Friday, December 31, 2010

12 Oils of Ancient Scripture: Cassia

12 Oils of Ancient Scripture: Cassia
Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

In the last installment featuring the 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture, Gary Young discusses the history of cassia and highlights the importance of learning about these unique essential oils.

One of the oldest known spices, cassia oil was distilled from the leaves and twigs and was a highly prized aromatic very similar to cinnamon bark in fragrance and in chemistry.

Like cinnamon, cassia contains compounds that have been shown to inhibit the growth of many types of bacteria and support immune function. A recent study conducted at the Kentucky School of Medicine showed that extracts of this herb can stimulate T lymphocyte activity and immunoglobulin production by B cells, which are key elements of immune function.

How was cassia used for its spiritual purposes? We do not know exactly. The Egyptians believed in multiple gods, so they adorned themselves with multiple oils to please them. We know that these oils were so treasured that they were also recognized for their powerful ability to help increase spiritual connection and awareness.
We also have to keep in mind that in ancient times the majority of people did not have access to written records or have the ability to read or write. This is why they communicated through touch and scent. Cassia, myrrh, and sandalwood were some of the oils that were used in mummification or burial. They believed that essential oils preserved the body and carried it into the afterlife and prepared them for their journey back. Some people even believed that the oils created a fragrance trail that could be followed back to the present world. Perhaps this is why these oils were regarded with such high esteem. But there are still many aspects that we don’t understand at this time.

If we derived physical benefits from these oils we may also derive spiritual benefits as well. I have traveled the ancient lands and gone to these ancient places, from the shores of the Arabian Sea to the Red Sea. I have traveled the vast wilderness of the desert to the lost city of Ubar, the Atlantis of the sands, to Petra, Jordan, to the Judean desert, Masada, Cumran, and Ghetti. I have studied the ruins where long ago precious resins such as balsam and frankincense were distilled to make essential oils. Then I traveled into Egypt following the history of these aromatics and oils that were given to us in the very beginning of time. I believe that there was a very profound purpose for the gift of these oils and resins. Only today are we beginning to appreciate the immense value of aromatics and essential oils.

It is my desire that you have an understanding of how these oils can improve your life and also the lives of those around you. Essential oils are truly the missing link of modern health and perhaps they are also a missing link in helping to heighten your spiritual connections. I hope they inspire you and empower you to improve your life in every way.

Essentially Yours,
Gary Young

Technorati Tags: 12 Oils of Ancient Scripture, cassia, gary young

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Weight Loss #2 Thyroid

Weight Loss #2 Thyroid

Thyroid Problems:

Located at the base of the neck just below the Adams apple, the thyroid is the energy gland of the human body. It produces T3 and T4 thyroid hormones that control the body's metabolism. The thyroid also controls other vital functions such as digestion, circulation, immune functions. hormone balance, and emotions.

The thyroid gland is actually controlled by the pituitary gland which signals the thyroid when to produce thyroid hormone. The pituitary gland, in turn, is directed by chemical signals sent by the hypothalamus gland which monitors hormone levels in the blood stream.

A lack of thyroid hormone does not necessarily mean that the thyroid is not functioning properly. In some instances, the pituitary may be malfunctioning because of its failure to release sufficient TSH thyrotropin releasing hormone.

In cases where thyroid hormone deficiency is caused by a malfunctioning pituitary or hypothalamus, better results may be achieved by using supplements or essential oils that stimulate the pituitary or hypothalamus, such as Cedarwood.

People with type A blood have more of a tendency to have weak thyroid function.

When a person is under heavy stress it compromises the thyroid which can cause depression: You would need to take 3 thryomin at bedtime and 4 in the morning along with EndoGize, Estro and Femigen.

Another food for thought:

Take fresh Asparagus and steam it until tender and then juice it and drink 2 ozs, 3 times a day. This helps to increase energy, weight loss, and great for osteoporosis, arthritis, skin, lung, and breast cancer.


This product was developed to nourish the thyroid, balance metabolism, and reduce fatigue. It contains a combination of specially selected glandular nutrients, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and essential oils. Contains Peppermint, Spearmint, Myrtle, and Myrrh, to perfectly balance and bring the most beneficial and nutritional support to the thyroid.


Normal body temperature is 97.6 Check it upon waking up in the morning. Do not get up and to the bathroom as you temperature starts rising. Do it immediately upon waking whether its 3am or 6am. Put a mercy thermometer under arm pit and wait 10 minutes. If it is below 97.6 start out with one or two caps. In a week check again to see if it has come up. If not add one more cap. Do this until it has reached 97.6. If it goes over 97.6 back down a cap until it stays at 97.6.

If your basal cell temp is over 97.6 then you start with 1 thryomin in the morning and follow the same procedures as above.

Take regularly for 1-3 months; listen to your body it will tell you when you need to cut back and do your basal cell temp.

Keep everything away from food when taking the supplement:

Basic Start for weight loss:

ComforTone 5-2times a day

Detoxyzme 5 -3 times a day

Lipozyme 2-4 times a day

Thryomin 2 just before bedtime

JuvaPower 2 Tbsp night

Enzyme Deficiencies:

Whats the real secret to better health?

Gary talked to us about the enzymes and how important they are to our good health. Enzyme help to increase resistant to disease, improve hormones, sex, speed up bone, and wound healing, increase mental clarity, help digest toxins, burn fat, attach iron to the red blood cells, enzyme may help dissolve blood clots, and anti-aging. Also enzyme help build the body to prevent on slot of a cold coming on.

Gary stressed to us that it is very very very important to give our precious children enzymes too so they can have a great immune system to avoid school diseases.

Most people do not know that the human body is designed to only break down or digest approximately 50 percent of the food we eat. Live enzymes are supplied in raw food, but as soon as we cook or process our food, we kill all the enzymes. This is the most overlooked situation in health today. Until this problem is corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer. This is a very serious problem the body faces on a daily basis yet; very few people are paying attention to how they weaken their body's protectors and repairers every single day.

Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices:

1. Do not take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use your bodys energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked and processed food. You will also distract the bodys function in protecting and repairing the human body.

2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach and you will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the food and clean up the food properly and cleaning up the blood makes it possible for the human body to give all of its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of undigested particles. If you want a fully functional, effective and strong immune system improving digestion and cleaning up the blood is the way to give the human body back its full power to protect and repair. It won't happen without improving digestion and having clean blood.

Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own. It is impossible for the human body to function properly if we are not digesting our food properly! So as you can see digestive enzymes are necessary if you want a very strong immune system.

Enzyme Deficiencies:

It causes the pancreas to be overworked especially those that eat processed foods and the pancreas becomes enlarged. You are than lacking in lipase to break down fats; could end up getting fatty tumors.

Enzymes to take during weight loss cleanse:


:A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Taking Lipozyme helps to break down fats. Over fed people develop more fat cells then under fed people. Obese people have 70% less lipase in their blood. Lipozyme converts fat to glycogen so it can be utilized in the body.

Fat impairs the function of the blood cells in the immune system by slowing down the circulation.

I take 2 before breakfast, 2 before lunch, 2 before dinner.

Detoxzyme:A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of the body. Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to digest starches, sugars, proteins, and fats. This formula is structured with trace minerals that help the body detoxify itself, reducing cholesterol and triglycerides. It helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver, preventing Candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general detoxification.

I take 5 in the morning, 3 at lunch, 3 at bedtime.

Food for thought:babies who are fed formula are enzyme deficient and develop toxic condition, such as mucus, fevers, diarrhea, colic, allergies and mental disturbances, ADHD and autism. That is why we have Children Mightyzymes. They are most important to our children now days.

As we are cleansing we forget about out Kidneys. They are taking on a big burden as all this garbage is being dumped on them so we need to support them with K & B, and EndoFlex. EndoFlex also supports the thyroid. And by all means drink a lot of water to help flush the dissolved fat cells out of the kidneys. A lot of kidney failure is due to dehydration and our bodys mental and physical capacities are diminished immediately. Without any water your body systems will begin to fail within 3 - 4 days.

Your daily intake of water 8-8 oz. glasses a day

Weight Recommended

100 - 150 7- 8 glasses

150 - 200 9 - 11 glasses

200 - 250 11 - 13 glasses

250 - 300 13 - 15 glasses

Another factor we need to consider which is very important is the emotions when you are on this program. I had hit a plateau and could not lose any more weight. Gary said we had to break that plateau and he upped my ThermaBurn and put me on just lemonade. Said it could take up to 3 days to break it. We it did it in a day and the next morning I had the emotional release that I needed and broke the plateau. I lost 3 lbs. that first day. Every day for 3 days I lost 3 lbs., after that it leveled off to where I kept losing weight.
Also do not forget GOD as he is there to help you along this path that is most important. We all need GODS help. The burden was heavy on my shoulders but the weight lifted because I was not alone. He was there for me and when I felt down, he picked me up.

Phillips Health International

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Weight Loss#1 Hormones

Weight Loss#1 Hormones

Why we gain weight /cleansing /hormones problems:
Before we start I want to add that we are learning how to help the body to raise its immune system in order to support different areas in the body so we can stay healthy. We will be learning how and when to use the products and when the body will best utilize them.

