Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Lavender Deception(Continued)

May 26, 2011 One of the chemical compounds in lavandin is camphene, which is known for its antiseptic, antibacterial, and analgesic properties. When used for these purposes, it is very valuable, as in the essential oil blend of Purification. However, camphene can burn the skin, which is why some people are uncomfortable using straight lavandin. Any burning sensation should be the first clue in discovering the mislabeling, since pure lavender does not contain camphene.
Lavandin may or may not be a little caustic to the skin, depending on its percentage of camphene, but when properly blended with other essential oils, it becomes pleasant to the skin and yet still has its same therapeutic effect. Obtaining this desired result is all in knowing how to formulate.
That also explains why some people complain about not getting the results they want with the lavender they buy from various retail outlets. They don’t know they are actually buying lavandin with camphene and not pure lavender. However, when lavandin is diluted with sufficient linalol, the camphene becomes undetectable to the end users, who then, unfortunately, think they are buying pure lavender.
There is a great example of how adulterated lavender causes problems. In Jean Valnet’s The Practice of Aromatherapy, he writes about a man being treated with lavender for a problem in his “sit-down area.” The man went on a journey but forgot his l


so he purchased a fresh supply. Valnet then writes about what happened. “Unfortunately this essence was neither natural nor pure: one single installation was followed by a painful inflammation of such severity that the unfortunate person was unable to sit down for more than a fortnight” (14 nights).
While I was visiting one of the distilleries in France, I watched the synthetic solution being put into the extracted oil that was poured into the barrels. I was very surprised when I saw the export tags on the barrels showing they were going to a new company in Utah. I even took a photo of the tag. I’m sure the people in Utah had no idea what they were getting, which is typical of most buyers.

Essentrial Oils at there best
Chauncey Penfold

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Loving Touch with Essential Oils


May 26, 2011

Whether you are the friend of a furry, feathered, or scaly being, you probably enjoy holding and petting your companion animal. This type of loving touch can also help keep your pet’s internal terrain inhospitable to pathogens.
Daily “oil petting” for general prevention and promotion of well-being is simple. Incorporate these six steps into your daily routine:
  1. Choose one of these five fabulous oils for your best friend:
  • Peace & Calming® essential oil blend helps relax the nervous system and can release tension.
  • Sacred Mountain™ is grounding and stabilizing. This blend is filled with the fragrance of outdoors and brings unexpected gifts. One day a neighbor’s dog came over joyfully and sat by me in the street. Her owner commented, “She never goes to anyone!” That is the wonder of Sacred Mountain! I applied one drop an hour before and then I was this dog’s best friend.
  • Idaho Tansy is one of the most versatile oils for animals. It is purifying, cleansing, regenerating, repels flies, and lots more!
  • Lavender essential oil is a wonderful relaxant and is great for healing wounds.
2. Take a deep breath and let go of everything except the present moment. Know that you are in the presence of another wonderful soul clothed in a different form. With full focus, know that you are relating from your heart and soul to theirs.
3. Trust your intuition and quiet all mental chatter. Place one drop of your chosen oil in your palm and gently rub your hands together. Do not rub too much or there will be very little oil left for your friend.
4. Pet your pet. Keep in mind that this is a healing act, born of your love for life and the life of those you touch.
5. Close your eyes and let your hands do the work. Trust that your hands are being guided by the creator of all life.
6. Apply the oil with gentle strokes anywhere you believe it is needed. Belief is born of intellect, knowledge, and intuition. Focus on the daily use of Young Living essential oils for your friend. You will discover the joy of a deeper bond as your best friend experiences your love as a healing gift.
Wishing worlds of success to you and your companion,
Nancy Weber
Nancy Weber, RN, is a certified clinical aromatherapist, certified instructor in Raindrop Technique® and animal aromatherapy through Lightwing Center, and a medical intuitive whose book, The Gift of Interspecies Communication, has many Heart Talk exercises. A forthcoming book, Animal Aromatherapy: Your Pet’s Best Friend, is a collaboration sparked by a desire to share and educate. Nancy’s PowerPoint slides from her presentation on animals at Young Living convention from 2009 and 2010 can be found at www.animalscent.net, along with Animal Scent Newsletter PDFs for great testimonials. Nancy currently teaches in the U.S. and Europe on aromatherapy for people and companion animals.

Better Health with essential oils
Chauncey Penfold

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What is ART?


