Thursday, August 19, 2010

Join the wonderful World Health form essential oils

Join the wonderful World Health form essential oils


I welcome you to my new world of Young Living Essential Oils. Of course, essential oils are not new; they are just fairly new to me and maybe to you, also. I get so excited realizing that God created all these incredibly awesome plants even before He created us! Genesis 1:11-12

Wholistic natural medicine and s have been my way of life for over 35 years. My son was delivered by a naturopath at his clinic almost 34 years ago, and my doctor has always been a naturopath. You may have heard of Bastyr University located in Kenmore, WA. I was Bastyrs first full-time Registrar when it was a fledgling college in Seattle, WA.

I have used the most excellent food supplements, Chinese and American herbs, homeopathic products, air purifiers, etc. that I could find for my family, myself, my pets, and my home but something was missing. I was always searching for some product that worked better and faster, some new discovery and then in the Spring of 2007 I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils and I have been a believer ever since! Essential oils are the missing link I have been looking for! Not new at all, but centuries old; yet new ways to use each oil are being discovered by people like you and me every day.

Essential oils make so much sense! The oil is the essence, life blood, of the plant; therefore, the healing medicinal properties are so much more powerful than dried herbs and vitamins, and they are absorbed into our bloodstream within minutes. Of course, not all oils are created, or should I say, cultivated and distilled the same. That is why I only use and can safely recommend Young Living products.

Sadly, a little-known fact is that the United States does not regulate or require labeling standards for essential oils - so often times an essential oil will be labeled 100 percent Pure when in fact, it is not.

There are 4 different grades of essential oils:

Grade A

Is the highest grade of essential oils. This is what we term Therapeutic-Grade essential oil. Therapeutic-grade essential oils are carefully steam distilled from organically grown plants at low temperatures to maintain the highest constituent value healing properties the plant has to offer. These oils will not contain any pesticides, chemicals, or other contaminates. All of the beneficial and healing molecules will remain intact. Grade B is food grade and may contain pesticides and chemicals.

Grade B essential oils will not be distilled with the same care as grade A essential oils, therefore they will not contain the same healing value.

Grade C
Essential oils are perfume grade. These will not be from organically grown plants and in most cases are extracted with solvents, which produce a higher yield, rather than steam distillation. Grade C essential oils are distilled only for their aroma and will contain many impurities; some of which may even be carcinogens.

Floral Water is the by-product of the distillation process and is a common ingredient in many skin and hair products.

The quality will vary depending on the purity of the distilled plants. All of Young Living Essential Oils are therapeutic-grade essential oils. Because the United States does not regulate the quality of essential oils, Young Living has taken it upon themselves to set the standard for the highest-quality and most pure essential oils. If an essential oil does not meet Young Livings high standards of purity and constituent value, it will be rejected. Therefore, from time to time, there may be essential oils that are not available through Young Living, yet may be available through another company.

Do not be fooled - insist on the best! It is my desire to tell others what I have discovered and learned. To share with the world, information about Gods incredible gift of essential oils--information that has been passed down through the ages, and is being rediscovered by today’s science.

If you or someone you know is passionate about health and purity of product, please visit my product website and contact me if you have questions or need help making choices.

Come, join me on this incredible journey into a real world of health, wellness and joy Isaiah 61:3…He gives the oil of joy… I really do Love These Oils!
May God bless you and your loved ones with vibrant health.

Victoria Irving

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