If you do not have a reason to try, you have no passion.

Fad diets and unnatural supplements come and go, but the lasting science and wisdomcome back to common sense ideas.

1. Make fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, the foundation of your diet.

2. Get as many essential nutrients as possible in every calorie with nutrient-dense foods.

3. Eat a variety of foods, such proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.

4. Avoid processed, fast, and junk foods; these are known as anti-nutrients:

In order to have good hormone balance, you need to cleanse first.

Why we should cleanse:

This will start pulling the fat cells off and when this does, the toxins are put back into the body and this is where you need to be on Detoxzyme and JuvaPower to help absorb the acid that is being release. If not, the toxins go back into the organs. You may drop 15 lbs. but you will gain it back because the protein acid gas goes back into the fat cells and into the blood back to the hypothalamus and suppresses and storing it forever. It is just an yoyo game over and over if a person does not know what is wrong with their body and why they cannot get rid of the unwanted burden.
Toxins from the GI track cause many chronic diseases. Making the Colon and lymphatics laden with poisons. When you break out with a rash using the products or oils, which is a toxic marker. So take 3-4 comfortone 2xs a day and JuvaPower at night, 2 rounded tbls. in water, carrot, or mango juice only. ICP is the highest in maltase and amylase enzymes to digest starches and carbs that you have had for the day. Take ICP in the morning to absorb the accumulated acid and to pull the poisons and mucus out of the cardiac portion of the stomach. That is why a person has phlegm in the throat. Beet juice and dandelion tea is great for the liver also. Also you should squeeze a lemon and drink to reset your pH in the morning.

Balance Complete:absorbs toxins and fats, is bulk forming, balances blood sugar, and lowers LDL cholesterol. it also gives us fiber.

Digest & Cleanse:will soothe the bowel, prevent gas, and stimulate liver, gall bladder, and stomach secretions, thus aiding digestion and absorption.

Power Meal:is a revolutionary meal replacement with a broad range of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and complete proteins. Power Meal makes a great meal replacement with 20 grams of protein per serving. Power Meal provides your body with the key ingredients it needs to build and repair tissue, make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.

Gary had me take 1 scoop of Power Meal with 1 scoop of Pure Protein to correct the protein deficiency that I had. For added flavor you can add your favorite oil or fruit to really make a delicious shake.

ICP: Taking ICP absorbs the acid in the morning and cleanses the intestines and protects the heart. ICP helps the body loosen and expel undigested and fermenting materials that can block nutrient absorption and poison our internal environment. With Psyllium, oat bran, flax, and rice bran are specifically balanced in ICP to eliminate allergy symptoms that many people have when taking Psyllium alone. The essential oils enhance ICP's flavor and may help dispel gas and pain.

Juva Power:

A whole food high antioxidant vegetable powder complex that is a rich source of acid-binding food, and high in liver-protecting nutrient. The ingredients in JuvaPower is effective in stopping oxidation of cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, reduces cell viability to 10.9%, prevents cellular mutations, Binds up fat and helps flush it out of the body, essential for bile acid formation and liver protection in cleansing the liver, natural laxative & lubricant that relaxes the colon.
Mineral Essence:

If you have a mineral imbalance it affects the hormones and you cannot absorb Vitamin C. Also it affects the heart, causes low energy, facial hair, and bloody nose; also you could have a protein deficiently. You need to have minerals to keep your energy up and keep your hormones working. Eye twitching is from not absorbing minerals; take Mineral Essence and True Source. Anyone that is depressed or is bi-polar needs to be on Mineral Essence. It is a balance organic, ionic mineral complex with more than 60 different minerals. Minerals are also necessary for proper immune and metabolism functions.


A revolutionary appetite-suppressing, weight-control herbal complex with thermogenic essential oils. It is the only herbal, fat-reducing supplement to contain liver cleansers and defatters to increase metabolism and prevent oxidative damage from excess fat-burning. Take 1-2 capsules two hours before meals or after.

A person needs to stay away from chemicals when cleansing. Use your Young Living products because they are chemical free. Such as the toothpaste, shampoo, creams, lotions and etc. change your eating habits, no sugar, nowhite flour, no red meats, no processed foods, all fresh organic produce to eat and cook. No salt, can use sea salt but very little.

Tolose weight you need to eat 6 meals a days so the body does not say its starving and will not let you remove the wanted fat. Thinking right thoughts, it is important too. You noticed that I said eliminate the unwanted weight.

NingXia Red:

Chromium combating obesity. One of the best ways to combat obesity is to swap fat for muscle. Why? A well muscled bodyburns at least twice as many calories as a body saddled with plenty of blubber. This is because muscle tissue burns 13 kcal perkilo of body weight per day, while fatty tissue burns only 4.5 kcal per kilo of body weight per day.

The wolfberrys high chromium content can help preserve lean body mass especially during a diet or exercise--thereby helping boost metabolic rates to keep body fat at bay.

100 grams of dried Ningxia wolfberry contains 79 mcg of chromium, almost 2/3 the recommended daily allowance.

Is specially designed alkaline mineral powder contains an array of high-alkaline salts & other yeast & fungus fighting elements, such as citric acid & E O s. It s precisely balanced, acid-neutralizing mineral formulation helps preserve the bodys proper pH balance---the cornerstone of health. By boosting blood alkalinity, yeast & fungus are deprived of the acidic terrain they require to flourish. The effectiveness of other essential oils is enhanced when the body's blood and tissues are alkaline.

AlkaLime may help reduce the following signs of acid-based and fungus dominance:
· fatigue/low energy

· unexplained aches and pains

· Overweight conditions

· low resistance to illness

· Allergies

· Headaches

· irritability/mood swings

· Indigestion

· colitis/ulcers diarrhea/constipation

· Urinary tract infection

· rectal/vaginal itch ·

Direction:Stir one rounded teaspoon into 6 to 8 ozs of distilled or purified water and drink immediately. To aid in alkalizing connective tissue, AlkaLime may be taken 1-3 times per day before meals or before eating. As an antacid, AlkaLimemay be taken as need. Otherwise, an ideal time to take AlkaLime would be prior to bedtime.

If you body is acid you will not be able to sleep and you will be in a lot of pain from the acidic condition. Lower the acidiccondition and you will be able to sleep and the pain level will reduce. It is best to take beforebedtime if this is a problem you may have.

Because my hormones, hypothalamus and thyroid we are all out ofwhack, my metabolism was not working. Gary went to work in balancing all three to get my metabolism to kick in and do the job it was meant to do, and that was the reason I could not lose weight. I amalso taking other supplements along with the above such as: PD 80/20, Femigen, Estro, EndoGize, Ultra Young, Progessence, and SclarEssence to balance the hormones.

Having low estrogen and testosterone causes the body to build fat cells. When your hypothalamus shuts down, the testosterone, estrogen, progesterone hormonesare suppressed, which causes depression. Depression compromises all hormones.

When you balance the hypothalamus you balance the estrogen and testosterone.

Hormone imbalance

-Cannot lose weight if hormones are not in balance

- estrogen below 75 is bad, below 30 REALLY bad; I was at .02 when I first went to the clinic

- healthy testosterone for women is from 30-68; ok as long as estrogen is higher than testosterone

- testosterone has heart protective qualities and supports healthy bone density

- low testosterone is linked to multiple sclerosis they found from the study in Geneva

- hormone levels are messed up from xenoestrogens chemicals in environment such as food, water, personal care, MEAT

-testosterone deficiency can lead to heart disease in women

Phillips Health International

Monday, December 20, 2010

Oregano, Destroy Strep Pneumonia

Oregano, Destroy Strep Pneumonia

Oregano, Other Essential Oils Destroy Strep Pneumonia Cells

Researchers have found that some essential oils, oregano, thyme and rosewood oils,

in particular, create an autolytic reaction in organisms, including Streptococcus pneumonia.

Dr. Diane Horne of Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, told the 98th general assembly of

the American Society of Microbiology about the serendipitous discovery of the impact of the

oils on cells such as Streptococcus pneumonia.

A co-researcher was spraying aromatic oils in the laboratory. When I looked at the S. pneumonia

that I was preparing for another experiment, the cells were just falling apart, Dr. Horne reported.

Dr. Horne and coworker Sue Chao, of the Young Living Essential Oil Company of Payton, Utah,

tested the autolyzing properties of 74 different essential oils.

The best results occurred with oregano, thyme and rosewood and intermediate inhibition of the

pathogens was achieved with cinnamon oil and clove oil, Dr. Horne said at a poster presentation

at the meeting. Dr. Horne pointed out that the oils also showed efficacy against E. coli and several

species of fungi.


It is amazing what one can do with herbs. This is a wonderful piece of research

documenting the effectiveness of oregano. It is still not to late to get your garden up and running

and plant some oregano. Oregano is a hardy perennial. For you non-gardening types, that means

this plant will return year after year and provide you with a natural, inexpensive way to stay healthy.