A superior concept in skin restoration, Young Living’s ART, Age Refining Technology, combines DNA recovery enzymes – an advanced technology – with a proprietary Anti-Aging Peptide Complex, to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, diminish age spots, even skin tone and increase the elasticity and density of your skin.

What’s more, recognizing the incredible power of essential oils, Young Living has added Frankincense and Sandalwood for their ability to replenish DNA. Add the incredible power of the legendary Wolfberry Seed Oil, known for its superior moisturizing and skin conditioning properties, and you have the formula for a truly unique and effective skin care system.

Just look at this incredible before and after photo.
The transformation is truly amazing!

Young Living has taken the finest ingredients, and combined them with the latest skin care technology, to create a system that enhances your skin’s natural ability to rebuild DNA and restore youthful skin.
“My first exposure to Young Living was doing cancer research using their line of essential oils. What impressed me the most about Young Living was the quality, purity and consistency of their products. So, when I heard about their new skin care regimen that utilized the benefits of essential oils, I knew I had to try it! This product is unique because it combines the technology of DNA recovery enzymes with pure essential oils, to create a synergy not found in other anti-aging products on the market. As a committed user, I am so impressed with the way A·R·T has made my skin feel. Its ability to moisturize my dry skin without weighing it down or clogging my pores is critical for me. Even my husband has noticed my softer, clearer skin! As a scientist, I am very impressed with the research and the quality of ingredients in these products, but as a woman, I am enjoying the way it makes my skin feel and benefiting from the results!"

Nicole Stevens


Monday, May 23, 2011

Bone Health

Proper bone health is crucial to overall wellness.

Without providing vital nutrients to your bones, painful and debilitating bone diseases like osteoporosis may result. Essential oil supplements like BLM™ and MegaCal™ are specially formulated to support healthy bone and joint health and ensure you're getting all the vitamins and minerals your bones require.
Young Living's Most Popular Products for Bone Health

    BLM: Formulated to support normal bone and joint health.
    MegaCal: A powerful source of calcium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C.

Digestive Health

Normal digestive function is crucial for optimal health and vitality. Without proper digestive health one cannot break down and absorb nutrients from food and can suffer a variety of ailments. From meal replacements to dietary supplements to the antioxidant-rich superfood NingXia Red®, Young Living offers a wide array of products catered to supporting digestive health.

Young Living's Most Popular Products for Digestive Health

    Life 5™: Probiotic that builds and restores core intestinal health.
    Digest + Cleanse™: Reduces the digestive discomfort and bloating that sometimes accompanies high fiber intake.
    Balance Complete™: A superfood-based meal replacement that is both a powerful nutritive energizer and a cleanser.
    NingXia Red: Nutrient-infused wolfberry drink that will energize, fortify, and replenish your body. Learn more about NingXia Red.

    Better bone Health with essential oils
    Chauncey Penfold

Friday, May 20, 2011

Why Essential Oils Are Essential?

Many Essential Oils repel virus, bacteria, and other microbes.

What Are Essential Oils? Essential oil are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs, and trees, through distillation. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and physicians were using essential oils thousands of years before Christ to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of remedies and cosmetics known to man and were considered more valuable than gold. There are 188 references to oils in the Bible. Science is only now beginning to investigate the incredible healing properties of essential oils.

The Properties of Essential Oils
Pure Essential Oils Have Very High Frequency. The effectiveness of Essential Oils cannot be fully understood without some discussion of frequency. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has frequency. In his book The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person's health can be determined by the person's frequency.

In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheney, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Tainio determined that the average frequency of the human body during the daytime is 62 to 68 MHz. (A healthy body frequency is (62 - 72 MHz.) When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised.

If the frequency drops to 58 MHz, cold and flu symptoms appear. At 55 MHz, diseases like Candida take hold; at 52 MHz, Epstein-Barr and at 42 MHz, Cancer.

According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises an important question about the frequencies of the substances we eat, breathe, and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of ZERO!! The frequency of fresh produce is only 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 MHz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 MHz. Essential Oils start at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz, which is the frequency if rose oil.

Essential Oils Are Aromatic.
Essential Oils are highly aromatic and therefore, many of the benefits can be obtained by simply inhaling them. This can be done by breathing in the fragrance from the bottle, or they can be diffused into the room.

When diffused, Essential Oils can be the best air filtration system in the world. They will:

(1) Purify, by removing metallic particles and toxins from the air.
(2) Increase atmospheric oxygen. (3) Increase ozone and negative ions in the house, which inhibits bacteria growth.
(4) Destroy odors from mold, cigarettes, and animals.
(5) Fill the air with a fresh, herbal aromatic scent.

