Friday, October 22, 2010

Combating Emotional Abuse with Everyday Oils.

Combating Emotional Abuse with Everyday Oils.

October 19th, 2010

Few things are as mentally challenging as emotional abuse. Emotional

abuse is constant exposure to insults, destructive criticisms, berating, and belittling. Personal abuse of words, actions, and ideas can come from virtually anyone: a spouse, coworkers, family members, or even from your own mind.

Emotional abuse degrades self-esteem,

creating a negative cycle of self-doubt and depression. Keeping negative feelings locked inside is very damaging both to the mind and body. Emotional darkness locked inside stifles creativity and personal progression. Negative emotions can be stored in muscles, joints, liver, and digestive organs, causing physical symptoms such as pain, decreased mobility, and indigestion.
There are ways to overcome the patterns of emotional abuse. With proper help you can effectively process negative emotions and break the downward spiral of low self-esteem.

First, it’s important to distance yourself from the emotional abuse. After the source has been resolved, use essential oils to start healing from the trauma. If you have Young Livings Everyday Oils collection, you have what you need to begin to combat negative emotions and the symptoms of emotional abuse.

Apply a few drops on the shoulders. It can help the body receive a feeling of empowerment to give courage to the mind and soul and improve self-esteem. This is a key oil to aid in overcoming emotional abuse because of the lifting effect on the body, mind, and soul.


Use a drop over the heart to relieve any pain or discomfort that might be held in the heart from emotional abuse. It may also be applied topically over any aches or pains to relieve the negative memory stored in the body.


Apply to the top of the head. Frankincense can help connect to light and spiritual power within, comforting the mind and helping to overcome stress.


Lavender is calming and soothing to the body, mind, and soul. The oil is also balancing and calming to the nervous system.


Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to water. It has a cleansing effect on the liver—where anger and negative emotions are stored—and can help let go of emotional negativity and darkness.


Emotions may be held and stored in the digestive organs, causing pain in the stomach and abdomen. Put a drop of peppermint in the mouth or in a glass of water to help the digestive organs let go of negative emotions.

Diffuse Purification in a Young Living diffuser or smell right from the bottle. When processing abuse, Purification can aid in cleansing and can balance heart functions.


Appling Thieves to the feet can help create feelings of protection and courage, giving the body strength and support to the immune system.

Understanding emotional abuse and how to use Young Living's Everyday Oils collection can help break the downward spiral of negative emotions and increase self-esteem and love.

Peace be with you,

Kaye Lynne

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