It is a bit late to plant seeds for the season but you can get some good plants from any nursery. I would

recommend the Greek oregano which only grows about 18 inches tall. Avoid the taller 4 foot plants

Oregano vulgare as they do not have as much of the effective essential oils.

this is a fun plant to grow I have several at my store and home. I love our essential oils and the

research that has been done by Dr. Sue Chao is phenominal--this is why I call this company my

herbal liquid pharmacy-- Care to learn more see below on my signature line.


S. pneumoniae figure 1 is a leading cause of pneumonia in all ages particularly the young and old,

often after damage to the upper respiratory tract e.g. following viral infection. It also causes middle

ear infections otitis media. The organism often spreads causing bacteremia and meningitis. S. pneumoniae

is a hemolytic and there is no group antigen.
Direct Gram staining or detection of capsular antigen in sputum can be diagnostic. The organism grows well

on sheep blood agar.

Autolysin Pneumococci are identified by solubility in bile. An autolysin peptidoglycan-degrading enzyme is released

by bile from the cell membrane and binds to a choline-containing teichoic acid attached to the peptidoglycan.

The autolysin then digests the bacterial cell wall resulting in lysis of the cell. If the cells are grown in ethano-

lamine instead of choline, ethanolamine is incorporated into the teichoic acid. The autolysin then cannot lyse

the cell wall. Understanding how the autolysin works has led to the suggestion that antibiotics including

penicillin work together with the autolysin in killing of pneumococci in vivo.

The organisms are also identified by susceptibility to optochin ethyl hydrocupreine figure 2 Capsule

This is highly prominent in virulent strains figure 1c and its carbohydrate antigens vary greatly in structure

among strains. The capsule is anti-phagocytic and immunization is primarily against the capsule. Capsular

vaccines are available for susceptible individuals; immunity is serotype-specific. Using appropriate type-specific

antisera, the capsule on isolated bacteria can be fixed and becomes visible microscopically the Quellung

reaction which is useful in microbial identification.

The organism also produces pneumolysin that degrades red blood cells under anaerobic conditions

observed as a hemolysis.

Complement activation by teichoic acid may explain the attraction of large numbers of inflammatory cells

to the focal site of infection.

Most strains of S. pneumoniae are susceptible to penicillin. However, resistance is quite common.

This was taken from this location
Do not you just love the net it has many things you can research if you like - But for those that are new I do

strongly recommend our own research it is a magnificent book called the Essential Oil Desk Reference

this is a must and can be purchased at this location Is the reference location of the below article. - It is amazing

the power of our YL oils and there is no reason that every family should not have them in their home. Look at what one

drop of oregano cost $.12 compared to the office call.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

What is one of the real secret to better health?


Most people do not know that the human body is designed to only break down or

digest approximately 50 percent of the food we eat. Live enzymes are supplied in

raw food, but as soon as we cook or process our food, we kill all the

enzymes. This is the most overlooked situation in health today. Until

this problem is corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer.

This is a very serious problem that our body faces on a daily basis yet, very

few people are paying attention to how they weaken their body's protectors

and repairers every single day.

Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices

1. Do not take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use your bodys

energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked and processed food. You

will also distract the bodys function in protecting and repairing the human


2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach and you

will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the food and clean up the

blood. This will conserve the body's energy and enzyme reserves. Digesting

your food properly and cleaning up the blood makes it possible for the human

body to give all of its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no

longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of undigested

particles. If you want a fully functional, effective and strong immune

system improving digestion and cleaning up the blood is the way to give the

human body back its full power to protect and repair. It won't happen

without improving digestion and clean blood.

Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own. It is

impossible for the human body to function properly if we are not digesting

our food properly! Digestive enzymes are necessary if you want a very

strong immune system.

So take a look at our enzymes and what they can do for you:

Essentialzyme (Megazyme

A high-quality enzyme complex that may improve and aid digestion and the

elimination of toxic waste from the body.. Essentialzyme was formulated to

help supply enzymes to those who have difficulty digesting or assimilating


Essentialzyme helps reestablish proper enzyme balance in the digestive

system and throughout the body and helps improve intestinal flora. It may

also help retard the aging process.

Enzyme supplementation is particularly important for people suffering

chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, or in any condition where the

pancreas duct is blocked, thereby preventing enzymes from reaching the



Carbozyme is designed to relieve bloating, cramping, intestinal distress,

and combat Candida and yeast overgrowth. Carbozyme is an advanced starch

and sugar digesting vegetarian enzyme complex that contains pure amylase and

therapeutic-grade essential oils. Works best when combined with fiberzyme.

Clinical studies in 2002 using two capsules twice a day of Carbozyme

eliminated the need for insulin in diabetic patients.


A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of the body.

Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to digest starches, sugars,

proteins, and fats. This formula is structured with trace minerals that

help the body detoxify itself, reducing, cholesterol and triglycerides., It

helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver, preventing

candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general detoxification.

The formula facilitates optimal absorption of nutrients from foods and

supplements, delays the aging process, and maintains optimal energy levels.

It also helps to regulate the pH level and reduce acidification and parasite

colonization and infestation.

Detoxyzme also contains phytase, and enzyme essential for people eating

vegetarian diets. Phytase, an enzyme essential for people eating vegetarian

diets. Phytase is crucial for unlocking the mineral content of many grains,

nuts, seeds, and other foods which contain high levels of essential minerals

that are unavailable to the human body because they are bound up in

insoluble indigestible phytate complexes. Up to 90% of the magnesium,

potassium and zinc in foods like barley, cashews, walnuts, and rice is

irreversibly tied up by phytic acid and cannot be absorbed by the digestive

system. Thus the phytase in Detoxyzme results in a huge boost in mineral

absorption from diets high in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

The benefits of essential minerals to human health cannot be overemphasized.

Magnesium is crucial for blood pressure regulation and antioxidant

production, zinc is critical for normal immune function, and potassium is

vital for blood pressure and water balance and is found inside of every cell

in the body.


Designed to combat yeast overgrowth and candida conditions in the body.

Fiberzyme is a high powered fiber-enzyme complex that aids digestion and

enhances absorption of nutrients. It fights yeast infestation by digesting

fungal and yeast cells. It works best when combined with Polyzyme or



A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and enhances the

absorption of fat-soluable vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and

vitamin E.


The enzyme complexes in Polyzyme are used medically as powerful

anti-inflammatories that combat arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome,

fibromyalgia, ALS and food allergies

By promoting complete digestion of proteins, Polyzyme increase the

production of key amino acids from food proteins. Amino acids are

absolutely vital for healthy immunity and health and form the building

blocks of hormone creation, tissue repair, and muscle formation. By

promoting complete digestion. Polyzyme prevents putrefaction in the

intestines that can lead to allergies, liver stress, and toxic blood.

Protease 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 which are in Polyzyme are protein digesting enzymes

designed to work in a broad range of pH conditions. Acid stable proteases

are environment of the stomach while alkaline proteases are more effective

in the large intestine. This combination of proteases is scientifically

formulated to maximize protein digestion and amino acid formation.

KidScents MightyZyme Chewable:

A delicious high-powered vegetable enzyme complex for children. Includes

enzymes to digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Also includes folic

acid and peppermint oil to enhance digestion.

The info on the enzymes was taken out of the new Essential Oils Desk

Reference The Third Edition which you can order from Essential Science

Publishing. As you can see the info above is fabulous.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oil Hair Growth Remedy Proven to Stop Baldness

Oil Hair Growth Remedy Proven to Stop Baldness

Oils might not sound like the perfect solution for someone who is losing their hair, but the right oils can be the best remedies for fighting baldness.

You may not have thought about using oils to stop baldness but they can be some of the best ways to grow lost hair back. While an oily scalp can lead to dangerous things that hinder hair growth such as clogged follicles, the use of essential oils that increase blood circulation will put you on the edge of seeing more hair growth fast.

There are several remedies involving the use of oils that really help men and women alike to stop alopecia before it becomes a bigger problem than it already is for them. Four essential oils that have been considered some of the best ayurvedic remedies for hair loss are thyme, rosemary, cedarwood oil and lavender. These all have stimulating effects on your follicles that will help to thicken thin hair and prevent further hair fall.

Essential oils are potent so you only need a few drops of each in order to really see the results you are looking for. Combining each of the four essential oils mentioned will work extremely well, much better than they would on their on. Just be sure to massage them into your scalp thoroughly using your fingertips and then wash away after 45 minutes or so.
When it comes to regrowing your hair the natural way, it is very important to make sure that your follicles are not clogged with debris and various other contaminants. We all use things like shampoo, hair gel and sprays to care for our hair, but what you have to be aware of is that these can secretly clog your pores.

Olive oil and castor oil are two natural oils that can be used to actually unclog your pores and rejuvenate follicles that appear to be in a dead state. Just take a teaspoonful of either castor oil or olive oil and massage them into the scalp. Leave the oil on overnight so that it is allowed to sink in and then wash away the following morning using a mild shampoo.

Fighting hair loss is not as complicated as it seems when you are targeting this problem naturally. Learn the easiest ways possible to get your hair back without sacrificing time and money by downloading your free copy of Natural Hair Growing Secrets Revealed.