Better health with essential Oils
Chauncey Penfold
skype chauncey.penfold

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Young Living Essential Oils Company Page on Facebook

Young Living Essential Oils Company Page What’s your go-to Young Living essential oil or blend for headaches? Where do you use the oil? ~ Toby
11 hours ago
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Feeling overwhelmed today? Be grounded again with Young Living frankincense essential oil. I want to hear your frankincense oil story. Please share! ~ Toby
Yesterday at 3:12pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
This is a favorite springtime breakfast or snack that aids in digestion and assists with healthy assimilation. Papaya may prevent constipation with the protein called papain, a natural digestive enzyme. Macadamia dairy-free cheese is cultured and enhanced with Young Living’s Life
Monday at 4:50pm · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Monday Morning Shout Out! What was the first Young Living essential oil you used today?
Monday at 9:31am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
As summer approaches there is a lot of talk about detoxifying your body for weight loss, but our skin is often overlooked. However, nothing can substitute for a fresh, radiant complexion! Take the weekend to treat your outer layer to some much-needed detox and pampering that will
May 10 at 4:18pm · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
Do you know a mother who could use some rest and relaxation? How about a mother who is stressed or deserves pampering? Are you trying to find a special Mother’s Day gift? Young Living has the answers for you and your kids to ensure that the mother in your life has a great day. Th
May 5 at 2:07pm · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
The ABCs of Heart Talk Heart Talk is also about keeping pollutants low; exposure to too many environmental poisons is known to not only affect our pets’ health, but their behavior as well. Here is a simple approach that can cement the bond of trust and love between you and your c
May 2 at 11:47am · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Hourly tweets at #ylsymposium tomorrow starting at 9 a.m. First speaker is Dr. Purser speaking about hormones and women’s health.
April 29 at 11:33am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
Join us at our 2011 Convention as we renew our dedication to wellness, purpose, and abundance! This spectacular event will be held on September 22-24 at Disney World’s Coronado Springs Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. At 2011 Convention, you will:   Learn from Young Living Fo
April 26 at 9:58am · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Register for the Health Symposium this week and be entered to win an Aroma Complete kit on Saturday, April 30!

Everyone who registers and attends will be eligible to win the kit (worth $2,200), to be given away by Gary Young on stage.

You MUST be present to win, so hurry and register! www.healthsymposium.com/register-now
Come experience the first-ever 2011 Health Symposium: The Science of Living Naturally. 7am - 8pm, April 30, 2011.
April 25 at 2:54pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Jennifer Spanier is the lucky recipient of this weekend's incredible Health Symposium giveaway - congrats!

We still have ONE more prize to give away, which we'll announce later today (we saved the best for last!). Gary Young will be giving it away on stage, so you must be present to win!

Register now and save $10: www.healthsymposium.com/register-now
Come experience the first-ever 2011 Health Symposium: The Science of Living Naturally. 7am - 8pm, April 30, 2011.
April 25 at 9:38am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page This is your last chance to win from the Health Symposium before the event takes place on April 30! And you won't believe what they're giving away this weekend (it's pretty awesome)...

Don't forget to pre-register by April 26; if you think this weekend's giveaway is great, wait till you see what Gary Young will be givin...
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Come experience the first-ever 2011 Health Symposium: The Science of Living Naturally. 7am - 8pm, April 30, 2011.
April 22 at 2:13pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Congrats to Lanelle D Horton, lucky winner of the latest Health Symposium giveaway from sponsors Mountain America, Nutranomics, and Life Science Publishing.

This weekend is your LAST chance to win before the Health Symposium happens on April 30! It's going to be big, so make sure and head over to the Health Symposium F...
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Welcome to a Facebook Page about Health Symposium. Join Facebook to start connecting with Health Symposium.
April 22 at 11:10am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page As we draw near to the April 30 event, the Health Symposium prize giveaways are winding down... Make sure you head over to the Health Symposium Facebook page today (http://www.facebook.com/healthsymposium) for your chance to win another fantastic sponsor pack!
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April 21 at 1:35pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
Did you know that carrying unwanted, negative emotions can not only affect your tranquility, but can also disrupt you body’s inner harmony with digestive issues and other difficulties? Along with digestive distress and weight gain, emotional baggage can cause a sluggish colon, un
April 21 at 10:38am · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Congratulations to Brenda Wiener, who won an awesome Health Symposium sponsor giveaway from Young Living, Sound Concepts, and Life Science Publishing.

