Thursday, December 29, 2011

5 Super Wealth-Building Tips Pave the Way to Financial Freedom

There are so many things involved with building wealth that it would take much more than one article to explain it all. So, we've put together a simple five-step guide to help you get a great start in building wealth for a lifetime.

Step 1: Set Specific Goals

Goal setting is a task that can be easily put off - especially when you are extremely busy in day-to-day activities. However, goal setting is the first and one of the most important steps you'll take to achieve wealth. Set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals may be daily, weekly and monthly goals. These should reveal where you would like to be financially by a certain time in the near future.

Long-term goals include the amount of wealth you would like to accumulate within a year, two years, or maybe even five or ten years. Both types of goals are necessary to build wealth. Without goals, you are wondering blindly with no care or thought of what's ahead. This pattern of life is sure to leave you empty-handed!

Step 2: Create a Business Plan

Every successful business from the past and today started with a plan. Your business plan should illustrate where you are now, where you plan to be in the future, and how you're going to get there. Write these few notes down on paper. Then, fill in the blanks to create a rough business plan. It's easier than you think.

*Your current income

*Business profits and expenses (if you already own a business)

*Business budget (or personal budget if working for someone else)

*Capital needed upfront to promote and operate business

*Plans to acquire the capital needed (source of capital)

*Spending plan (promotions, supplies, inventory, online expenses, etc.)
*Expectations (What results do you expect from your initial efforts?)

Creating a business plan is a necessary step to build wealth through your own business. Even if you don't own a business, you should write down a similar plan to reach your personal wealth goals.

Step 3: Avoid Harmful Debt

Debt is the one of the key reasons many people never accumulate wealth. But remember, there are two types of debt: harmful debt and necessary debt. Harmful debt is the debt you create for things you do not need such as excessive shopping, luxury items, expensive cars that you can't afford, etc. Necessary debt is a debt most people must have to live, such as a mortgage, car loan (affordable), medical, college, etc. These debts are a part of life for most families and will be for many, many years. However, even these types of debts should be kept well within your income limitations. If you can only afford a $250/month car loan, then shop around until you find one at this price. Don't give in to the temptations and pressures to buy the fancier, more expensive car with a $450/month payment. It's not worth the risk!

You may ask, "I thought these steps were for building wealth?"

As it happens, debt is the opposite of wealth. The more debt you have, the less wealth you will accumulate. You can't save money or invest money that belongs to someone else. If you earn $3,000 in income this month, but owe $2,000 in loans (before everyday living expenses), you can't possibly have extra money to save. You must either earn more or sell some items to pay off your debt. You should avoid this "debt trap" if you intend on building wealth for the future.

Another type of debt is one for your business. You may take out a small business loan to get things started or to promote your business. If you are uncertain about whether the business will bring profits, try to avoid business debt until you have tested it a while.

Step 4: Develop a Personal Plan

Above, you developed a business plan. Now it's time to create a personal plan. What tasks will you do daily to build wealth? Put yourself on a schedule and a strict budget. Work toward your goals daily by making a list of things to do and marking off each item on the list as you complete the tasks. In your budgeting, include a set amount of money you will put away in savings (savings account, IRA, stocks, bonds, etc.) If you plan to invest, be sure to diversify your investments. Choose only one or two high-risk investments and several "safer" investments such as mutual funds or bonds.

Step 5: Stay focused on the Goal, not the Circumstances

No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, keep your eyes on the wealth-building goal ahead. Even if sales are down in your business, don't stop dead in your tracks. Remember, businesses have ups and downs. If you remain steadfast toward your goal during the slow times, the busy times are bound to be much better than ever. Your income will grow and you will have the extra money needed to reach your wealth-building goals.

In a nutshell, building wealth does not happen over night with one get-rich-quick program. It happens with consistent labor toward the goals and tasks you have created. You can build wealth for your future if you do not waver from these basic truths that have worked for millions of others!

wealth building Plan

Chauncey Penfold



Monday, December 26, 2011

2 Sure-Fire Methods Proven To Convert More Customers

If you're a marketer your number one concern is customers. You've probably read and heard a million and one ideas about how to build relationships, retain customers, create a list of potential customers, and inspire consumer loyalty. But the tough question is, "How do I convert prospects into customers?"

There are a lot of people out there who see your ads, think about them, and maybe even say, "I ought to..." They're just waiting to be convinced to do something about it. There is something you can do to get them moving!

1. Improve Your Offer

No on can pass up the deal that's "too good to resist." Think about it... how often do your customers want your product, but just want something else a little more? That leaves you with a long list of "almost sales" that have the potential to be converted into real sales and profit. Sweeten the deal. Make the offer so good they can't resist it.

Now, I'm in no way suggesting that you drop your prices to sweeten the deal. You can just as easily load it up with bonuses to increase the perceived value without cutting away at your profit. Bonuses motivate sales, maybe even more than cut prices.

Don't let them lollygag. Yeah, get them into the store pronto with a deadline. They may have to put a competitors purchase on hold to get your deal, but hey... what's wrong with that?

2. Follow Up

How would you like to increase your sales by more than 50 percent? Yeah, it sounds good! There's really a very simple tactic that you can implement... follow ups.

Chances are, prospective customers aren't going to buy your product the first time they see or hear about it. Maybe it'll be the third or fourth, but they have to hear from you that third or fourth time before they actually become a customer. Do you have a follow up system in place?

Simply contact the "almost customer" every month with a new offer, or give them more information about the product they are showing interest in. It doesn't have to be an intricate process. Keeping the contact there goes a long way toward building trust... the key to finding life-long customers.

Internet Marketers experience a high number of customers who browse their site, then click away. You can't follow up without some form of contact information. A great way to gather the info you need is to offer a free ebook or informative report that consumers will find of interest. Once they've given you the information to email them the product, you have what you need to keep in contact, and work on converting them into loyal customers.

Personalize as much as possible. If you can get the firstname of your customer... great! Personalized messages have greater appeal than "addressed to occupant" messages.

More customer with follow message

Chauncey Penfold


skype chauncey.penfold

Thursday, December 22, 2011

5 Ways Blogging Can Help Your Business

Not long ago, a diary was a deeply personal thing — a journal of thoughts and observations, kept under lock and key and often buried in a dresser drawer.

The Web has a way of changing things. Now, a diary of thoughts, observations and insight — posted on the Internet — may be a way to boost your business.

Web logs, or "blogs" as they're better known, have become a way to engage readers and potential customers of businesses big and small.

A blog is a journal posted on a Web site, updated on a regular basis and containing news, opinions, ideas and brainstorms. It might also have links to other sources of information, other Web sites and other blogs.

Many blogs cut both ways, inviting readers to post feedback on what they see. While that can apply to everything from sports and entertainment, it can also generate interest — and, ultimately, income — for your business.

No, blogs aren't for everyone. But see how they can accomplish these five basic business objectives.

1. Expose a new or little-known product or idea

For Grant Smith, blogging makes a world of sense on a number of levels. Smith operates a business that provides streaming video e-mail and related video communications products. Since many prospective clients might know little about video e-mail, Smith says his blog is a natural way to provide specifics.

"I began blogging to get established in the technology," Smith says. "It can have a positive impact for business. Readers are always looking for more ways to find out information about companies and for ways to interact."

That, in turn, can lead to a more informed customer and a more time-effective sales process. Rather than taking time to pitch your product or service to a client who may not need it, a blog supplants you as an information source. If a prospect contacts you, that's great. If not, you've wasted no time in explaining something that generates nothing in return.

2. Improve your search engine rankings

Blogging also puts you in touch with prospects in other ways. As any company with a position on the Internet realizes, Web site visitors that come via Google, MSN and other search engines can provide numerous leads. Blogs can add to the frequency with which search vehicles identify you and your company, particularly if your blog allows readers to post a response.

If done properly, blogs have a tremendous benefit relative to search engines, according to Brad Fallon, president of SEO Research, a search engine marketing firm. "With blogs that allow comments, every new post and every new comment becomes an additional Web page filled with additional keywords to be picked up by the search engine spiders," he says.

3. Position yourself as an expert in an industry or field

Blogging also can also prove an effective marketing tool to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Not only can that generate leads, it also sends a positive message about your credentials through the marketplace and also gives your business a face and a personality.

4. Influence public opinion

Blogging also allows users to bypass traditional journalistic venues and, in effect, become a publisher of their own thoughts and viewpoints. For Steve Rubel, vice president of client services at a public relations firm, blogs are also fast becoming a powerful influence on public opinion.

"Blogs have evolved into legitimate alternative sources of news on niche and micro-niche topics," Rubel says. "Anyone with a passion and dedication could become an amateur journalist. I feel some of these sites — in aggregate — are having just as much sway on public opinion as larger, more established media brands."