By Christopher Litmon

Published: 12/16/2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kidney and bladder infections

Kidney and bladder infections

Tod and Tracy shared their testimony about what they did when Tod had kidneys stones. It is great to received these testimonies because it helps us to know that it worked for others and to know what oils and supplements to use. Many thanks for sharing.

I also added my own testimony from dealing with a kidney stone and severe kidney infection and what I did to over come the problem. While I was at it I also added what I have on file for kidney problems from other people too. Again thanks for sharing.

Remember to drink plenty of NingXia Red as it supports the body and all organs.

Nancy Sanderson


Dear Sha-Faun Team

Kidney stones are no fun! My husband describes it as the body trying to push a watermelon or a jagged bolder through a garden hose only on a much smaller visual scale, and more constant pain than he has ever experienced! He has had, on four different occasions, the experience of dealing with kidney stones, twice requiring an emergency room visit or doctor office visit. This past year we were introduced to Young Livings Essential Oils and with my husband’s most recent kidney stone attack we applied oils to see if we could avoid another expensive emergency room visit and pharmaceutical treatment.

The EODR suggests the single oils of Wintergreen/birch, geranium, juniper, helichrysum, fennel, and lemongrass; And making a blend of Eucalyptus radiate, Geranium, and Juniper. We didn’t have all the single oils but we did have most of them in YO blends. We used:

Panaway with helichrysum, wintergreen/birch, clove and peppermint

RC with Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiate, Eucalyptus australiana, Eucalyptus citriodora,

Myrtle, Pine, Spuce, Marjoram, Lavender, Cypress, and Peppermint.




I layered 5to 6 drops of each of Panaway, RC, Lemongrass and Juniper over his kidney and gave him a glass of purified water with 5 to 6 drops of lemon in it. Within ten minutes, the pain switched from on to OFF! Just like a light switch the pain was gone! Three days later, he passed the largest stone ever without any pain and without any visible blood. A week after that, again he passed another notably sized stone without pain or visible blood. We believe Young Living’s Essential Oils are responsible for my husband’s quick recovery and will continue to make major differences in our health and lives. God is so good to bring these oils into our lives to be used!
Tod and Tracy Rushton

Young Living Essential Oil Distributors

Contributed by Richard & Shauna Dastrup Sha-Faun Enterprises LLC

Kidney Infection:

I have use Endo Flex over the kidneys and bladder for infection and it will clear up over night for me. This has also worked for my daughter. She says the pain starts receding almost immediately. Other times I use K & B along with EndoFlex and of course cranberry juice. It is best to use fresh cranberries and juice them. If they are to sour then add agave to sweeten.

If you have server kidney infection with blood in the urine like I did at one time I took a capsule full of Myrrh with 3 drops of oregano, 3 times a day until it cleared up. A person has to get aggressive when it hits you that hard.

Good Luck, Nancy Sanderson


I had kidney stone and when my husband finally dragged me into see the doctor I had pasted it from my kidney and it was between the kidney and bladder. She told me that it would be just as painful going into the bladder as it did coming out of the kidney. Well I did not want to go through that pain again so I came home and on page 359 in the 3rd edition of the EDOR I took Drink #1 and #2 K& B with Endo Flex and I dissolved the kidney stone. I had no more pain and that has been 5 years ago. . It is better to drink the oils then to have to have surgery and to go through all that pain.

The pain of passing a kidney stone is worse than giving birth except breech birth. Nothing can match that.

Here is what Gary had me do for my kidney stone.

I took the #1 drink with K & B and applied the compress over the kidneys and it dissolved the stone because I never felt it come out and I have not had any more problems since.

The stone that I passed from the kidney was the size of a pea the doctor said when she did the x-ray.

Kidney stone compress

10 drops Eucalyptus radiata

10 drops geranium

10 drops juniper

1 Tbsp. V-6 Oil

Mix and 6-10 drops apply over the kidney with a hot compress 1-2 times a day

and Vita Flex massage 2-3 drops on kidney Vita Flex points on the feet

Or you can massage juniper and geranium on bottom of the feet twice a day.

Kidney Stone drink #1

5 drops Rosemary

5 drops Geranium

5 drops juniper

1 Tablespoon Agave

juice from 1/2 lemon

8 oz warm distilled water

Mix the essential oils in the agave than add to the lemon juice and water and drink on an empty stomach. Do this 3 times a day until stone are passed.

Kidney Stone Drink #2

2 Tbsp virgin olive oil

8 oz. organic apple juice

Mix the above in a sealed container and shake vigorously, then drink 2-3 times a day until stones are passed.

Kidney Stone Drink #3

• 10 drops rosemary

• 10 drops juniper

• 10 drops geranium

• 1 tsp. honey

• Juice of 1 whole lemon

• 8 oz. distilled water

Kidney Stone Drink #4

Take 2 Tbsp. olive oil in 8 oz. apple juice, 2 to 3 times daily until the stone passes or

take carrot seed oil.

Need to do the cleansing program to aid in passing the stones

1. Start with colon cleanse using Cleansing Trio.

2. Support the liver by using JuvaTone. 1 tablet 3 times daily during the first week;

2 tables 3 times daily during succeeding weeks.

3. Take one dropper K & B in 8 oz. pure water every 2 hours.

4. Drink as much extra water as you can comfortably consume to help flush the stones out.

So good luck. Nancy Sanderson


Do not expect the same results unless you are using Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils and supplements. Also each person is different so they may not work as well for you as it does for others so try another oil or supplement that would work better for you.

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are required by law to state:

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Consult with the health authorities of your choice.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Lymphoma Cancer of Lymph Nodes
Both Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkins disease are characterized by swollen lymph gland nodes, generally first appearing on the neck, armpit or groin.

Lymphoma may be caused from petrochemical pollution in the air and water. After prolonged exposure, toxins such as benzene, styrene, and toluene begin to accumulate in the lymphatic system, eventually triggering cellular mutations and cancer.

Symptoms for non-Hodgkins lymphoma

• Generally ill, loss of appetite, loss of weight, fever, and night sweats.
Symptoms of Hodgkins lymphoma

• Fever, fatigue, weakness, itching.

Single Oils:

• Frankincense with myrrh and sage.

Recipe 1:

• 10 drops frankincense

• 5 drops myrrh

• 3 drops sage

• ½ to 1 oz. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base.

Apply on swollen nodes daily. Every second day apply 1-2 drops of frankincense. For faster results apply in a rectal implant.Rub along spine twice daily. Every other day rub frankincense, neat, along spine. Rub ImmuPower 3 times daily on spine.

A program for lymphoma stage 4 (very fatty bone marrow):

Recipe 2 (body massage):

• 15 drops frankincense

• 6 drops clove

• 1 oz. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base.

Supplements: ImmuneTune, Super C, VitaGreen, Cleansing Trio, and Aplha Lipoc Acid.


• Take 4 ImmuneTune, 3 times daily

• Take 6 Super C, 3 times daily

• Take 6 VitaGreen, 3 times daily

Follow this program for one month, and then gradually reduce. If lymphoma goes into remission, continue program for another month, then gradually reduce. It is best eat a total vegetarian diet. O-blood types, who need more protein, should eat fresh stream trout or Arctic salmon.

Melanoma (Skin Cancer

Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer. It tends to aggressively spread and metastasize, quickly colonizing the lymph nodes and internal organs. It has a high rate of fatality.

A sudden change in the appearance of an old mole or the appearance of red lesions may indicate melanoma. If you suspect that you have melanoma or any skin cancer, you should immediately contact your physician.

Single Oils:

• Frankincense with tsuga, inula, lavender, Idaho tansy, melaleuca alternifolia,

lemongrass, lemon, orange, tangerine, or tarragon.


• Frankincense with Release, JuvaFlex, EndoFlex, Purification, or Gentle Baby.

Apply 1-2 drops frankincense neat on location, 2-3 times daily.

Recipe 1:

• 3 drops lavender

• 4 drops frankincense

Mix in ¾ oz. V-6 Mixing Oil or Massage Oil Base. Apply 3 times daily.

Supplements: Essentail Omeags

Information provided by: Frank Seeley NCTMB

Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. It is not for diagnostic or prescriptive use. Consult with the health authorities of your choice.


Do not expect the same results unless you are using Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils and supplements. Also each person is different so they may not work as well for you as it does for others so try another oil or supplement that would work better for you.

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are required by law to state:

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Consult with the health authorities of your choice.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Single Oils: Frankincense, lavender, clove, lemon, orange, tangerine, tsuga and myrrh.

Blends: Present Time and Brain Power.

Supplements: Cleansing Trio, JuvaTone, Femi-Gen, Femalin, Power Meal, Body Balance,

Mineral Essence, Essential Omegas, AminoTech, WheyFit, and Super Cal. Manna Bars, NingXia Red Juice.


1 Start with a colon and liver cleanse.

2. Massage frankincense on breast Vita Flex point on feet, which is on top of the foot at the

base of the three middle toes. Continue massaging the Vita Flex areas after applying the oils.

