What is one of the real secret to better health?
Most people do not know that the human body is designed to only break down or
digest approximately 50 percent of the food we eat. Live enzymes are supplied in
raw food, but as soon as we cook or process our food, we kill all the
enzymes. This is the most overlooked situation in health today. Until
this problem is corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer.
This is a very serious problem that our body faces on a daily basis yet, very
few people are paying attention to how they weaken their body's protectors
and repairers every single day.
Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices
1. Do not take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use your bodys
energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked and processed food. You
will also distract the bodys function in protecting and repairing the human
2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach and you
will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the food and clean up the
blood. This will conserve the body's energy and enzyme reserves. Digesting
your food properly and cleaning up the blood makes it possible for the human
body to give all of its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no
longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of undigested
particles. If you want a fully functional, effective and strong immune
system improving digestion and cleaning up the blood is the way to give the
human body back its full power to protect and repair. It won't happen
without improving digestion and clean blood.
Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own. It is
impossible for the human body to function properly if we are not digesting
our food properly! Digestive enzymes are necessary if you want a very
strong immune system.
So take a look at our enzymes and what they can do for you:
Essentialzyme (Megazyme
A high-quality enzyme complex that may improve and aid digestion and the
elimination of toxic waste from the body.. Essentialzyme was formulated to
help supply enzymes to those who have difficulty digesting or assimilating
Essentialzyme helps reestablish proper enzyme balance in the digestive
system and throughout the body and helps improve intestinal flora. It may
also help retard the aging process.
Enzyme supplementation is particularly important for people suffering
chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, or in any condition where the
pancreas duct is blocked, thereby preventing enzymes from reaching the
Carbozyme is designed to relieve bloating, cramping, intestinal distress,
and combat Candida and yeast overgrowth. Carbozyme is an advanced starch
and sugar digesting vegetarian enzyme complex that contains pure amylase and
therapeutic-grade essential oils. Works best when combined with fiberzyme.
Clinical studies in 2002 using two capsules twice a day of Carbozyme
eliminated the need for insulin in diabetic patients.
A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of the body.
Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to digest starches, sugars,
proteins, and fats. This formula is structured with trace minerals that
help the body detoxify itself, reducing, cholesterol and triglycerides., It
helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver, preventing
candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general detoxification.
The formula facilitates optimal absorption of nutrients from foods and
supplements, delays the aging process, and maintains optimal energy levels.
It also helps to regulate the pH level and reduce acidification and parasite
colonization and infestation.
Detoxyzme also contains phytase, and enzyme essential for people eating
vegetarian diets. Phytase, an enzyme essential for people eating vegetarian
diets. Phytase is crucial for unlocking the mineral content of many grains,
nuts, seeds, and other foods which contain high levels of essential minerals
that are unavailable to the human body because they are bound up in
insoluble indigestible phytate complexes. Up to 90% of the magnesium,
potassium and zinc in foods like barley, cashews, walnuts, and rice is
irreversibly tied up by phytic acid and cannot be absorbed by the digestive
system. Thus the phytase in Detoxyzme results in a huge boost in mineral
absorption from diets high in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
The benefits of essential minerals to human health cannot be overemphasized.
Magnesium is crucial for blood pressure regulation and antioxidant
production, zinc is critical for normal immune function, and potassium is
vital for blood pressure and water balance and is found inside of every cell
in the body.
Designed to combat yeast overgrowth and candida conditions in the body.
Fiberzyme is a high powered fiber-enzyme complex that aids digestion and
enhances absorption of nutrients. It fights yeast infestation by digesting
fungal and yeast cells. It works best when combined with Polyzyme or
A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and enhances the
absorption of fat-soluable vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and
vitamin E.
The enzyme complexes in Polyzyme are used medically as powerful
anti-inflammatories that combat arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome,
fibromyalgia, ALS and food allergies
By promoting complete digestion of proteins, Polyzyme increase the
production of key amino acids from food proteins. Amino acids are
absolutely vital for healthy immunity and health and form the building
blocks of hormone creation, tissue repair, and muscle formation. By
promoting complete digestion. Polyzyme prevents putrefaction in the
intestines that can lead to allergies, liver stress, and toxic blood.
Protease 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 which are in Polyzyme are protein digesting enzymes
designed to work in a broad range of pH conditions. Acid stable proteases
are environment of the stomach while alkaline proteases are more effective
in the large intestine. This combination of proteases is scientifically
formulated to maximize protein digestion and amino acid formation.
KidScents MightyZyme Chewable:
A delicious high-powered vegetable enzyme complex for children. Includes
enzymes to digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Also includes folic
acid and peppermint oil to enhance digestion.
The info on the enzymes was taken out of the new Essential Oils Desk
Reference The Third Edition which you can order from Essential Science
Publishing. As you can see the info above is fabulous.
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