5. Engage in a forum openly with your customers

Just as important, blogs that solicit reader comments can provide a sense of immediacy with your customers. In one respect, that's a ready source of feedback on what you're doing right and what you need to improve.
"My blog provides a forum for customers to give feedback after plunking their money down," says Fallon. "The result? While the normal market is lucky to have one-half of 1% of customers send an unsolicited testimonial, I have already collected glowing testimonials from over 15% of my customers."
Product Links

• Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2003

• Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003

• Microsoft Dynamics CRM

To your success

Chauncey Penfold


Monday, December 19, 2011

5 Tips to Choose the Best Home Business Opportunity

With the rise of the Internet, there's never been a better time to launch a home business. Millions of people are choosing to work from home and make money on line, using only their computer and mouse. Millions more are involved in more traditional network marketing, scheduling parties and selling products to their friends, neighbors, and family. If you want to make money on line, how do you know what the best home business opportunity is for you? Read on for five tips to help you choose.

1. Know your options. There are tens of thousands of Internet-based home businesses, if not more. They range from multi level marketing opportunities to ecommerce to intellectual property sales. Your first step should be to find a website that has an overview of the best home business opportunities. This will save you countless hours scouring the Internet in order to find all of the choices available.

2. Know your strengths. Perhaps you're a great writer, and would enjoy - and profit - from taking public domain books and articles and crafting them into books and articles that you could sell on the Internet. Perhaps you're an experience network marketer and would do well selling products or online opportunities to others who want to break into the field of network marketing. When reviewing home business opportunities, narrow your field to those that play to your strengths.

3. Know your weaknesses. If you don't know the first thing about building websites, it doesn't make sense to choose a home business where you'll have to build a bunch of websites. Likewise, if you couldn't sell water to someone in the desert, don't go into direct sales. Even though you might find an incredible home business opportunity, if it doesn't dovetail with your talents, it's not for you. It's like any other job: there are jobs you're automatically qualified for, those that you can learn as you go, and others that are beyond your reach. Again, success lies in playing to your strengths.

4. Diversify your revenue streams. Despite what many opportunities claim, your best chances for success come when you bring in revenue from several sources. You may begin with one home business, but over the course of a few months, you should add several others. By doing this, if one revenue stream goes south in any given month, you'll always have backup sources of revenue.

5. Set goals and meet them. In order to be successful, you need to set goals. The goals you set should include revenue goals, marketing goals, and goals specific to the home businesses you're engaged in. Once you've set your goals, you need to make a plan to reach them. Then, you need to commit to doing whatever it takes to follow your plan.

Having a home business is incredibly rewarding. If you're a parent, you'll have more time to spend with your children. If you're retired, you'll have additional income. If you're a student, you can pay for your education. If you simply like the idea of giving up the hassles of a nine-to-five job, a home business will give you the freedom you desire. Just do your research, play to your strengths, diversify your revenue streams, and set and meet your goals, and you'll experience the satisfaction that being a successful home business owner can bring.

Your dream for freedom

Chauncey Penfold


Thursday, December 15, 2011

2 Little Words That Work Marketing Magic

In his classic best-seller, How To Win Friends And Influence People, Dale Carnegie's second chapter is entitled The Big Secret of Dealing With People. The secret is summed up in this principle: Give honest and sincere appreciation.

Carnegie said there is only one way to get anybody to do anything -- by making the person want to do it. How can you encourage customers to say good things about you and give you referrals? By giving them what they and all human beings crave: honest and sincere appreciation.

The Two Magic Words

The big secret of dealing with people (or customers) is often overlooked or forgotten. It's simply saying "thank you" consistently, personally and, above all, sincerely. These two words work marketing magic because customers want to feel important.

Saying "thank you" is an act of kindness, besides. But don't say "thank you" for the sake of flattery. It must be sincere. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "You can never say anything but what you are."

"Thank You" Promotes Referrals

The uncertainty of referrals can be disconcerting. Can you control them? No. Can you influence them? Absolutely.

First you must provide a valuable product or service for customers. (You're already doing this, right?) But perhaps you can make an even bigger difference in their minds by your continued interest after you've delivered the product or service.

Each customer has a different level of satisfaction with your products and services. However, all customers to whom you say "thank you" are satisfied that they're important to you. This can determine whether you'll continue a relationship with them and get referrals.

"Thank You" as Direct Mail or E-mail

If you've never used direct mail and are considering it, start a thank-you correspondence program. If you've used direct mail or e-mail but haven't sent thank-you letters or e-mails, start now.

The thank-you letter or e-mail to your customers is targeted (you know them, they know you), personal and effective. It's guaranteed to receive a positive response.

Furthermore, it's a pleasant surprise if it's snail mail. They see your envelope. They think, this must be something for me to review, to sign, or worse a bill. Surprise! They're appreciated; they're important. And you're the one telling them so.

Write a thank-you letter or e-mail at every opportunity. But don't send one with an invoice or other correspondence. Always send it separately.

Writing the Thank-You Letter or E-mail

The thought behind a thank-you letter or e-mail may seem simple, but writing one can be tricky. Here are 9 tips for writing a winning thank-you letter or e-mail:

1. Keep it brief. A half dozen lines (or fewer) are sufficient.

2. Make it sincere. This is crucial. If you aren't careful, it can sound awkward, even when you're trying to be sincere.

3. Start with "thank you." Dear Ms. Johnson (or first name, if appropriate): Thank you for ...

4. Make the tone warm, but professional. Be friendly, but keep it businesslike.

5. Reinforce a positive. Jog their memory of a positive aspect of the relationship.

6. Offer your continued support. If I can help, please call ...

7. End with "thank you." Thanks again for ...

8. Use an appropriate closing. Sincerely, Best regards.

9. No ulterior motive. Make it a pure "thank you," otherwise sincerity is jeopardized.

Remember: Saying "thank you" is part of building strong customer relationships over time. Use these two magic words consistently and watch your repeat business and referrals grow.


Use these two little words to strengthen customer relationships, increase repeat business and promote referrals.

Better customer Relationships

Chauncey Penfold


Monday, December 12, 2011

Honest Business Opportunities Review

Honest Business Opportunities Review

Tired of business opportunities that do not deliver what they promise? We have reviewed the top selling programs on the Internet today. Below you will find reviews of the top 3 opportunities that actually work.

The key to making money online is knowing how and where to start. Without the right starting point you will waste precious time and a ton of money. The following products guarantee your online success, all you have to do is read them and follow their expert advice!

At Bianca you will find reviews of the top 3 opportunities that actually work. Here is a little sample of each review.

#1 The Rich Jerk
This is the #1 resource you can get your hands on for making money on the Internet. The Rich Jerk gets straight to the point, he cuts out all the B.S. and tells you what you really need to know to make a lot of money online.

#2 Forex Enterprise
This system is so powerful you will start making money the first day you begin this! Anyone can create a guaranteed stream of income with Google AdWords & ClickBank. Earn $1,000 Per Day, Part time!

#3 Affiliate Cash Vault
New fail-safe system virtually runs 100% on autopilot. Just set it and forget it! You Will Very Easily Earn An Extra $500, $1000, Even $5000+ Every Week With Only 15 Minutes Of Your Time.

Be sure to check out our new #1 Pick! The Rich Jerk is rated the #1 Opportunity for making money online for more information.

Select the right business Plan

Chauncey Penfold


Thursday, December 8, 2011

5 Rules for Negotiating Like a Pro

5 Rules for Negotiating Like a Pro

No matter whether you are negotiating a raise with your boss, negotiating a vacation schedule with you ex-spouse or negotiating with a seller or buyer on an on-line auction, there are certain rules or principles that will help you settle your disputes.

Rule 1. Focus on the goal. Don’t be distracted by your emotions. It is important to check your emotions at the door before trying to negotiate anything. Emotions such as anger can make one lose control. We have all seen someone who gets red in the face and starts shaking his finger and generally looks as though he could easily have a heart attack. Sometimes that person is so mad that he is incoherent. You need to get past that stage if you are going to succeed. If you are the one who is angry and upset, you need to focus on what you hope to accomplish and tell yourself that nothing is going to stand in the way of that goal. It really does not matter whether you like the other side or not. Some parties are rude, obnoxious and insulting. Try to get past these insults so you can focus on resolving the dispute. The other side may be baiting you so don’t give them the satisfaction of knowing they have gotten to you. If you focus on the goals of the negotiation, it won’t matter whether you like or respect the other party.

Rule 2. Look forward, not back. The past is called the past for a reason. If one party gets too involved in what has happened in the past, it can be counter-productive. One party in a divorce case, may be so intent on documenting everything the husband has done wrong, that the wife is not even thinking about the goals of the negotiation beyond blaming the husband. You have to figure out a way to get to the present and deal with current issues of custody or visitation. Ask the other party what they want now to resolve the dispute.