3. Massage oils for 4 days and rest for 4 days. Layer on 15 drops frankincense, 10 drops

lavender, and 3 drops clove. Apply 3 drops Present Time on the sternum. Put 3-drops of

frankincense in a capsule and swallow daily. Diffuse frankincense and Brain Power.

Prevention and Remission:

1. Keep lymphatics open with deep breathing exercise and aerobics.

2. Have a body massage with Cel-lite Magic once per month to work the lymph nodes in

the abdomen and the thoracic region.

3. The soy in the BodyGize helps balance estrogen hormones. Take 2-3 Tbsp. Bodygize

with water or juice 1-2 times daily. Do not use for estrogen-based cancers.

4. Discontinue use of antiperspirants and monitor calcium levels.

Colon Cancer

Single Oils: Clove, frankincense, lemon, orange, and lavender.

When taking essential oils internally, always dilute – 1 drop oil in 1 tsp. vegetable oil.

Essential Oil Program:

Day 1: Put 6 drops of frankincense in a capsule and swallow 3 to 4 times daily

Day 2: Mix 6 drops frankincense and 3 drops clove, diluted in vegetable oil, and put in capsule.

Take orally 3 to 4 times daily.

Day 3: Put equal parts frankincense and lavender in a capsule and take 3 to 4 times a day
Day 4: Take frankincense capsules 3 to 4 times daily.

Day 5: Rest for 4 days and restart program.

Supplement Program:

1. Begin with Essentialzyme to digest toxic waste.

2. Take 2 capsules ComforTone, 3 times daily.

Increase by one daily until the bowels move. Then begin reducing. If diarrhea occurs, reduce

amount and increase I.C.P. Drink plenty of purified or distilled water.

3. I.C.P. fiber cleanse: Begin with 1 Tbsp. in water, 3 times daily. Increase to 2 Tbsp., 3

times daily or as needed until bowels are moving regularly.

Information provided by: Frank Seeley NCTMB

Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. It is not for diagnostic or prescriptive use. Consult with the health authorities of your choice.


Do not expect the same results unless you are using Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils and supplements. Also each person is different so they may not work as well for you as it does for others so try another oil or supplement that would work better for you.

Essential oil testimonials are an effective way of learning and sharing. With this knowledge, we can take control of our own personal health. However, we are required by law to state:
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and techniques mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided here is in no way intended to replace proper medical help. Consult with the health authorities of your choice.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Positive Energy and the Feelings Collection

Positive Energy and the Feelings Collection

December 1st, 2010 Let go of those negative emotions once and for all and replace that space with positive light and energy. A very effective way to release negative emotions is with the essential oils found in Young Living’s Feelings collection. Here are a few ways to easily work these oils into your daily routine. It is surprisingly easy and a lot of fun!


Apply Valor to the shoulders to relax the body, find courage, and discover your inner strength.


Put Release over the liver then focus on any negative stress, tragedy, or bad memories. Bring your awareness to the liver area, connect with your inner self, and let go of the emotions. Feel how free it is to let go of unwanted emotions!

Inner Child

Place Inner Child over the navel to help connect with your inner power. Give yourself time, open your awareness, and allow yourself to let go.


Put Harmony on the side of the body and concentrate on the present moment. Simply focus on how it feels to let go of the negative and become one with your self.


Use Forgiveness over the heart. Feel the powerful effects as it breaks down strong emotional layers.

Present Time

Rub a few drops of Present Time over the back of the neck. Leave the past and come into the present moment. Feel the power you have. Focus on the here and now; enjoy the new you.

With the Feelings collection you will begin to peel back the layers of unwanted emotions. Express gratitude to yourself for releasing and letting go. Experience how good it feels to be free of negative emotions that you may have carried for years. Let yourself feel joy, the wonderful space you have created and the new power within! Focus on the new inner power!

Peace be with you,

Kaye Lynne

Monday, November 15, 2010

Part 1: Pure Essential Oils—How Do You Know?

Part 1: Pure Essential Oils—How Do You Know?

October 14th, 2010

Gary Young at his clinic in Mexico
Every company and individual selling essential oils in the marketplace today claim to have the very best and most pure oils available. How does someone without any background or knowledge of essential oils know which oils are the best?

When I entered the essential oil business in 1980, the only essential oils I could find were a few in New Age stores that were selling scented candles, incense sticks, and scented oils for massage. It was not until 1981 that I started to see lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, pine, rosemary, and oregano oils; however, these oils were sold in carrier oils. The lavender wasn’t even real lavender; it was lavandin, although I didn’t discover this until 1985, which is when my education began.

During the four years leading up to this time, I tried all of the so-called “aromatherapy oils” on many clients who had conditions such as headaches; neck, back, and shoulder pain; gastro internal stress; nausea; vomiting; and fever. After four years of trial and error, I determined that certainly these oils were nothing more than a New Age fad and had little to no value, so I gave away all of my “aromatherapy oils.”

On a quiet October day in 1985, a little lady from Zurich, Switzerland, who was living in Southern California, walked into my clinic in Mexico, bringing information with her that would start me on a new path and change my life forever.

Tags: Essential Oils, gary young, young living, young living essential oils
Posted in Essential Oil Substantiation, Essential Oils
To be continued .

Friday, October 22, 2010

Combating Emotional Abuse with Everyday Oils.

Combating Emotional Abuse with Everyday Oils.

October 19th, 2010

Few things are as mentally challenging as emotional abuse. Emotional

abuse is constant exposure to insults, destructive criticisms, berating, and belittling. Personal abuse of words, actions, and ideas can come from virtually anyone: a spouse, coworkers, family members, or even from your own mind.

Emotional abuse degrades self-esteem,

creating a negative cycle of self-doubt and depression. Keeping negative feelings locked inside is very damaging both to the mind and body. Emotional darkness locked inside stifles creativity and personal progression. Negative emotions can be stored in muscles, joints, liver, and digestive organs, causing physical symptoms such as pain, decreased mobility, and indigestion.
There are ways to overcome the patterns of emotional abuse. With proper help you can effectively process negative emotions and break the downward spiral of low self-esteem.

First, it’s important to distance yourself from the emotional abuse. After the source has been resolved, use essential oils to start healing from the trauma. If you have Young Livings Everyday Oils collection, you have what you need to begin to combat negative emotions and the symptoms of emotional abuse.

Apply a few drops on the shoulders. It can help the body receive a feeling of empowerment to give courage to the mind and soul and improve self-esteem. This is a key oil to aid in overcoming emotional abuse because of the lifting effect on the body, mind, and soul.


Use a drop over the heart to relieve any pain or discomfort that might be held in the heart from emotional abuse. It may also be applied topically over any aches or pains to relieve the negative memory stored in the body.


Apply to the top of the head. Frankincense can help connect to light and spiritual power within, comforting the mind and helping to overcome stress.


Lavender is calming and soothing to the body, mind, and soul. The oil is also balancing and calming to the nervous system.


Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to water. It has a cleansing effect on the liver—where anger and negative emotions are stored—and can help let go of emotional negativity and darkness.


Emotions may be held and stored in the digestive organs, causing pain in the stomach and abdomen. Put a drop of peppermint in the mouth or in a glass of water to help the digestive organs let go of negative emotions.

Diffuse Purification in a Young Living diffuser or smell right from the bottle. When processing abuse, Purification can aid in cleansing and can balance heart functions.


Appling Thieves to the feet can help create feelings of protection and courage, giving the body strength and support to the immune system.

Understanding emotional abuse and how to use Young Living's Everyday Oils collection can help break the downward spiral of negative emotions and increase self-esteem and love.

Peace be with you,

Kaye Lynne

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Making A Difference

Young Living Essential Oils has always sought to be involved in philanthropic community efforts and help those in need. From the companys participation in local blood drives and food bank campaigns, to establishing The D. Gary Young Foundation: Young Living Outreach, some of the many causes Young Living supports include:
•American Cancer Society

•Boys and Girls Club
•Boy Scouts

•The Cinterandes Foundation

•Columbia Presbyterian Hospital
•The D. Gary Young Foundation

•Healing Hands for Haiti

•Mothers Without Borders

•Red Cross

•Rising Star Outreach

•The Road Home

•United Nation Pageants

•United Way of Utah County

•United Way of Salt Lake

•Urban Zen

•Community Action Food Bank

•You Can Thrive
Charitable Outreach

In addition to Young Livings many charitable contributions, Young Living founder D. Gary Young spearheaded the non-profit The D. Gary Young Foundation: Young Living Outreach.

The D. Gary Young Foundation-Commission Check Deduction for Donation Form

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Young Living Essential Oils the holey oils

Young Living Essential Oils the holey oils

Young Living Farms

Seed to Seal Process


Community Outreach


Management Team


Young Living is not what we do, it is who we are.

—Marilee Tolen,

Young Living Gold Distributor

More Testimonials Young Living Essential Oils Seed to Seal Process

Learn What it Takes to Create One Bottle of Young Living® Essential Oil

Strict attention to detail—from the seeds sown to the plants harvested—ensures
that the oils you obtain from Young Living are the purest, most potent essential
oils available. This precise, detailed method is known as the Seed to Seal process.


