Weight Loss #2 Thyroid
Thyroid Problems:
Located at the base of the neck just below the Adams apple, the thyroid is the energy gland of the human body. It produces T3 and T4 thyroid hormones that control the body's metabolism. The thyroid also controls other vital functions such as digestion, circulation, immune functions. hormone balance, and emotions.
The thyroid gland is actually controlled by the pituitary gland which signals the thyroid when to produce thyroid hormone. The pituitary gland, in turn, is directed by chemical signals sent by the hypothalamus gland which monitors hormone levels in the blood stream.
A lack of thyroid hormone does not necessarily mean that the thyroid is not functioning properly. In some instances, the pituitary may be malfunctioning because of its failure to release sufficient TSH thyrotropin releasing hormone.
In cases where thyroid hormone deficiency is caused by a malfunctioning pituitary or hypothalamus, better results may be achieved by using supplements or essential oils that stimulate the pituitary or hypothalamus, such as Cedarwood.
People with type A blood have more of a tendency to have weak thyroid function.
When a person is under heavy stress it compromises the thyroid which can cause depression: You would need to take 3 thryomin at bedtime and 4 in the morning along with EndoGize, Estro and Femigen.
Another food for thought:
Take fresh Asparagus and steam it until tender and then juice it and drink 2 ozs, 3 times a day. This helps to increase energy, weight loss, and great for osteoporosis, arthritis, skin, lung, and breast cancer.
This product was developed to nourish the thyroid, balance metabolism, and reduce fatigue. It contains a combination of specially selected glandular nutrients, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and essential oils. Contains Peppermint, Spearmint, Myrtle, and Myrrh, to perfectly balance and bring the most beneficial and nutritional support to the thyroid.
Normal body temperature is 97.6 Check it upon waking up in the morning. Do not get up and to the bathroom as you temperature starts rising. Do it immediately upon waking whether its 3am or 6am. Put a mercy thermometer under arm pit and wait 10 minutes. If it is below 97.6 start out with one or two caps. In a week check again to see if it has come up. If not add one more cap. Do this until it has reached 97.6. If it goes over 97.6 back down a cap until it stays at 97.6.
If your basal cell temp is over 97.6 then you start with 1 thryomin in the morning and follow the same procedures as above.
Take regularly for 1-3 months; listen to your body it will tell you when you need to cut back and do your basal cell temp.
Keep everything away from food when taking the supplement:
Basic Start for weight loss:
ComforTone 5-2times a day
Detoxyzme 5 -3 times a day
Lipozyme 2-4 times a day
Thryomin 2 just before bedtime
JuvaPower 2 Tbsp night
Enzyme Deficiencies:
Whats the real secret to better health?
Gary talked to us about the enzymes and how important they are to our good health. Enzyme help to increase resistant to disease, improve hormones, sex, speed up bone, and wound healing, increase mental clarity, help digest toxins, burn fat, attach iron to the red blood cells, enzyme may help dissolve blood clots, and anti-aging. Also enzyme help build the body to prevent on slot of a cold coming on.
Gary stressed to us that it is very very very important to give our precious children enzymes too so they can have a great immune system to avoid school diseases.
Most people do not know that the human body is designed to only break down or digest approximately 50 percent of the food we eat. Live enzymes are supplied in raw food, but as soon as we cook or process our food, we kill all the enzymes. This is the most overlooked situation in health today. Until this problem is corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer. This is a very serious problem the body faces on a daily basis yet; very few people are paying attention to how they weaken their body's protectors and repairers every single day.
Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices:
1. Do not take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use your bodys energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked and processed food. You will also distract the bodys function in protecting and repairing the human body.
2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach and you will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the food and clean up the food properly and cleaning up the blood makes it possible for the human body to give all of its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of undigested particles. If you want a fully functional, effective and strong immune system improving digestion and cleaning up the blood is the way to give the human body back its full power to protect and repair. It won't happen without improving digestion and having clean blood.
Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own. It is impossible for the human body to function properly if we are not digesting our food properly! So as you can see digestive enzymes are necessary if you want a very strong immune system.
Enzyme Deficiencies:
It causes the pancreas to be overworked especially those that eat processed foods and the pancreas becomes enlarged. You are than lacking in lipase to break down fats; could end up getting fatty tumors.
Enzymes to take during weight loss cleanse:
:A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Taking Lipozyme helps to break down fats. Over fed people develop more fat cells then under fed people. Obese people have 70% less lipase in their blood. Lipozyme converts fat to glycogen so it can be utilized in the body.
Fat impairs the function of the blood cells in the immune system by slowing down the circulation.
I take 2 before breakfast, 2 before lunch, 2 before dinner.
Detoxzyme:A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of the body. Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to digest starches, sugars, proteins, and fats. This formula is structured with trace minerals that help the body detoxify itself, reducing cholesterol and triglycerides. It helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver, preventing Candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general detoxification.
I take 5 in the morning, 3 at lunch, 3 at bedtime.
Food for thought:babies who are fed formula are enzyme deficient and develop toxic condition, such as mucus, fevers, diarrhea, colic, allergies and mental disturbances, ADHD and autism. That is why we have Children Mightyzymes. They are most important to our children now days.
As we are cleansing we forget about out Kidneys. They are taking on a big burden as all this garbage is being dumped on them so we need to support them with K & B, and EndoFlex. EndoFlex also supports the thyroid. And by all means drink a lot of water to help flush the dissolved fat cells out of the kidneys. A lot of kidney failure is due to dehydration and our bodys mental and physical capacities are diminished immediately. Without any water your body systems will begin to fail within 3 - 4 days.
Your daily intake of water 8-8 oz. glasses a day
Weight Recommended
100 - 150 7- 8 glasses
150 - 200 9 - 11 glasses
200 - 250 11 - 13 glasses
250 - 300 13 - 15 glasses
Another factor we need to consider which is very important is the emotions when you are on this program. I had hit a plateau and could not lose any more weight. Gary said we had to break that plateau and he upped my ThermaBurn and put me on just lemonade. Said it could take up to 3 days to break it. We it did it in a day and the next morning I had the emotional release that I needed and broke the plateau. I lost 3 lbs. that first day. Every day for 3 days I lost 3 lbs., after that it leveled off to where I kept losing weight.
Also do not forget GOD as he is there to help you along this path that is most important. We all need GODS help. The burden was heavy on my shoulders but the weight lifted because I was not alone. He was there for me and when I felt down, he picked me up.
Phillips Health International
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