining a proper weight, getting enough sleep, avoiding risky sexual behavior, and restricting intake of harmful substances.


Many wellness promoters, myself included, see wellness as a philosophy that embraces many principles for good health. The areas most closely affected by your wellness commitments include self-responsibility, exercise and fitness, nutrition, stress management, critical thinking, meaning and purpose or spirituality, emotional intelligence, humor and play and effective relationships. At SeekWellness, all these and related areas are covered in much detail in varied ways.


What does wellness mean to you? Wellness is more than being free from illness. Wellness is a dynamic process of change and growth. There are many interrelated dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, environmental, and occupational. Each dimension is equally vital in the pursuit of optimum health.

Want to enhance your social wellness? Hang out with some friends at the Coffee

House or get involved with student programs and activities.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Natural Beauty of the Young Living Essential oils

The Natural Beauty of the Young Living Essential oils

The Natural Beauty of the Young Living Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser.

If you havenot had a chance to try out the Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser from Young Living Essential Oils, you are in for a big surprise. The Aria is more than a diffuser—it is a beautiful piece of décor that fits elegantly in any home. Donot let the natural look of the solid wood base and glass top fool you into thinking the Aria is simplistic though. Inside are incredibly fun gadgets that will not only set the mood with your essential oils, but it is also fun to share with your new Young Living friends.

Here are some features of the Aria not to miss.

» The wood base is American Maple and is absolutely gorgeous.

» The Aria has built-in speakers that play 12 minutes of relaxing music.

» Want to hear your own music? Simply plug in your own music player.

» Run the Aria from across the room with the remote control.

» Lights! Yes, the Aria has rotating LED lights to create a soothing ambiance.

I keep my Aria in my living room. I’m amazed how quickly people respond to the diffuser when they come into my house. Talking about Young Living products couldn’t be easier.

Have you purchased an Aria yet? I would love to hear your impressions. Just add your comments below.

Why I Like the New TheraPro Premium Essential Oil Diffuser

Young Living recently unveiled two new diffusers—TheraPro Premium Diffuser and Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser. One of these two diffusers will fit your style of diffusing Young Living essential oils. In this post, I really like the TheraPro diffuser.

TheraPro Premium Diffuser

If you’re after serious therapeutic diffusion, TheraPro is the best choice.

The engineer who partnered with Young Living created this all-in-one model, making sure the oil droplets coming out of the atomizer are the smallest ever—between one and three microns. Small micron size means quick respiratory absorption for quick therapeutic action. To test it out, simply slip in a 15 ml bottle of any eucalyptus Young Living essential oil in and experience the difference.

The atomizing diffuser in the TheraPro is a real work horse. I turned on four TheraPros at maximum capacity hoping to burn out the motors after a few weeks of continuous work. Guess what? Those four diffusers are still going after more than six months, with no sign of slowing down. I am completely impressed with its solid construction.

The TheraPro is revolutionary because there is no mess and no wasted oil. Your 15 ml bottle of oil simply screws right into the atomizer. The atomizer sucks up the oil, disperses the vapor into the air, and returns the unused oil right back to the bottle. Amazing!

On the back, the TheraPro has an interface that gives you complete control of the amount of oil diffused and for how long. If you want more oil, just turn up the air volume. Donot want it on continuously? Simply use the duration controls.

Young Livings TheraPro is the best diffuser to buy if you want extras. It comes with a free 15 ml bottle of Thieves essential oil blend. There are also two atomizers included in the TheraPro box. Oh, yeah, if you want to get more atomizers, just give Young Living Customer Care a call and, they’ll hook you up with an pack of three accessory atomizers.

Gary Young's Blog at Youngliving

Friday, August 6, 2010

Youngliving essential oils the health of future

Youngliving essential oils the health of future

The following oils are part of our Everyday Oils Collection, and they are the basic oils that families all around the world use all day long to maintain vibrant health!

herapeutic grade essential oils have been treasured by nearly every ancient culture for thousands of years!


Frankincense is considered a holy anointing oil in the Middle East, where it has been used by nearly every ancient culture for thousands of years. When rubbed on the chest, its sweet, warm balsamic aroma soothes the respiratory system. Breathing Frankincense can also be beneficial for memory function thanks to its highly oxygenating molecules. To create an exotic scent in your home, combine frankincense and lemon in your diffuser. You’ll enjoy an unforgettable fragrance while eliminating unwanted airborne germs. And for timeless skin, use a few drops in your facial moisturizer.


Lemon essential oil has a pleasant, purifying citrus scent that is revitalizing and uplifting. Lemon is great for removing household stains, disinfecting countertops, and even refreshing your laundry. Its powerful germ fighting constituents match lemon’s pleasant aroma. Diffuse Lemon Oil to protect your home form airborne bacteria and put a drop in your drinking water for both extra vitamin C and to keep your liver clean.