Potent essential oils come from plant species that have been authenticated by Young

Living experts. Species certification involves scientific research, field study,

university partnerships, and on-site planting certification.


Through cultivation on the four Young Living farms, Young Living Essential Oils has

mastered the creation of pure, potent essential oils. The company takes this knowledge

around the world to co-op farms to certify that these farms’ growing processes meet

Young Living’s strict quality standards.


Young Living’s proprietary low-temperature, low-pressure steam distillation process ensures

that the beneficial plant compounds in every batch of essential oil remain uncompromised

during the extraction process.


Each essential oil must pass Young Living’s stringent testing to ensure the optimal bioactive

natural compounds are present. Young Living uses its own internal labs, in addition to

third-party audits, to verify that international purity and potency standards are met and



Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process by carefully sealing each bottle of essential

oil before shipping them to members worldwide.

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Burning Headache And Some Of Its Causes.

A Burning Headache And Some Of Its Causes.

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200 Characters left Related Questions. What is the immediate treatment for regular headache. headache is getting during too hot atmosphere time, too cold time, rainy seasonCan switching to e-cig's cause moderate to severe headachsWould tapering off Nortiptyline cause sinus pain, stuffiness, post nasal drip and headachesIm a burn survivor living in vancouver bc. i watched the new treatment for burns, could you help me to do this treatment? I did like to know whereI could go ! A Burning Headache And Some Of Its Causes.

By: Ann Marier

Many people suffer from this common nuisance called burning headache every day, in some cases which can even last for days. Burning headache is not a medically recognized term if you were to look around in medical journals and clinical documents, but it is pretty much commonly used. There are many different causes of burning headache, and different people have different parts of the head which aches. Besides, there are also many different causes of this headache, some of which we will be looking at today.Different Parts of the HeadIn many instances, burning headache is related to sinusitis.

In that case, the pain is usually on the frontal part of the head, on the forehead, upper cheeks, and sometimes can even travel around the whole face. In other cases, this burning headache can be caused by fever. In this, the pain is usually on both sides of the forehead, which are the weakest points of sensitivity in our head. CausesAs we have already known, the common reasons for burning headache would be fever, flu, and sinusitis. In these cases, the pain is constant, and can be stinging and tingling, and not to mention burning. It can originate from any side of the head, but usually after a while it will travel to other areas as well.Some people tend to get thrusts of extreme pains.

Although medically there is no proof as to what causes this sudden uprising in the burning headache symptoms, it is believed to be caused by pulsating nerves due to tension. Burning headache can also be caused by certain other reasons besides the above listed. These are more serious cases such as tumors or growth in the head. In such cases, the pain is not constant like the ones listed above, but comes on and off. The pain is usually violent, far stronger than the ones you get for fever, and not to forget; it pulsates often.It is also believed that toxins and chemicals can also cause acute or burning headache.
This is pretty common to many people, especially those who are not so favorable of newly painted houses, chemical labs, and so on. On top of these, even certain edible toxins and foods can cause burning headache, such as alcohol, caffeine, and so on. Alcohol and caffeine especially, are believed to be causes of many serious headaches that can cause the whole head to ache severely, with the nerves being extremely tensed.

About the Author

Ann Marier has written articles on general health issues providing helpful tips and advice. Read all about her latest articles on types of headache and how to stop headaches

ArticlesBase SC #138084

Article Source:

A Burning Headache And Some Of Its Causes. Many people suffer from this common nuisance called burning headache every day, in some cases which can even last for days. Burning headache is not a medically recognized term if you were to look around in medical journals.

and clinical documents, but it is pretty much commonly used. There are many different causes of burning headache, and different people have different parts of the head which aches. Besides, there are also many different causes of this headache, some of which we will be looking at today.

Different Parts of the Head

In many instances, burning headache is related to sinusitis. In that case, the pain is usually on the frontal part of the head, on the forehead, upper cheeks, and sometimes can even travel around the whole face. In other cases, this burning headache can be caused by fever. In this, the pain is usually on both sides of the forehead, which are the weakest points of sensitivity in our head.


As we have already known, the common reasons for burning headache would be fever, flu, and sinusitis. In these cases, the pain is constant, and can be stinging and tingling, and not to mention burning. It can originate from any side of the head, but usually after a while it will travel to other areas as well.

Some people tend to get thrusts of extreme pains. Although medically there is no proof as to what causes this sudden uprising in the burning headache symptoms, it is believed to be caused by pulsating nerves due to tension.

Burning headache can also be caused by certain other reasons besides the above listed. These are more serious cases such as tumors or growth in the head. In such cases, the pain is not constant like the ones listed above, but comes on and off. The pain is usually violent, far stronger than the ones you get for fever, and not to forget; it pulsates often.

It is also believed that toxins and chemicals can also cause acute or burning headache. This is pretty common to many people, especially those who are not so favorable of newly painted houses, chemical labs, and so on. On top of these, even certain edible toxins and foods can cause burning headache, such as alcohol, caffeine, and so on.

Alcohol and caffeine especially, are believed to be causes of many serious headaches that can cause the whole head to ache severely, with the nerves being extremely tensed.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Influenza and Essential Oils.

.Influenza and Essential Oils.

Simple Ways To Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Aromatherapy, Best Essential Oils, Essential Oils, Frankincense, Hand Washing, Home Spa, Pain, Peppermint, Therapeutic-grade Essential Oil, Thieves, Distributor, Young Living Essential Oils

by Kim Corbell
It is that time of the year. The time that everyone gets their tissues and cough syrup out and is ready to take a sick leave from work. It is flu season. Many doctors offices are booked solid and pharmacies have lines out the door for flu shots. What happens if you can not or do not want to get a flu shot? What happens if you ave already gotten the flu?

Influenza is a unpleasant sickness. Coughing, sneezing, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, weakness and fatigue, and sometimes even nausea and vomiting. And even though in the grand scheme of things the flu has some minor symptoms it can be deadly to the young and the elderly. Everyone wants to avoid spending a few weeks in bed feeling horrible and everyone has a different idea on how to do that. Some people simply get the flu shot and others have home remedies to try to avoid this infectious time of the year. So how do you stay flu free? And what do you do if you’ve already got the flu?

There are three things everyone should do to avoid getting the flu and to shorten the length of the sickness.

1.Wash your hands with soap and water often. Especially after you cough or sneeze. You can also use Thieves Waterless Purifier throughout the day.

2.Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.

3.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to avoid spreading germs

If you suspect you are starting to get the flu get out your Thieves and put 1-2 drops in a 00 capsule and fill the rest with rice milk and take 2-3 times daily and chew an ImmuPro tablet before bed.

If you start to run a fever make sure to avoid coming in contact with others. Putting a few drops of Peppermint on each foot will help bring your fever down. Also use this recipe for a warm bath to ease aches and pains and help speed up the recovery process.

2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata

6 drops Frankincense

3 drops Blue Cypress

6 drops Spruce

15 drops Ravensara

1 drop Wintergreen

Stir above essential oils into 1/4 cup Epsom salt and dissolve into a warm bath and soak until water starts to cool. Relax and breath deeply.

So save yourself some money and do not go get all the cough syrup and medication and make sure to keep some important essential oils on hand. With the right tools you can make it through flu season happy and healthy but if you do get the flu make sure to get a lot of rest, avoid infecting others, and stay positive.

To buy the essential oils and essential oil enhanced products to help you through flu season click here.

By Kim Corbell

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yungliving the Home of Essential oils!

Young Living Farms

Mona, Utah

In 1995, Gary Young purchased 138 acres of farmland in Utah, where he could grow and distill plants to create essential oils. Nestled at the base of scenic Mount Nebo, the farm now includes almost 1,600 acres and is the largest privately–owned herb farm and essential oils distillery in the world. Every year the farm produces chamomile, clary sage, helichrysum, peppermint, hyssop, and, of course, lavender along with other plants.

In the summer, when 120 acres are full of fragrant lavender, the farm hosts its annual Lavender Days. Visitors enjoy the unique opportunity of seeing the entire distillation process, including Gary's proprietary design for low–temperature, low–pressure spiral vortex steam distillation..

Peaceful and tranquil, the Young Living Lavender Farm in Mona, Utah, is a beautiful oasis on a stark high desert landscape. protected by majestic mountain ranges, the energy is vibrant yet calm.History of Mona

In 1871, Howard and Martha Jane Corey staked a small homestead on a parcel of desert land near a small flowing stream in central Utah. While Howard raised livestock, Martha gained a reputation selling liniments and medicines she made from what she gathered and grew on this land.
In 1996, D. Gary and Mary Young purchased 1,600 acres of rural land, nestled next to a tall mountain range. This land was destined to become the home of the largest herb farm and essential oil distillery in the world. As if by divine providence, this was the very same land that Martha Corey had grown and harvested her herbs 125 years earlier.