Rule 3. You don’t have to be right to settle. What are the three words we want to hear the most, even more than “I Love you”? We love to hear those magic words, “You are right”. For some people, this is even harder to say than “I love you”. And if you say, “You are absolutely right”, that is even better. When someone says, “It is the principle that counts” or “It is not the money, it’s the principle!” I know that the negotiation is in trouble. That is because the party is making a judgment call that it is more important to be a martyr than settle the case. When someone is obsessed with the principle of a situation, he/she is still emotionally vested in his/her feelings. Unless you can get beyond those emotions, the dispute is not likely to be resolved. Feeling that you are right can be a heady emotion, but it has no place in the negotiation. If the other side is only interested in being right, chances are the situation won’t be resolved.

Rule 4. Know what you want and what the other side wants. Knowing what you want may seem obvious, but many parties don’t know what they want. They are so angry that they have not even asked themselves how the issue can be resolved. If they don’t know what they want, how can they go about getting it? They may want to hash and rehash the circumstances that got them into this negotiation. Depending on the complexity of the situation, you should have a detailed plan of what you want. In addition to knowing what you want, you also need to know what you are willing to give up to get what you want. Generally you can get what you want if you are willing to pay the price for it. Don’t ever begin a negotiation without knowing what you want.

Rule 5. Be prepared and do your research. Once you have an idea what you want, you must do your research and preparation. That could be as simple as listing your arguments on a sheet of paper or as complex as doing the research to cost out a request for wage increases. Either way, you need to be prepared. Otherwise, you might make a concession or agreement that you will later regret. You need to know the rationale behind your requests and a good estimate of the costs, including the future costs. Nothing is more embarrassing than making a presentation and having someone question the accuracy of your numbers and having the whole presentation fall apart because the data is confusing, or even worse incorrect. If you are not completely prepared, consider delaying the start of the negotiation. If you go in with little or no information, and try to wing it, you will regret it later. You cannot be over-prepared. Even if you don’t use everything you prepared, it does not matter. It is important to have as much information and research as possible just in case you need it.

Be prepared and do your research

Chauncey Penfold


Monday, December 5, 2011

5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom

5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom

Starting your home business is the easy part, but realizing your long-term goal of financial freedom takes much effort and dedication. There are many ways to operate a home business, but the tips below outline some solid principals you should follow to earn a steady income from home no matter what your home business.

1. Set Goals for Success

Setting goals will help you stay focused on what you want to accomplish within your home business. Start with long-term goals for where you would like to be financially five, ten, even fifteen years from now. Next, create short-term goals for daily, weekly, and monthly achievements. To attain financial freedom is a great long-term general goal, but it will take many small goals to reach this level. You'll need to set small goals to create a steady cash system. A home business will go nowhere without goals, so take this step before starting any other tasks.

2. Create a Pleasant, Professional Home Office

Evaluate your home business workspace. Do you work in a corner of your bedroom with a desk and computer? Is your office usually the kitchen table between meals? Do you try to work in the living area while the rest of your family enjoys conversation or entertainment? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you'll probably need to make some changes.

Create an office space that is for work only. Even if it's in the corner of another room, block its view with office sectional walls or some type of barrier wall to give a sense of privacy. An office should be just an "office" and nothing else. When you arrive at your office, you're ready for work. When you leave the office space, the workday is over.

3. Get Organized

Once you have a defined work area for your home business, fill it with supplies and tools to make work easier and more efficient. Choose a desk and chair for comfort as well as back, neck, and arm support. Desks with shelves and cabinets can make organizing your office a cinch, especially if you have limited office space. Also, keep a daily to-do list, calendar, and schedule book to prioritize tasks.

4. Stay on Schedule

When you work at home, it's easy to get off schedule because of interruptions or the temptation to take time off for leisure activities. Keep in mind that every moment wasted today usually means more work the next day. Eventually, you'll be working around the clock and never seem to accomplish anything. For home business success, keep a steadfast work routine daily and set a work schedule you can stick with every day. Develop a mentality that every job is actually a pay-by-the-hour job. Every hour spent working will help you make money and gain financial freedom.

5. Separate Business from Personal Tasks

Once you set a schedule, stick to it. Don't allow personal tasks to get in the way of work. These can be anything from cleaning the house to visits from friends or relatives to watching television. Take breaks from your computer, but try to avoid getting involved in personal tasks during your breaks. Many women confess to washing dishes, ironing clothes, vacuuming, and other personal tasks while on break from their home business. Personal tasks can cause your mind to be off-focus, and it will be difficult to return to a regular work routine afterward.

Find other things to do during breaks that won't take your mind too far away from work. Take a 15-minute walk. Sit and read a self-help book related to your business. Or, take a quick snack break, with a healthy snack of course!

Once you take these steps, you're ready to enjoy a steady cash system at home that works. You can earn money doing what you love most, and your home business can soar to heights never imagined if you stick with these basic principals. Get ready for a bumpy road, but also look for the financial freedom that awaits you just over the horizon!

To your success

Chauncey Penfold


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Small Home-Based Businesses -- Five Simple Steps to Success

Small Home-Based Businesses -- Five Simple Steps to Success

Did you know that, in Australia, 60% of small businesses fail in the first twelve months? For those of us who would like to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that’s a very discouraging statistic.

Does that mean that your business idea is doomed to failure? Far from it! There are steps you can take that greatly increase your chances of success. With a little time and some serious research you can hit the ground running. Let’s start from the beginning…

The bright idea

First, of course, you need to come up with an idea. Typically, business opportunities can be divided into four groups:

1. Offering an existing product/service in an existing market.

2. Introducing an existing product/service to a new market.

3. Offering a new product/service in an existing market

4. Introducing a new product/service to a new market.

At this stage of the game the only limit is your imagination. Inspiration can come from anywhere -- maybe you have a hobby that you’d like to turn into a full-time job; you may be on the receiving end of bad service one day and decide to try doing it better yourself; or you may have a talent that you’d like to capitalize on.

Once you’ve come across something that you’d like to do, it’s time to take a look at the market and see what’s on offer.

Passing the test

So you’ve had a great idea and you’re keen to roll with it; now it’s time to put it through its paces. For the purpose of the exercise, let’s say that you have a passion for healthy living, and that you want to distribute a range of lifestyle accessories that promote healthy living with a do-it-yourself approach.

Ask around: Is there a market for products that promote healthy living? What sorts of products are available? Who would you be competing with and what do your competitors offer? Do you have the necessary skills to run such a business and -- more to the point -- what would those skills be? Where would your business be located?

Once you’ve answered those questions you should have a fairly clear picture of what your business will look like.

You source some products and decide to do some further research into the range of lifestyle products offered by a company called Vitality 4 Life. Your own life experience plus some work you’ve done as a dietician has given you the necessary skill sets, and you think that you’ll be able to work from home, giving you more time for family. There is an existing market, but there’s room for expansion. Now it’s time to take a closer look.

To be or not to be?

It’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts. You don’t want to jump into something feet first and find out the hard way that the budget just doesn’t work.

To get started, sit down and work out if you need to hire staff, which means paying wages.

If you lease a premises you’ll need to be able to pay the rent, and your location will have to be suitable for your business and target market (which also means that you’ll have to think carefully about just what that target market is). You’ll also need to work out the likely demand for your product/service.

Ok… you’ve worked out that there is enough demand for good quality juicers, sprinters, water filters and other high end accessories to take a shot at a distributorship as a home-based business opportunity. Now you need to make some marketing decisions.

Look at me! Look at me!

Advertising can be costly so you’ll want to be sure that your advertising budget is spent wisely. That means more market research, this time one-on-one. Profile your customer groups so you can aim your marketing at the right group/s of people.

Draw up a questionnaire (a short questionnaire -- people run out patience if you ramble for too long) and hang around outside a few of the local gyms (for our particular example). Come up with a mixture of open questions (What do you think of……..?) and closed questions (Do you have a gym membership? Yes/No.); sliding scales can be useful too.

For our health accessories business, a good question might be ‘How did you hear about this gym? Radio, tv, newspaper, word of mouth etc…’ Such a question would then give you an indication of the types of media that your target group responds best to.

Choose a business name, print up some business cards, buy some stock and get ready to trade!

Measure it, manage it!

A teacher of mine made the point that, in business, if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it.

You need to be able to plan ahead, and to do that you need to know -- or to be able to accurately predict -- your total sales. The equation is simple: number of customers x average sale x frequency of visits per customer per year = total sales. Remember it, revise it often, measure your business and you’ll be able to manage it!

Keep an eye on your bottom line and, most importantly, always be aware of your cash flow -- the cold, hard cash that you have in the bank. Allow for invoice periods (14 days, 30 days etc) when you’re planning your budget.