Peppermint oil is one of the most highly regarded oils for supporting digestion — just rub a drop on your abdomen, or put a drop in a glass of water. For fever relief, place a drop of peppermint on the back of your neck and a few drops on the bottom of each foot and then breathe in the remaining oil on your hands. Are you experiencing discomfort from an injury? Rub a few drops of peppermint directly onto the injured location. At the onset of a headache, rub a few drops on your temples, forehead and back of the neck.


With its fresh, floral scent, Lavender is considered the most universal of all essential oils. Therapeutic-grade lavender oil is highly regarded as a skin and tonic. Not only is it helpful for facial blemishes, but it can also be used to soothe and cleanse common cuts, bruises, and skin irritations. Lavender helps the body to relax and enter a deep sleep when rubbed on the bottoms of the feet or inhaled at bedtime. It can also offer relief to sore muscles and muscle spasms.

Peace and Calming 

Containing tangerine, ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange and patchouli, this blend is a must for anyone experiencing stress in their life. Peace & Calming contains properties that relax the mind and calm the body. Diffusing it into your air is a favorite for many people. To calm hyperactive children on a road trip, mix Peace and Calming and water and spray into the car. For a good night sleep, rub along your spine and on the bottom of your feet. A few drops under the nostrils will also help with snoring.


Gary Young created PanAway after a severe injury to the ligaments in his leg. This proprietary blend of soothing essential oils contains wintergreen, clove, peppermint, and helichrysum and can help ease bone, muscle, and joint discomfort when rubbed on the affected area. To alleviate head pressure, rub a drop on the temples, forehead, and back of the neck. Massage 3-4 drops along the base of the spine to sooth a sore back.


Based on the historical account of four thieves in France who protected themselves with clove, rosemary, and other aromatic plants while robbing victims during the black plague, the Thieves blend is a powerhouse for your body’s defense system.

To eliminate deadly airborne bacteria, diffuse in 15-minute increments into the air of your home. Rubbed topically on the bottoms of your feet, this blend helps keep your inner defense system in peak condition. A drop in a teaspoon of honey can be very soothing for a scratchy throat. Gargling one drop in an ounce of water can help eliminate germs that cause throat infections.


Purification contains citronella, rosemary, lemongrass, lavandin, melaleuca alternifolia; and myrtle. It is one of the most cost-effective germ busting blends for your home. Easily replace moldy, musty and stale smells in an office, car or hotel room with this uplifting scent- just put a drop of Purification on a cotton ball and place it in the air vent. Purification is also a powerful insect repellent and soothes insect bites, cuts and scrapes


When applied to the feet, spine and neck, this blend of spruce, blue tansy, rosewood and frankincense supports the muscular skeletal system of the body. Valor has gained respect from chiropractors, who find it beneficial when applied on a client before and after an adjustment. Valor has been known to help those who suffer from stage fright, anxiety, and extreme tension, by rubbing few drops onto the hands and breathing deeply. To create a deeper sleep, rub on the bottoms of your feet before bed.

Youngliving has a number of sssential oils that are not listed here and nutrienal product

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lavender One of Essential oils form the Bible

Lavender One of Essential oils form the Bible

Lavender is the most versatile of all the essential oils. Therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly regarded for the skin. Lavended has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects.

It may be used to cleanse cuts,bruises and skin Irritations. The fregrance is calming,relaxing and balancing physically and emotionally. This plant is grown and distilled at the Youngliving farms.

The lavender fields are located at the Young Living farm in Mona, Utah. Utahs I-15 freeway runs parallel to the Young Living lavender fields, so many people simply pull to the side of the freeway and gaze in amazement at the purple beauty stretching across 200 acres.

Lavender harvest time in Mona, Utah, and St. Maries, Idaho, is the perfect time to reflect on all that this fragrant flower gives us.

A 2009 study at the Department of Biosciences of Saurashtra University in Rajkot, India, tested essential oils from palmarosa, evening primrose, ruberose and lavender. The scientists noted that gram positive bacteria are more susceptible to essential oils than gram negative bacteria. But lavender and palmarosa oils had a potent effect on gram negative organisms at all concentrations tested..

Lavender has so many more applications than that! I was told that the August issue of The Oprah Magazine has a nice recipe for fighting the stress that surrounds our busy lives. Take a whiff of lavender.

In 2008 Japanese researchers reported that the aroma reduces stress levels in people forced to do tough math problems. Keep a small bottle of lavender oil or lotion in your purse for when your feeling overwhelmed.

Like frankincense, lavender has properties that adapt to your bodys needs. This is one essential oil you should always have on hand!

Gary Young

The power to change the world for the better is within each of us.