St. Maries, Idaho

Near the small town of St. Maries, Idaho, Gary Young discovered an unspoiled valley ideal for harvesting aromatic plants and producing essential oils. Evergreen forests shelter this small out-of-the-way magical farm in northern Idaho. The land had never been plowed, exposed to harsh pesticides or fertilizers and was unaffected by the pollution of urban areas. Furthermore, there was little risk of contamination from aerial pesticides and irrigation runoff from nearby farms.

In 1992, Gary purchased 160 acres and began to harvest lavender, tansy, and peppermint to use for Young Living Essential Oils health and wellness products. As in Mona, the St. Maries farm has its own unique distilleries built on the very land where the Young Living lavender grows.

The first stationary distiller was built at the farm. It incorporated Gary's proprietary low–pressure and low–temperature distillation process. The distiller's original boiler capacity was just over 3,000 liters. Four years and six additional boilers later, the boiler capacity topped more than 34,000 liters.

Simiane-la-Rotonde, France

The Provence area of France is world–renowned for its scenic landscape, fresh crops, and fragrant lavender fields. Historically many natives believed that the fragrance of lavender induced tranquility and inspired feelings of happiness and celebration.

At one point, France was producing roughly 200 tons of lavender oil annually. Yet over the years, the lavender crop in France has steadily declined, possibly because of consumer demand for cheaper aromatic scents. Many farms in France produce Lavendin, a diluted lavender hybrid, which has become an accepted substitute for the true herb.

It was with this decline in production and diluted quality in mind that led Gary to purchase land for a new Young Living farm. This farm sits at the foot of the quaint French village Simiane. Until Gary's first crop, there was no lavender grown in the area. It is Gary's hope that the farm will restore healthy and authentic lavender plants to the valley. Learn more about the decline in quality and distillation.

Guayaquil, Ecuador

The Young Living Ecuador farm is the newest addition to the Young Living family of farms. Gary personally chose the location because of its rich soil and continual growing season. Spanning over 2,200 acres, the farm currently produces Palo Santo trees, helichrysum, lemongrass, with more varieties being tested for fertility and high essential oil content every year. As is true with all of Young Living's farms, the Ecuador farm houses the single largest single cooker in the western hemisphere with a 14,500 liter capacity.

Implementing the same high-quality standards for distilling essential oils that he developed in North America, Gary is examining the beneficial properties of local native medicinal aromatic plants. Recently, Gary and his family moved to Ecuador to allow Gary to further his research on the therapeutic and healing properties of aromatic plants and to identify new plants for use in Young Living essential oils. He also oversees the entire production of essential oils, including the growing and distillation of the plants.

Gary Young

Monday, September 20, 2010

Best Diet System Will Allow Nutritious Snacks Throughout The Day.

Best Diet System Will Allow Nutritious Snacks Throughout The Day.

The Entire Real HCG Diet Lose 1-2 pounds per day the healthy way and keep it off. HCG.

1 Way to Drop 9 lbs Weekly Lose Weight, As Much As 9 Pounds Per Week in 2 Simple Steps.

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200 Characters left Related QuestionsWhat are the best diet pills to take ?Can a 500 calorie healthy calories a day diet for 6 weeks cause tooth aches ? Can it be remedied with a normal 1200 healthy calories a day? Why are the instructions different with the HCG Ultra Diet Drops? All the other Hcg plans say to load calories the first two days, why does not this one? Best Diet System Will Allow Nutritious Snacks Throughout The Day

By: Lori Finney

Nowadays, a person usually consume snack foods if they feel hungry as opposed to sitting down to an entire meal. An individual best diet to lose weight ought to incorporate consuming foods through the day. This particular practice will assist to keep an individual metabolism increased which can boost weight reduction.However, a nutritional regimen to lose weight ought to not include munchies from processed products having not healthy carbohydrates.

One example of not healthy carbohydrates will be refined grains used in breads. Another sample happens to be manufactured products like chips, cakes and cookies. The last sample will be sugary sodas. When folks choose diet systems to shed pounds that cuts back on not healthy carbs then a person will feel less irritable as well as experience more endurance.
A nutritional regimen to shed pounds must include healthful carbohydrates. A few samples of healthful carbs are whole grains, legumes, vegetables, raw nuts, beans and fruits. Nutritious carbohydrates contain a lot less calories as well as a lot more cholesterol reducing fiber. This cholesterol reducing fiber should make a person feel full throughout the day.

This particular situation implies less foods will be ingested. An end result happens to be weight duction.Ingesting one fruit such as a banana when sticking to diet systems to shed pounds often will be plenty of a treat for lots of individuals. Although, ingesting a candy bar generally will leave a person needing even more food relatively soon.

Sweet snacks happen to be loaded with calories and supply zero nutritional value.Sad to say, folks from farms that produce nutritious vegetables and fruits will not have the monetary capability to advertise the same as a business selling French fries.

That specific detail happens to be among the key reasons people will view unhealthy food product advertisements on TV rather than healthy snacks.Switching not healthy snacks for healthy munchies is not similar to diet plans to lose weight stating an individual has to omit any snacks. In reality, if the weight reduction program to shed pounds instructs somebody they have to eliminate all snacks then folks ought to move on to a better weight reduction system.

Peoples best diet to lose weight should include healthful food products coming from all food groups. There is no particular food that supplies all of the nutrition the system needs. Ingesting an assortment of products assures a person acquires his or her needed nutrition as well as further ingredients which promotes good wellness.

Unhealthy carbs can bring about the blood sugar amount spiking up. Shortly afterward, blood sugar level can drop down making an individual feel hungry. Though, healthy carbohydrates will have minimal influence in regards to blood sugar amounts. Healthful snack foods that happen to be packed with nutriments as well as reduced in calories happen to be ideal on the belly.A few fruits having high fiber and water, that can make an individual feel less hungry for more time, consist of blackberries and raspberries. Additionally, veggies are packed with water and fiber. People's best diet to lose weight possibly will advise trying to keep away from starchy veggies like corn.

You may also enjoy diet plan, weight loss diet and best weight loss. Best Diet System Will Allow Nutritious Snacks Throughout The Day.
Nowadays, a person usually consume snack foods if they feel hungry as opposed to sitting down to an entire meal. An individual best diet to lose weight ought to incorporate consuming foods through the day. This particular practice will assist to keep an individual's metabolism increased which can boost weight reduction.

However, a nutritional regimen to lose weight ought to not include munchies from processed products having not healthy carbohydrates. One example of not healthy carbohydrates will be refined grains used in breads. Another sample happens to be manufactured products like chips, cakes and cookies. The last sample will be sugary sodas. When folks choose diet systems to shed pounds that cuts back on not healthy carbs then a person will feel less irritable as well as experience more endurance.

A nutritional regimen to shed pounds must include healthful carbohydrates. A few samples of healthful carbs are whole grains, legumes, vegetables, raw nuts, beans and fruits. Nutritious carbohydrates contain a lot less calories as well as a lot more cholesterol reducing fiber. This cholesterol reducing fiber should make a person feel full throughout the day. This particular situation implies less foods will be ingested. An end result happens to be weight reduction.
Ingesting one fruit such as a banana when sticking to diet systems to shed pounds often will be plenty of a treat for lots of individuals. Although, ingesting a candy bar generally will leave a person needing even more food relatively soon. Sweet snacks happen to be loaded with calories and supply zero nutritional value.
Sad to say, folks from farms that produce nutritious vegetables and fruits will not have the monetary capability to advertise the same as a business selling French fries. That specific detail happens to be among the key reasons people will view unhealthy food product advertisements on TV rather than healthy snacks.

Switching not healthy snacks for healthy munchies is not similar to diet plans to lose weight stating an individual has to omit any snacks. In reality, if the weight reduction program to shed pounds instructs somebody they have to eliminate all snacks then folks ought to move on to a better weight reduction system. Peoples best diet to lose weight should include healthful food products coming from all food groups. There is no particular food that supplies all of the nutrition the system needs. Ingesting an assortment of products assures a person acquires his or her needed nutrition as well as further ingredients which promotes good wellness.
Unhealthy carbs can bring about the blood sugar amount spiking up. Shortly afterward, blood sugar level can drop down making an individual feel hungry. Though, healthy carbohydrates will have minimal influence in regards to blood sugar amounts. Healthful snack foods that happen to be packed with nutriments as well as reduced in calories happen to be ideal on the belly.

A few fruits having high fiber and water, that can make an individual feel less hungry for more time, consist of blackberries and raspberries. Additionally, veggies are packed with water and fiber. Peoples best diet to lose weight possibly will advise trying to keep away from starchy veggies like corn,

Author: Lori Finney ArticlesBase SC #3304432

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Stop Panic Attacks

How to Stop Panic Attacks

How to Stop Panic Attacks Learn My 6 Step Shortcut To Control Your Panic Attacks.

Stop Panic Attacks Fast Seredyn prevents and stops anxiety attacks. Safe and 100 percent natural.

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.The Linden Method Works

By: Tris Zdrazil

Eliminating your anxiety with The Linden Method will:

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Free you of anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and OCD permanently.