The market place has a life of its own, and no one can prepare for every contingency. Put some thought into your idea; make sure that there’s a market for what you’re offering; research, research, research; promote your business effectively; always know what’s going on in your bank account and don’t forget about cash flow!

It’s not perfect but, if you follow these few simple steps, you’ll be miles ahead of many new small business ventures. If you’ve heard of a great home-based business opportunity, or have a product or service of your own to market, you’re off to a great start!

To your success

Chauncey Penfold


Monday, November 28, 2011

3 Lifesaving Tactics to Stay Afloat In a Constantly Changing Marketplace

3 Lifesaving Tactics to Stay Afloat In a Constantly Changing Marketplace

Let’s face the facts... old-fashioned marketing tools aren’t going to keep your business a growing and prosperous entity in today’s marketplace. Hey, this month’s hottest techniques and information will be obsolete in six months. Now, I’m not saying that old marketing principals can’t be upgraded and incorporated successfully, but as a rule marketers have to stay on top of the latest marketing trends.

If you’re wanting to stay ahead of your business savvy competitors you’ll need to implement 3 tactics to stay one step ahead.

1. Watch For New Advertising Methods

You never know what will work for you unless you take the time to experiment! Who knows? The next marketing experiment you test may be a million dollar idea. Keep your eyes peeled for the latest marketing news.

It never pays to put all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t neglect the tried and true marketing tools that have been successful in the past. Invest about 20 percent of your advertising budget and time into testing for new marketing strategies that will increase your profits.

2. Spruce Things Up

Don’t get stuck in a rut. Yeah, you have products that have been successful for years, but what would happen if you gave them a “face lift?’ Would you attract new customers? Would your old customers enjoy the change? You’ll be surprised at what a new packaging will do for old product sales.

Sprucing up doesn’t have to stop with your products. A few minor changes in the store appearance can bring new life to your place of business as well.

3. Diversify

The more products you have to offer, the more insulation you have against the decline in popularity of one particular item. Don’t go out on a limb, when you’ve got a good thing going. Look for products and services that compliment your current products and services.

Don’t let the speed-of-light changes in the market take your business under. Stay afloat with these proven tactics.

Keep up with the time

Chauncey Penfold


skype chauncey.penfold

Thursday, November 24, 2011

3 Powerful Tips for Getting into the Right Business for You

The #1 Best Business to Get Into if You Want to Get Rich and How You Can Find the Financial Success You are Seeking, I answered one of the single most frequently asked questions I'm asked.

Although it is asked in many different ways, the question really boils down to...

What is the best or the right business or profession to get into if I want to get rich?

Regardless of how it is asked, my answer is always the same...

A business or profession which you like!

If it uses your strongest abilities, skills, or talents, all the better. If it does not, no big deal, you can develop the necessary abilities, skills, or talents as you go along.

Here are three powerful tips for getting into the right business or profession for you:

Tip #1 - Take a close look at what you do not like to do.

Although I do not generally recommend looking at anything from a negative perspective, there are times when it is helpful and this is one of them.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to narrow your search for the right business or profession for you to get into is to figure out what the wrong business or profession for you to get into would be.

For example...

If the very thought of selling something to someone makes you want to...


Lets just say...

Throw up...

Then I did suggest you do not consider any business or profession that involves sales or at least direct sales.

I can tell you from personal experience...

If you get into a business or profession that you do not like, you will be miserable in the process and ultimately you will fail.


Why set yourself up for misery and failure ahead of time?

Tip #2 - Take a close look at what you *do* like to do.

It might be something you're doing now or have done in the past to earn money. It might be a hobby or special interest of yours. It could even be related to a class you took in school or a particular subject you're interested in...


Absolutely anything!

Remember this...

You can get rich in *any* business or profession.

There are folks right now, right this very moment, who are getting rich in *every* conceivable business and profession...

And so can you!

There is a way or ways you can get rich doing absolutely anything you like to do.

Here is a great example...

I know a gal who earns a serious full-time income doing exactly what she likes doing better than anything else...

Going to tag sales also known as garage sales or yard sales depending on where you live and buying stuff.


There is a downside...

She really does not like selling her stuff. She finds the selling process boring and tedious. She gets all her jollies from finding and buying her treasures.


How does she possibly make any money?


She is developed a rather elaborate network of dealers willing to buy her stuff in their specialty areas at wholesale prices from her, consignment shops willing to sell her "stuff" for a percentage of the sale, and she has someone who sells her "stuff" on eBay for her (who, interestingly enough, likes the selling process but doesn't like to go out to find and buy "stuff" to sell) for a percentage of the profits.

Although she makes less money per item doing it this way, she makes far more money in the long run because it allows her to massively do the one thing she likes to do better than anything else...

Going to tag sales and buying "stuff".


There's a way or ways you can get rich doing absolutely *anything* you like to do.

Tip #3 - Take a close look at your strengths and weaknesses.

The ideal business or profession for you to get into would be one that you like doing and one that makes use of your strongest abilities, skills, or talents.


Although you should consider them, your abilities, skills, or talents should not be your first consideration when choosing a business or profession for you to get into.


Two reasons...


There may be all sorts of things you are good at that you do not really like doing all that much.


There is not any ability, skill, or talent that you ca not develop if you want to.

In his book "The Personal Power Course", Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", wrote:

"Perhaps the most essential part of wealth-culture consists in finding the place where you will be happy in your work."

When you're "happy in your work" your work ceases to be work and it becomes fun.

Your "fun" combined with constructive thought and constructive action can make you rich!

Choose the right business
Chauncey Penfold
skype chauncey,penfold

Monday, November 21, 2011


3 Ways to Create a Steady Cash Stream while You Work from Home

Working from home was once merely a dream for most people. Until the onslaught of the Internet and home PCs, it simply was not feasible for companies to hire employees to work from home. And starting a small business took special know-how, a large initial investment, and a lot of advertising and marketing. But now, working from home is a reality for thousands of people, and you too can realize this dream.

The first goal for your home business should be to find ways to create steady cash flow. You will need cash flow to operate and promote your home business, and to secure a lucrative income for yourself. There are many different ways to create a cash stream for your home business. Here are three ideas to get you started.

1. Buy a Pre-Existing Profitable Business

One way to create an immediate cash flow is to buy a pre-existing home business that is already making a profit. Of course, you will not enjoy a profit immediately because you must invest initially. But once you are able to recover from the initial investment, you can continue receiving profits year after year.

The key benefit of buying a pre-existing work-from-home business is you will gain knowledge from the previous owner about what works for the business and what doesn't work. The main disadvantage is you will have to follow in the footsteps of another instead of building your own home business from the ground up. There ia great sense of pride when you can truly call a business your own!

2. Follow a Profitable Business Model

Another way to create a cash stream for your work-from-home business is to follow the profitable business model of another. You can learn a lot from others who have already been successful with a home business. Many long-time entrepreneurs are creating e-books and global networks to help new home business owners become a success. They are revealing little-known secrets about work-from-home businesses that would likely take you years to discover on your own.

Look for entrepreneurs who have owned work-from-home businesses in a field that interests you. Use their ideas and examples to create a profitable business model for your new home business.

3. Internet and Network Marketing

A third way to create a cash stream of income is to utilize the Internet and network marketing to your advantage. Find and join a team of individuals who have similar goals and work with them to build a successful online business. With the Internet and network marketing, many are realizing their financial goals faster than they ever imagined.

Network marketing online can be accomplished through email and a website while working from home, and it can bring more people together with similar goals in a very short period of time. Many global network companies will promote your online business for you and take every initiative to help you become a success. There are even global resorts networks that enable you to travel to exotic places while earning a substantial income.

Whatever method you choose to create a cash stream as you work from home, set some goals for your business and start realizing your dreams today!

To tyour success

Chauncey Penfold


skype chauncey.penfold


Work from home and create a steady cash stream with these three ideas

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Getting Around The Weight Loss Plateau

The typical human form is capable of achieving a number of incredible feats that seem to suspend or defy the way science tells us things work. Athletes, through sheer willpower, can end up lifting something that their bodies should not be able to without suffering anything worse than muscle spasms. People can adapt to extreme physical trauma caused by a car accident and defy predictions that they'll never walk again. While, in general, these amazing feats are useful in a number of situations, there are physical reactions that some people look upon with quite a bit of disfavor. Among these “disfavored reactions” is something known as a “weight loss plateau.”

Essentially, the “plateau” is a term used to describe a situation where the body has become incapable of losing any further weight, usually due to developing a tolerance for the weight loss pills and methods being used. Essentially, the plateau is hit when the body develops tolerance for the regimen's limitations and practices, thus allowing the metabolic rate of the body to adjust to whatever weight loss pills or techniques were being used. Most diet books decidedly ignore the existence of the plateau, primarily because it can be seen as negating the purpose of the diet and is, therefore, bad for marketing. There are, however, ways to counteract the human body building a tolerance for training regimens and weight loss pills.