Head over and "like" the Health Symposium Facebook page now (http://www.facebook.com/healthsymposium), so you'll be ready to go tomorrow when they announce another give...
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April 20 at 10:05am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
What blessings our beloved companion animals bring to our lives! Yet as we rejoice in the bond between us, we also recognize a deep responsibility for their welfare. One of the simplest, most powerful methods of enjoying our relationships with our pets is to keep them healthy, ha
April 19 at 1:19pm · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Today the Health Symposium has a special giveaway - a prize pack from sponsors SoundConcepts, Young Living, and Life Science Publishing. Visit the Health Symposium Facebook page today to learn how to enter:


And, there's still time to pre-register online and save $10! Head to healthsymposium.com to register.
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April 19 at 9:00am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Cricket Lott just won a $100 Visa gift card, Ogio packback, and Nike umbrella from Mountain America Credit Union, plus a Thieves 15ml from Young Living! Congratulations to Cricket, and don't miss another chance to win tomorrow on the Health Symposium Facebook page:

Like the Health Symposium on Facebook:
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April 18 at 11:14am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Today we have a special post from Gary & Mary: "Dear friends of Young Living, we are very excited about the upcoming Health Symposium, with prominent speakers addressing some of the most crucial health concerns of today. This is an opportunity you do not want to miss, so come and join us on April 30 at the Salt Palace ...See More
Come experience the first-ever 2011 Health Symposium: The Science of Living Naturally. 7am - 8pm, April 30, 2011.
April 16 at 4:23pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Head over to the Health Symposium Facebook page now through the weekend for your chance to win a $100 Visa gift card, Ogio backpack, and Nike umbrella from Mountain America, plus a 15 ml Thieves blend from Young Living! "Like" the Health Symposium and follow the post instructions to enter. Good luck to all!

Welcome to a Facebook Page about Health Symposium. Join Facebook to start connecting with Health Symposium.
April 15 at 2:10pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Erica Wray is the lucky winner of yesterday's Health Symposium giveaway! Don't miss this weekend's prize giveaway, which will be announced later today (you need to "like" the Health Symposium to enter).

Still don't know about the Health Symposium? Check out www.healthsymposium.com to learn more.
Come experience the first-ever 2011 Health Symposium: The Science of Living Naturally. 7am - 8pm, April 30, 2011.
April 15 at 9:24am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Head over to the Health Symposium Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/healthsymposium) today only for your chance to win a Raindrop Technique kit from Young Living and a pack of health education materials from Life Science Publishing!
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April 14 at 9:36am
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Congrats to Stacy Brenna-Kalthoff, who won a Cinemark gift card from the Health Symposium! Tomorrow will be another sponsor giveaway; all you need to do is "like" the Health Symposium Facebook page and comment on the post. Good luck, and see you April 30!

“Like” the Health Symposium now at http://www.facebook.com/healthsymposium
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April 13 at 1:06pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Giveaway alert! Check the Health Symposium’s Facebook page every day this week (starting Tuesday) for your chance to win great prizes from the sponsors. There will be multiple prizes available during the next 2 weeks, so make sure you “like” the Health Symposium to get access to the giveaways!

“Like” the Health Symposium now at http://www.facebook.com/healthsymposium
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April 11 at 1:16pm
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
Thyromin™ plays a key role in Young Living’s new, fortifying QuadShield™ four-product kit by supporting the gland that is often most susceptible to radiation exposure—the thyroid. Consider the processes the thyroid influences in the body: metabolism, growth and development, body
April 7 at 12:58pm · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page
Spring is finally here and it’s a good time to ensure your whole being is in resonance with the season! I want to share some tips that will help you clear and clean out the old, heavy energy of the winter and lighten up on all levels—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Accordi
April 5 at 4:50pm · via NetworkedBlogs
Young Living Essential Oils Company Page Don't miss this promotion: With every purchase of Longevity Softgels, Young Living will donate $5 to a charitable organization helping the relief efforts in Japan. So far we've raised $4,275 ! Hurry, the promotion ends on April 22nd. Click below to learn more:

$5 Donation with Purchase of Longevity Softgels!
March 30 at 4:04pm
17,999 people like Young Living Essential Oils Company Page.