Quickly eliminate your underlying anxieties and fears

Allow your phobias and obsessions to fade away

Completely eliminate the symptoms that plague you each day

Stop anxiety preventing you doing things you want to do

Stop you from obsessing about your health

Allow you to move forward with life and face exciting challenges

Massively increase your confidence and successes in all that you do.

Grab A Copy Click here.
96.7 percent of?Linden Method clients?completely eliminate theirPanic Attacks, Anxiety, OCD and Phobias?quickly and?permanently... Guaranteed!The 3.3 percent who fail, just do not do it correctly!

Developing The Linden Method was the final chapter in my recovery, but to date it has helped?133,320 ex-sufferers topermanently and?completely eliminate panic attacks, anxiety attacks, OCD, phobias and all the associated symptoms that had previously dominated and ruled their lives.

To date, we have probably successfully treated more sufferers than any other therapist, doctor or psychologist would do in five lifetimes. Our experience in the field of anxiety is second to none and our success rate is unquestionable.
The Linden Method will show you how to.
Prevent an anxiety attack or panic attack from starting

Create a solid foundation for the future, on which anxiety and panic attacks simply can not exist

Create a sense of clarity, strength and happiness that will transfer across every aspect of your life

STOP the obsessive 'checking' of symptoms and sensations that all anxiety sufferers do constantly

Start your day without even considering how you feel or how your anxiety will effect you TODAY

Replace all the lost time you have sacrificed to your anxiety and panic attacks - make a fresh start

Finally rekindle all of the exciting prospects and challenges you used to dream of - free from anxiety

Rekindle your social and family life and become someone who is a pleasure to spend time with

Create physical balance and fitness.

Turn back the clock to before you had anxiety and panic attacks

Get the second chance that you deserve.Start afresh, free from panic attacks and anxiety

Consider life stresses as challenges or never consider them at all

Live offensively - take on challenges and adventures without considering how you feel

Plan ahead for a more successful, fulfilling future, free from panic attacks and anxiety

Inspire others instead of being a burden to those you love

Function normally again - no anxiety, no OCD, no phobias, No panic attacks.

Grab A Copy Click here.

About the Author

(ArticlesBase SC #3293905)

Article Source: - The Linden Method Works

Eliminating your anxiety with The Linden Method will:

Grab A Copy Click here

•Free you of anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and OCD permanently.

•Quickly eliminate your underlying anxieties and fears.

•Allow your phobias and obsessions to fade away.

•Completely eliminate the symptoms.
that plague you each day.

•Stop anxiety preventing you doing things you want to do

•Stop you from obsessing about your health

•Allow you to move forward with life and face exciting challenges

•Massively increase your confidence and successes in all that you do.

Grab A Copy Click here

96.7 percent of?Linden Method clients?completely eliminate their

Panic Attacks, Anxiety, OCD and Phobias?quickly and?permanently... Guaranteed!

The 3.3% who fail, just don't do it correctly!

Developing The Linden Method was the final chapter in my recovery, but to date it has helped?133,320 ex-sufferers topermanently and?completely eliminate panic attacks, anxiety attacks, OCD, phobias and all the associated symptoms that had previously dominated and ruled their lives.

To date, we have probably successfully treated more sufferers than any other therapist, doctor or psychologist would do in five lifetimes. Our experience in the field of anxiety is second to none and our success rate is unquestionable.

The Linden Method will show you how to.

•Prevent an anxiety attack or panic attack from starting

•Create a solid foundation for the future, on which anxiety and panic attacks simply can not exist

•Create a sense of clarity, strength and happiness that will transfer across every aspect of your life

•STOP the obsessive checking of symptoms and sensations that all anxiety sufferers do constantly

•Start your day without even considering how you feel or how your anxiety will effect you TODAY

•Replace all the lost time you have sacrificed to your anxiety and panic attacks - make a fresh start

•Finally rekindle all of the exciting prospects and challenges you used to dream of - free from anxiety

•Rekindle your social and family life and become someone who is a pleasure to spend time with

•Create physical balance and fitness.

•Turn back the clock to before you had anxiety and panic attacks.

•Get the second chance that you deserve

•Start afresh, free from panic attacks and anxiety

•Consider life stresses as challenges or never consider them at all

•Live offensively - take on challenges and adventures without considering how you feel

•Plan ahead for a more successful, fulfilling future, free from panic attacks and anxiety

•Inspire others instead of being a burden to those you love

•Function normally again - no anxiety, no OCD, no phobias, No panic attacks.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
The Linden Method Works

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Posted: Sep 18, 2010
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Friday, September 10, 2010

4 Health Benefits of Watermelons

Health Benefits of Watermelons

4 Health Benefits of Watermelons

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Posted: May 02, 2007
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The Entire Real HCG Diet Lose 1-2 pounds per day the healthy way and keep it off. HCG.

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4 Health Benefits of Watermelons

By: Yuki Shoji

Think back to when you were a child and when during the summer months, the pinnacle of cookouts and family gatherings was always the cold juicy watermelon that was for desert. When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste. Now that you're older, it is more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each year when the season arises. It is because watermelons have tremendous health benefits that anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle should be determined to take advantage of every year. Lets take a closer look at some of these health benefits this fruit has to offer. Health Benefit of Watermelons #1 LycopeneLycopene is an antioxidant found in most red colored fruits, with the exception of a few things such as strawberries. Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people. People who eat a diet high in lycopene are much less likely to suffer a heart attack then men who do not. Health Benefit of Watermelons #2 Vitamin B6Vitamin B6 is an important attribute to have in a healthy diet because it promotes chemicals in the brain that help people to cope with anxiety and panic. These are two psychological disorders that are on the rise in America today. Health Benefit of Watermelons #3 Vitamin CIf you thought oranges were the only fruit that could provide you with Vitamin C, think again. Vitamin C is important to not only being healthy, but remaining attractive all your life. Vitamin C boosts the immune system so that you get sick less often and it also slows down aging and medical conditions such as cataract. Health Benefit of Watermelons #4 Vitamin AVitamin A works much like Vitamin C, in that it helps boost immunity, but it also help your body fight off infection. It also prevents blindness. As you can see, eating watermelon is almost tantamount to taking a multivitamin every morning, but with a much better taste. Watermelons are seasonal, which means that they are not available all year long. It means that when they are in season you should make sure and take advantage. When you go to the store to purchase one you want to try and find one that is ripe and ready to eat. The best way to do this is to knock on the outside of the rind. If you hear a hollow sound then melon is ready to eat, but if you hear solid thud put it back. The fruit is over ripe and you will not be getting very good flavor from it. Buy you water melon and eat it within the first few days of getting it home. Everything about it is healthy, and in addition, it will not leave you feeling over stuffed if you eat too much. So in a few weeks, the weather gets warmer and summer is approaching. Do not forget about watermelons. Eat up and get the extra boost they will add to your healthy lifestyle.

About the Author

Yuki Shoji offers a free Report on How you can look & stay attractive by eating foods". Go Here And Claim Your copy now at

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ArticlesBase SC #141351

Article Source: - 4 Health Benefits of Watermelons

Think back to when you were a child and when during the summer months, the pinnacle of cookouts and family gatherings was always the cold juicy watermelon that was for desert. When you were young, eating watermelon was about taste. Now that you're older, it is more than just taste that should inspire you to eat lots of watermelon each year when the season arises. It's because watermelons have tremendous health benefits that anyone who lives a healthy lifestyle should be determined to take advantage of every year. Let's take a closer look at some of these health benefits this fruit has to offer.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #1 Lycopene

Lycopene is an antioxidant found in most red colored fruits, with the exception of a few things such as strawberries. Scientific studies have shown that Lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer and heart disease in people. People who eat a diet high in lycopene are much less likely to suffer a heart attack then men who do not.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #2 Vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 is an important attribute to have in a healthy diet because it promotes chemicals in the brain that help people to cope with anxiety and panic. These are two psychological disorders that are on the rise in America today.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #3 Vitamin C.

If you thought oranges were the only fruit that could provide you with Vitamin C, think again. Vitamin C is important to not only being healthy, but remaining attractive all your life. Vitamin C boosts the immune system so that you get sick less often and it also slows down aging and medical conditions such as cataract.

Health Benefit of Watermelons #4 Vitamin A.

Vitamin A works much like Vitamin C, in that it helps boost immunity, but it also help your body fight off infection. It also prevents blindness.

As you can see, eating watermelon is almost tantamount to taking a multivitamin every morning, but with a much better taste. Watermelons are seasonal, which means that they are not available all year long. It means that when they are in season you should make sure and take advantage.

When you go to the store to purchase one you want to try and find one that is ripe and ready to eat. The best way to do this is to knock on the outside of the rind. If you hear a hollow sound then melon is ready to eat, but if you hear solid thud put it back. The fruit is over ripe and you will not be getting very good flavor from it. Buy you water melon and eat it within the first few days of getting it home. Everything about it is healthy, and in addition, it won't leave you feeling over stuffed if you eat too much.

So in a few weeks, the weather gets warmer and summer is approaching. Do not forget about watermelons. Eat up and get the extra boost they will add to your healthy lifestyle.

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Posted: May 02, 2007
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