The human metabolism, when presented with a pattern, will eventually adapt to that pattern. It is this natural adaptability of the human body that can cause the weight loss plateau, particularly if the person's diet and eating habits have been altered for weight loss. As such, changing the pattern will, once a sufficient amount of time has passed, allow your diet plan or weight loss pills to become effective again. This trick essentially involves confusing the human metabolism, and is often taken as a rather drastic way to get the body back in “diet mode.” There are, of course, several ways to effectively alter that pattern without causing the body permanent harm.

Adding strength and weight training and modifying one's exercise program can also help someone get past the plateau, in most cases. The body will still burn through nutrients during physical activity, though the digestive system's metabolic rate can adapt such that more weight is retained rather than burned during exercise. Increasing the difficulty of the exercises, or changing the movements to target less-developed muscle areas, can effectively force the body to re-adapt. While the body is busy adapting to the changes, it can also start losing weight again. This method is best used with alterations to the person's diet, however, to maximize the effectiveness.

Another trick used to circumvent the problem of the plateau is to make changes to the time frame between meals. The internal clock that the human body's digestive system operates on can be altered to suit one's purposes, provided one executes the proper alterations to one's diet and eating habits. A simple action like altering the schedule of the meals, such as adding more meals but reducing the bulk of each, can have an appreciable effect on altering the metabolic rate. The key concept of this method is to fool the body into burning the food faster, thus getting one's weight loss program and diet back on track.

When considering the options, it is helpful to keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for another person. Some slower metabolisms may require combination of diet program and exercise regimen modifications, while others can get by with merely shortening the break between meals. The critical point is to find a method that works and is effective for a specific metabolism, which can be a time-consuming process.

To your success
Chauncey Penfold
skype chauncey.penfold


Among diet experts, there is a rarely mentioned adaptation of the body that prevents a diet program from achieving the maximum results. This adaptation, the weight loss plateau, can be tackled in a variety of ways, most of which involve changes to the training or diet regimen of a person. While circumventing the metabolic rate can be a difficult process, it can be done.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"The Impact of Lacking Self-Esteem on Business Professionals"

Studies show that at least 85% or more of the world’s people suffer from some degree of lacking self-esteem. Although one might think that such challenges are only characteristic of the poor, uneducated, or lower socio-economic members of society, people from all walks of life can suffer situational or more widespread challenges with their levels of self-esteem.

Many very successful business people lack self-esteem in some areas of their lives. Perhaps they feel socially challenged or they have difficulty establishing close or intimate relationships. Perhaps they experience low self-esteem with regard to their physical appearance or their health. Perhaps they are not having any fun in their lives, maybe devoting too much attention to their work. Many “successful” people are driven to succeed. They compensate for feeling deficient in other areas of their lives by working harder and finding a place they can excel through their work. This provides them with a new focus where they can win but it doesn’t fulfill their neglected needs in other areas like relationships, recreation, personal and spiritual development, health and appearance and their ability to lead balanced, fun, and fulfilling lives.

It’s not that there is something wrong with finding an occupational niche where one can be successful and feel good about oneself. However, many of those lacking self-esteem in other areas find themselves driven to accomplish, driven to prove their worth. Since business is an area where they can shine, they neglect other areas to focus excessively on business.

However, since their actions are built upon the erroneous belief that they are somehow not good enough, somehow defective or unworthy of being fully loved and accepted, there is little lasting satisfaction even in the arenas where they can excel. It’s as though they are climbing a ladder with the top of the ladder in the clouds. They think that if they can just climb high enough, they will be successful. They will have proven their worth. They will find satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. However, as they climb higher and higher, they never seem to arrive. There are always new goals and objectives challenging them to prove their worth. The more they achieve, the more they have yet to go. Try as they will, they never seem to fully measure up. Or, if they do, it is short-lived and fleeting at best. There is no arriving to the point where they find what they long for so badly — the peace of mind that comes from self-love and self-acceptance.

Because the foundation of their ladder is grounded on quicksand, they often find themselves sinking as rapidly as they climb. In fact, from their perspective, they will never reach the perfection they seek so badly. They will always find evidence to highlight their flaws and reinforce their fears of being unworthy, unlovable, defective in some way.

The message of The Self-Esteem Book is simple. No one needs to settle for a dimmed existence due to a lacking sense of self-worth. Most people either make up or buy into thoughts that there is something wrong with them, that they are somehow inadequate, not good enough and not worthy of being loved and accessing all the good things that life has to offer. If they are willing to examine their past to get to the source of their resignation and diminished self-esteem, they can reinterpret what happened to them in such a way that they can heal and complete the past and eliminate negative self-talk while making a conscious decision to live their lives from a decision to strive for excellence and contribute to others. By developing a firm belief that they can impact people and the world around them and that they are, in fact, very worthy of receiving life’s blessings, they will manifest happiness and fulfillment.

In addition to the cost of never finding true happiness, long-term fulfillment, or peace, lacking self-esteem impacts business people in many other ways. For example, by not getting to the source of their self-esteem issues, they sacrifice their personal power, their ability to best pursue their life purpose and fully manifest their gifts in the world. If our energy is spent by being preoccupied with our weaknesses or being incomplete with our past, we can never be fully present to today and so we sacrifice our true potential to bring about a result.

Our relationships suffer as we will misinterpret the words and actions of others in a way that invalidates us and has us feel badly about who we are. We may be so driven to prove we are good enough that we sacrifice our personal effectiveness and charisma by focusing on ourselves and our deficiencies rather than on the wants and needs of others. We may play small and hide out in social situations or whenever the possibility of looking bad or “being found out” comes up for us. Or, we may overcompensate and turn to workaholic tendencies out of a desire to prove our worth to others or to ourselves. Because of this misdirected focus, we trade our ability to impact others maximally and to best contribute our gifts to the world.

The answer to escaping the vicious cycle of lacking self-esteem, diminished confidence, and the never-ending, frustrating quest for fulfillment lies in the 3 step process as laid out in detail in The Self-Esteem Book. The process starts with healing one’s past so that it no longer robs us of energy and consumes our attention. Once the pull of past ghosts is complete, we can then turn our attention to properly analyzing our present state of affairs. We can identify what’s working in our lives and what’s missing to support living an upset-free life in choice, a life that honors our most important values and inspires us to live passionately.

And finally, we can take that magic wand that is our birth-right, wave it over our lives and design our future deliberately. We can choose to do so in a way that excites us, as we cast off that gloomy state of low self-esteem, unhealthy resignation and self-pity that no longer supports us. We can live with the intention to honor our God-given magnificence and lead happy, fulfilled lives that fully contribute to others as we share our gifts with the world.

We sacrifice our true potential
Chauncey Penfold
skype chauncey.penfold

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our Red-Hot Leads Combined With Our Straightline Downline

Compensation Plan Is Like Strapping A Rocket To A Rocketship!

Hi I'm Chauncey and I would like to give you 100 FRE'E leads to help your business grow just for taking a look at MyLeadCompany.

I joined up for free account just a couple of weeks ago and I already have over 6700+ people in my downline!!! It's absolutely incredible!

If you are not in this yet, you need to be!!!

Founder & CEO J.R. Jackson has broken the mold with this one!!!



We entered Prelaunch on Saturday, Oct. 1st 2011 at midnight and we are already experiencing tremendous growth with over 13,500 signups since Oct 1st!!!

MLC officially launches on November 1st BUT don't wait!!! You want to lock in your founding level position immediately!!!

There is nothing to buy during prelaunch and as always it is 100% FREE to join, plus We're giving away 100 FRE'E Leads for your business!

As of this moment we are on track to make network marketing history by becoming the Fastest Growing Network Marketing Company of ALL time!!!

This is a straight line so everyone who joins after you goes under you!!!

Do not wait signup right now and YOU WILL BENEFIT!!!


To your success

Chauncey Penfold


PS You will be glad you check this out!

Monday, November 7, 2011

How to Make your Computer your Personal ATM!

Do you think that ATM’s are only available at banks and credit unions? Think again. Your computer can become your own personal ATM machine. How can you turn your computer into a money making machine? Jump into the world of internet marketing. An Internet marketing business is not only profitable, but can be started quickly and affordably.

What should you do first to help you start an Internet marketing business? You need to create a website that reaches millions of potential customers all over the globe. There are hundreds of software programs, companies, and offerings out there. If you are not familiar with Internet infrastructure then you may have a difficult time trying to find the right company to host your website. We have taken the confusion out of this situation for you by providing references for the best software tools to help get you started.

First, you will need a domain name. Domain names are the text that users will type into the Internet to access you website. Think carefully about your domain name so that it is relevant to your product or service. Once you have a domain name in mind, you need to make sure that it is not taken. You can type it into your Internet browser and see if anything comes up. However, it is good to check this through the domain provider we recommend which is

When you purchase a domain name at, make sure that you only purchase the domain name and none of the extra services. Godaddy has a tendency to jack up the prices on these services when you can find them much more affordably at will be your web hosting service. This web hosting Service Company is top notch because you receive your OWN IP address. It is critical to have your own IP address so that your emails are never blocked due to an email spammer that has the same IP address. also has excellent customer service phone support. In addition, provides an “Email Tracker” feature which enables you to track your emails. also will provide you with information regarding the deliverability rate for any emails you send. This information will help you tailor your marketing efforts.

Next you will need to setup a “smart Autoresponder”. A smart Autoresponder is one that automatically sends emails or forms to users in order to capture their personal information. Make sure that your Autoresponder captures the following information: first name, last name, email address, time and date stamp.

An effective smart Autoresponder is called “Auto Responder Plus” which you can find at Auto Responder Plus is software that you can download on your web hosting account.

Once you have these tools in place, you are ready to create your website. Change your personal computer into a cash cow today!

Chauncey Penfold


skype chauncey.penfold

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Business Plan Writers: Should You Hire One?"

Are you interested in starting up your own business? If so, you should carefully consider writing a business plan. The thought of preparing a business plan tends to fill most business owners with dread; it can be a difficult, stressful, and time consuming process. For this reason alone you may want to think about seeking assistance.

One of the many ways that you can seek help to write your plan is by hiring a professional, who in this case is a professional business plan writer.

What Is a Professional Business Plan Writer?

Before deciding whether or not you should hire the services of a professional business plan writer, you should first clearly understand what they are. In most cases, you will find these individuals to be experienced, professional writers who are well versed in business terminology and who can effectively understand the needs of businesses. It is important to understand when writing anything, even a business plan, that it is the wording which makes all the difference; the words used can be the difference between success and failure. That is why a large number of small business owners turn to professional writers for assistance.

What a Professional Business Plan Writer Can Do For You

When it comes to searching for a professional business plan writer, you will find that different writers perform different duties. For example, a large number of writers will merely take your ideas, which you have already thought out and developed, and present them in a professional matter; they will just present your plans in a more professional way than you could.

Then there are the professional business plan writers who will work with you to develop your plan from the inception of the basic ideas for your business to the finish document. Naturally since more work and time goes into to assisting you with developing a business plan from the bottom up you will probably find that the services of these writers cost more than traditional ones.

It is important therefore that before you start your search you be very clear in your own mind as to what level of support and input you require.

Why Hire a Professional Business Plan Writer?

There are a number of different reasons why small business owners turn to professional business plan writers. One of the key reasons is of lack of experience when it comes to putting ideas on paper and not knowing what format a plan should take. If you have never created a business plan before you can easily find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper for hours on end!

Although it is relatively easy to learn how to create your own plan, it can be a time consuming process to undertake the research and get into the appropriate mindset. With the right experience, a professional business plan writer will be able to create a detailed, professional business plan in half the time that it would take you to create the same plan.

How Do You Find Someone?

If you are interested in acquiring the services of a professional business plan writer, you have a number of different options. One of those options is to search for someone locally. Dealing with a local business plan writer is great, especially if you want to deal with someone face-to-face. Your search can focus on your local government business advice centers or even asking fellow business colleagues. If there is a writing group or circle in your locality then you can approach them for potential names.

The only problem that you may find is that not all areas of your country will have professional business plan writers. This means you may have to turn to the Internet for assistance. By conducting an online search you will find a large number of professional writers who specialize in creating or writing business plans.

What Should You Look For Before Hiring?

When choosing a professional business plan writer it is important that you don’t choose either the first person that you come across, or the cheapest. If a well written business plan is crucial to the success of your plans then you must be careful in your selection. Your business plan may not only be used for your personal guidance, but it may also be used to attract financing for your business and that is why your plan must look professional, be detailed and readable.

Before hiring a writer, you should request samples of previous work and also ask to see testimonials from business owners who have used their services. This will help to ensure you are getting your moneys worth and that you end up with a business plan you can proud distribute.

As with any contract you enter into be very certain what you are getting for your money. Does the contract include the provision for free updates or unlimited revisions before the final version is agreed? Will you be charged per word, per page, or by the hour? Make sure you fully understand the deal.

By following these points you should be able to decide whether or not a professional business plan writer can assist you. Whilst they can be an additional cost you may not be able to afford, in the long run it could be the best investment you ever made.

You will find a complete guide on how to write a business plan in my e-book ‘The Secrets of Writing a Killer Business Plan’.

Chauncey penfold


skype chauncey.penfold

Monday, October 31, 2011

Why SEO Experts Should Not Use Press Releases

Rumor has it that press releases are the next big thing in the SEO business, and many companies are spending top dollars trying to write the next big press release announcing the next big balloon breaking technology. But is this really the next big thing?

By definition, a Press Release is a kind of news item released by the company on whom the news is being reported. As such, you will have to compete with all the other press releases and hope that your will get picked

Why Will Your Press Release Be Trashed?

1 Unless you are writing a press release about Microsoft, Adobe, Sony or one of the other mega-companies, or at least about a company that is relatively well known, forget about it. Journalists and news editors receive thousands of press releases a day and there is no way that they will waste more than a quick glance. So why should you pay a company seven to eight hundred dollars for them sending your press release to thousands of editors and journalists when they are going to junk it anyway?

2 Unless you are announcing a truly revolutionary product or technology which I assume you are not since you are only interested in using the professionally paid and written press release to boost your search engine rankings, whatever you make up or announce such as some new free deal or new portal offering something unique, your chances of being picked up are very slim. Yes, the PR companies will tell you that they have vast experience in writing Press Releases that will make yours stand out and get picked up but this is not accurate. The only way your PR is going to get picked up is if it truly is something out of the ordinary or something that no one has ever thought off.

3 Unless you plan to spend millions of dollars and then just by sheer volume your site will go ahead in the search engines, this is not a good option. Why? If you send a large number of press releases then these will be placed on the different PR companies websites main page. Since most of these home pages have a very high page rank, your site will get a boost. The question is whether this boost is worth the large amount of money you will put into the PR companies pocket. No it is not. Use that money to buy (though I do not recommend this) links from high-ranked websites and you will pay less and receive more benefit.

4 Any press release, even if it has been accepted, will remain on the different pages for just a short time, making the time and effort and even more so the amount of money you paid fruitless.


A press release is useful if you wish to contact the press and maybe get some free publicity, but it is of no use if you wish to use it as a tool in order to advance your website in the search engines.


Learn why your SEO Company should not pay hundreds of dollars to PR companies.

To your success

Chauncey Penfold


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fresh new lead source

This is something that just came across my desk. It is a private pre-pre-launch invite. No One has seen this yet. EVERYONE needs good leads!

Friends and Partners,

A new company is emerging and launching in a few short days. The CEO of the company is J. R. Jackson. He's been hugely successful in Direct Sales and network marketing for many many years.

At some point in their efforts to grow a successful marketing team, everyone will exhaust their Friends and Family and Circle of Influence contacts.That's when the reality of needing to talk to more people and contacting more prospects becomes clear.

A new and experienced Lead Generation company is coming on the scene. It has just begun prelaunch and looks like it could be a winner. It's a Utah based company, and will be using the industries' premiere software company to run it's system.

No matter what company you're promoting or what program, you'll benefit from leads this new company will provide for you at reasonable costs. We are just under one of the company's Master Distributor, and are considering building out a marketing funnel for this one, which you would get unrestricted access to.. so you will be joining in a great spot!


Chauncey Penfold


skype chauncey.penfold

Ps Leads is what you need for your business!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Red-Hot Leads Combined With Our Straightline Downline

Compensation Plan Is Like Strapping A Rocket To A Rocketship!

Hi I'm Chauncey and I would like to give you 100 FRE'E leads to help your
business grow just for taking a look at MyLeadCompany.

I joined up for free account just a couple of weeks ago and I already have
over 6700+ people in my downline!!! It's absolutely incredible!

If you are not in this yet, you need to be!!!

Founder & CEO J.R. Jackson has broken the mold with this one!!!



We entered Prelaunch on Saturday, Oct. 1st 2011 at midnight and we are
already experiencing tremendous growth with over 13,500 signups since Oct

MLC officially launches on November 1st BUT don't wait!!! You want to lock
in your founding level position immediately!!!

There is nothing to buy during prelaunch and as always it is 100% FREE to
join, plus We're giving away 100 FRE'E Leads for your business!

As of this moment we are on track to make network marketing history by
becoming the Fastest Growing Network Marketing Company of ALL time!!!

This is a straight line so everyone who joins after you goes under you!!!

Do not wait signup right now and YOU WILL BENEFIT!!!

To your success

Chauncey Penfold


PS You will be glad you check this out!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Essential 7: Lemon

October 13, 2011

The Essential 7 is a collection of seven of Young Livings premiere single oils and oil blends. YLs Doug Corrigan and Karen Boren are guest bloggers for a series sharing information that will teach you the many ways the Essential 7 kit can enrich your life.

Who knew the fragrance of lemon essential oil would be so calming?

DOUG: An essential oil that jumps off the page to me with regards to the Essential 7 and emotions is lemon, which is an oil on which we have a lot of research in regards to mood and emotions. Maybe you could talk about that, Karen.

KAREN: A study was done at the Mie University School of Medicine in Japan, where they found out that lemon seemed to have the ability to calm people down. Lemon not only calmed their anxiety, but it made people feel happier and able to deal with problems better. They also found in the study that lemon oil would restore balance following stressful incidents. So I can not think of anything better to have in a little emergency kit for when, as an example, the kids just took a huge can of peanut butter and slicked down the tiled hall to make a slide.

DOUG: You have been in my house, I guess!

KAREN: I mean, there are all sorts of incidents that happen! Sometimes in a stressful moment, you try to calm down and count to 10. Instead, grab a bottle of lemon oil, take a deep breath of it while you count to 10, and you will be able to deal with that stressful situation more calmly.

DOUG: A lot of times our digestion is poor because our liver and gall bladder sometimes need to receive a little stimulation, and thats when using lemon oil is great to start the day. Drinking a little lemon oil in your water can really help the detox process and start your day on the right foot. Instead of drinking some coffee, which is exactly the wrong thing to do for your digestion, why not stimulate your digestion with a little lemon oil. Then all of a sudden your body will be ready to take on everything thats coming its way, instead of starting the day in the red, as far as health goes.

KAREN: Finally, this is just a purely household hint. I just get so irritated with price stickers that are on things I buy. When I get home, I try to scrape them off but to no avail. Lemon oil dissolves those stickers and leaves the product, whatever it is I bought, clean as a whistle.

Better health with essential oils

Chauncey Penfold


Saturday, October 15, 2011

How SEO can provide great traffic to your website?

Posted: Oct 15, 2011
In the modern era everything has gone online because internet has revolutionized the way of working worldwide. It has made the world a small place. You can access any information about almost everything in a click of a button. Although internet has provided many facilities but it has also toughened the competition. If you are running you business through website then just think of the competition which is present online. It is not easy to survive in the massive cut throat competition present today. You have to make constant efforts to survive the competition.

So what is the key to survive online and have an upper edge over your competitors? The answer to it is optimizing the website in such a way that it gets the traffic to help you enhance your business. But how will you optimize your website? Well, SEO is the technique which helps your website in getting the traffic that your website needs. Search engine optimization helps a website by improving its rank and making it visible on various search engines.

SEO involves implementation of specific strategies regularly to help a website in maintaining its rank over search engines. A website's ranking is directly related to its web content and design. Search engine optimization helps a website by making it search engine friendly. The purpose of making a
website search engine friendly is that it will get the priority from the search engines which will directly help a website in generating great traffic.

SEO sounds easy to most of the people but is not an easy work to do. Maintaining ranking of a website requires a lot of efforts and ample time and not to forget the expertise. The key aspect which helps greatly in maintaining ranking of the website is the web content of the website. The content should be such that it should involve all the keywords that are directly related to the services and products of the website. The content should be viral enough so that it can reach to end numbers of customers. The term viral in internet means the thing which is popular and everyone is passing it to one another.

While writing web content freshness of the content should be given the utmost importance. The other key aspect which has to keep in mind before writing content for the website is to do thorough keyword research. The keywords should be such that they show relevancy with the web content because keywords helps a website in making it search engine friendly.

The main purpose of doing SEO of a website is to make it much more appealing and enticing for the visitors and helps a website in holding visitors. Remember that you have to make your website informative, relevant, specific and directly related to the services and products that it deals with. And by implementing various search engine optimization techniques like link building, page description, article submission, directory submission, press releases, blog commenting, social bookmarking etc. you can help your website in generating great traffic and also enhancing your business online.

Watch your traffic increase just by submitting articles with us, click here to get started.
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

SleepEssence Youngliving Essential Oils

SleepEssence combines four powerful Young Living Therapeutic Grade YLTG essential oils and melatonin to promote healthy rest. Lavender, vetiver, valerian and Ruta graveolens each have unique sleep-enhancing properties, while the hormone melatonin is well known as a powerful sleep aid. SleepEssence is available in vegetarian softgel capsules for easy and natural digestion.

Lavender is a versatile essential oil that has been used traditionally by many cultures for its soothing properties. It is refreshing, relaxing scent has balancing properties that also calms the mind and body.

Vetiver essential oils is psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilizing. It may help when coping with stress and to recover from emotional trauma and shock.

Valerian is one of the most studied herbal sedatives and has been shown to improve quality of sleep. According to the College of Pharmacy in Kings College in London, valerenic acid has been shown to inhibit enzymes-induced breakdowns of GABA in the brain resulting in sedation.

Melatonin is a natural constituent and its primary function is to induce sleep. SleepEssence contains 1.5 mg of melatonin.


· SleepEssence is a natural way to promote a full nights sleep.

· SleepEssence is ideal for countering stressed nerves.

· SleepEssence is designed for enhancing relaxation.

Did You Know:

Young Living grows lavender on its farms in Utah, Idaho, France, and Ecuador?

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland, a small gland in the brain that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles?

Very small amounts of melatonin are found in foods such as meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables?

In India, vetiver was an ingredient of ancient perfumes and was referred to as the oil of tranquility?

How to Use:

Take 1-2 softgel thirty to sixty minutes before bedtime. For some people 1 cap is enough, just experiment and see what your body needs.

New and Improved Thieves products

Recognizing the hazard of using dangerous chemical-based products in the home, Young Living created a line of natural household products packed with the power and protection of more Thieves and lemon essential oil. From toothpaste and mouthwash to cleaning products, hand soaps, and even throat lozenges, the Thieves product line provides safe, natural alternatives for use in the home.

Young Livings Thieves essential oil blend was created based on the historical tale of four thieves in France who protected themselves from the black plague with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing victims of the killer disease. When captured, they were offered a lighter sentence in exchange for their secret recipe. Young Livings proprietary Thieves oil blend includes clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, lemon, and Eucalyptus radiata and has been specially blended to offer the same kind of defense. Thieves has been universally tested and found to be highly effective against airborne bacteria.

When Dr. Close was speaking about thieves he said Gary should get the Nobel Prize for the Thieves line.

The House Hold Thieves Cleaner now is in a 64 oz economy size.

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill 32 oz.


Because of the natural purifying ability of the essential oils contained in the Thieves blend, these products are effective without using harsh or synthetic chemicals like many other products on the market so you can feel confident about using in your home.

What makes these products unique? Every product in the Thieves Line has been infused with pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils.

Did You Know:

Thieves essential oil blend has been university tested for its effects against unwanted microorganism?

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap contains aloe and vitamin E., both renowned for their skin-nourishing benefits?

Thieves Dentarome Ultra contains calcium carbonate, a natural whitener for teeth?

Thieves Household cleaner is a concentrate so you can dilute it with water to maximize the amount of cleaner in each bottle? The new improved formula boasts the most effective, 100% plant-and mineral-based ingredients available.
Biodegradable cutting agents like sodium methyl 2-sulfolaurate and disodium 2-sulfolaurate from renewable


Vegetable-based surfactants like alkyl polygucoside that are compliant with Green Seal and EPA Design for
Environment Dfe standards.

Contains even more Thieves essential oil blend than before.

Contains more YLTG quality Lemon oil for extra cleaning power than the original formula.

Comes in recyclable packaging.

Formulated to have less impact on the environment.

Thieves cleaner disinfects and cleanse better than ever!!!!!!

Home Diffuser

Young Livings Home Diffuser is a state-of-the-art essential oil atomizer that can diffuse any essential oils from peppermint to Valor.

History of Diffusing:

The term aromatherapy was coined by the French chemist Rene`-Maurice Gattefosse` in the early 1920s. Gattefosse` spent his life devoted to essential oils and their healing properties. However for more than 6,000 years prior to Gattefosse`, aromatherapy had been used by the Egyptian, Romans, and the Greeks. Imhotep, and Egyptian physician, suggested that oils be used for massage, bathing, and embalming the dead. Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine, used aromatic smoke and vapors to purge Athens of the plague.

Today, much has been theorized regarding the effects of diffusing essential oils, which can be considered similar to the aromatic smoke used by Hippocrates. It has been hypothesized that when essential oils are diffused, they can increase atmospheric oxygen by releasing oxygenating molecules into the air. Not only can essential oils increase oxygen in the atmosphere, they also increase the bodys ability to transport oxygen into the cells. The lipid-soluble structure of essential oils allows them to easily penetrate the cell membranes of the nose and enter into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the oils can help transport oxygen and nutrients into the cells.

What Makes This Product Unique?

Young Livings Home Diffuser combines the latest in diffuser technology with increased usability. By break-ing up a mixture of water and essential oil into millions of micro-particles, the Home Diffuser disperses an aromatic mist into the air, activating the beneficial constituents found in Young Living's Therapeutic Grade essential oils. The diffuser comes complete with continuous and internal timer settings and the option to enjoy its soothing light system. Ideal for diffusing any of your favorite essential oils, it is the perfect addition to any room in your home.

I use it to kill airborne bacteria or just to freshen up the room, or put by the bed at night time when congested. It is safe, attractive, and easy to use, the Home Diffuser is ideal for anyone who wants to experience essential oils in any room of their home.

How to use:

Using clean filtered water, add one cupful 8oz to the bowl. Water should reach the top of the level indicator on the side of the bowl. Unscrew cap and add water to tank reservoir; replace cap. Add 15-20 drops of any essential oil single or blend into bowl. Plug the adapter into the socket at the rear of the diffuser and then plug into an 110VAC power outlet. Do not power the diffuser until the bowl is correctly filled with water.

Aroma Coverage: Depending on which essential oil is being used, the aroma from the Home Diffuser will fill a 700-square-foot area.

The Home Diffuser is virtually silent; all you may hear is a faint hum from the ultrasonic fan. It can run for hours on just a few drops of oil. However the more oil you put in the diffuser, the more oil will be dispersed in the air for your therapeutic needs.

philllips new letterX

Inproved health with essential oils

Chauncey Penfold


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Essential 7: Peace & Calming™

October 6, 2011

The Essential 7™ is a collection of seven of Young Living’s premiere single oils and oil blends. YL’s Doug Corrigan and Karen Boren are guest bloggers for a series sharing information that will teach you the many ways the Essential 7 kit can enrich your life.

A distributor takes a moment to relax and recharge with Peace & Calming at a convention Product Expo.

DOUG: Every one of the oils in the Essential 7 kit can cause an emotional response, so when we smell any of the single oils or blends in this kit, we will likely have some kind of an emotional response, and for the most part, these are tailor-made to really boost our emotions and help us to manage our stress and anxiety. What is the research telling us about what these oils do, specifically in the area of emotions and stress?

KAREN: We talked earlier about a study that shows how the scents of lavender and orange diffused in a dental office actually calmed people down before their dental work was done.

DOUG: When I think of orange, I think of what a great blend we are going to talk about today— which has a couple of citrus oils, tangerine and orange. It’s a blend that we use a lot in our house. What I love is that it has a combination of a couple of other more base-note type oils that are mixed with the citrus oils of tangerine and orange, from which we get a lot of the uplifting type of scent but not uplifting to the point where it causes us to feel anxious. Quite the opposite, it’s uplifting to where we are calm and feel that our minds are clearer.

KAREN: I have a friend who witnessed a child having a “meltdown” on a plane and very quickly asked the mother if some oil could be applied to the child’s feet. The mother at that point was certainly willing—I think she would have done anything! So she accepted having Peace & Calming put on the little one’s feet, and the child settled down and was peaceful for the rest of the flight.

DOUG: I know that on long road trips or anytime we’re in close quarters with the kids, Peace & Calming is something that we’re constantly diffusing, rubbing on the soles of their feet, and seeing that we get great results. I think some of that response is due to the citrus, but the other part of that response is because of the ylang ylang. What are some of the interesting studies with ylang ylang, patchouli, blue tansy, and other oils found in Peace & Calming?

KAREN: In the interest of time, I’ll just share one study in the journal Planta Medica, where they found that volunteers who applied ylang ylang essential oil to the skin were calmer and more relaxed than those who were in the control group. But there was also an increase in attentiveness and alertness. The study said that the effects could be characterized as “harmonization.” The people were calm but alert and not sedated. Gary Young has truly captured Peace & Calming in a bottle!

Better Health with Essential Oils
Chauncey Penfold

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Achieve More with Gary Young’s Great Day Essential Oils Protocol!

September 13, 2011

 Tweet77For the last 15 days, every morning after I shower, I have been practicing a very simple, yet very profound, essential oils regimen.

It’s called “Gary Young’s Great Day Protocol,” which consists of the essential oil blends Valor®, Harmony™, Joy™, and White Angelica™. I call it premium self-care for amplifying my daily intentions.

Since I have been following this simple protocol with these four blends, I have found my attention to the smaller details, which can be tricky for me, has become a lot more focused. My communications have become more solution-oriented with others and I am noticing that my enthusiasm has increased. Better yet, my follow-through for working on the bigger “back burner” projects is now in action.

Here’s the protocol for beginning your great day:

Step 1: Have your Valor, Harmony, Joy, and White Angelica essential oil blends readily available. I have them all lined up on my dresser and anoint myself before getting dressed.

Start with Valor, also known for balancing the body’s electrical energy. Apply a few drops in the palm of your left hand, gently rub your palms together, and bring your oiled palms to your nose and inhale. Set your intention for the day, utilizing the grounding properties of this blend. Next, put some Valor on the back of your neck and then place another drop on the inside of your wrists and hold your wrist together for a moment. As you hold the pulse points of your wrists together, again breathe in the oil blend and take a moment to be still while affirming your intentions for the day. What state of being would you like to cultivate? What do you want to accomplish today?

Step 2: Harmony

Place a drop of Harmony on your left palm, rub your palms together, inhaling the oil blend and place some Harmony on your solar plexus, just below your sternum, and above your belly button. This is your third chakra, or your “will” energy center. As you inhale the aroma, use the affirmation, “Let my will harmonize and align to the greater good for all I connect with today.” You may have a specific intention for harmonizing with your customers, your co-workers, family, friends, etc.

Step 3: Joy

This blend is one of Young Living’s signature essential oils and is known for helping lift depression, soothe a broken heart, and may also serve as an aphrodisiac! Place a drop of Joy into your left palm, rub your hands together, and slowly inhale the scent. Then place your hands on your heart. If you are looking to heal your heart or become more open hearted, use these moments to let this blend infuse into your heart’s desire.

Step 4: White Angelica

This blend is known for its properties for energetic protection, like a bouncer for negative energy or disturbing thoughts. Place a drop of White Angelica in your left palm, rub your palms together and deeply inhale. Then gently brush your palms over the crown of your head, down your neck, shoulders, chest, torso, and all the way down your legs to your feet. Imagine this blend encasing your entire body, like a guardian shield. Again, revisit your intention for your day.

Give yourself a week with Gary’s Great Day Protocol and keep a log of how you are feeling and what you notice each day. If you have a willing partner, family member, or friend to share this protocol with, even better!

Please share your experience in the comments area! I would love to know how this protocol works for you.

Tracy Griffiths
Better health with essential oils
Chauncey Penfold

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Essential 7: Purification

September 8, 2011

The Essential 7™ is a collection of seven of Young Living’s premiere single oils and oil blends. YL’s Doug Corrigan and Karen Boren are guest bloggers for a series sharing information that will teach you the many ways this kit can enrich your life.

Can you remember what clean smells like? Using Purification in your home will leave the air with a sparkling, fresh scent.

DOUG: One of the oil blends that we haven’t mentioned that is so tremendous is Purification, which is hands down my favorite oil blend. I call it the great neutralizer because this oil is just tremendous at neutralizing everything and anything that’s causing you problems, be it noxious fumes, petrochemicals, or toxins. The applications for Purification are virtually endless. You have a great story with regards to that, Karen.

KAREN: I think I have the very best “How did you come to Young Living?” story. I was on an archaeological dig in Israel near the Dead Sea, and one of the members of the team was stung on her hand by a scorpion. We all freaked out. I thought for sure she was going to die. I was terrified of scorpions. Probably, the ones there are not deadly poisonous, but we were certainly concerned. My roommate got out some little brown bottles and started pouring something on the bite. I asked, “What is that?” And she replied, “You’re from Utah and you don’t know about Young Living Essential Oils?” That was my introduction. What was so interesting was that once the lady had Purification oil on the sting, they took her to the hospital in Jerusalem. She was kept overnight for observation, but her hand did not even swell!

KAREN: That was such a testimony to me of the power of detoxing a very noxious insect sting that I always keep Purification in my medicine cabinet. I have grandchildren who come running to me and say, “A mosquito just bit me,” and we put Purification on it. It’s marvelous! Purification is also incredible for wasp stings. That is a very painful sting. My oldest son swears by Purification for wasp stings.

DOUG: Purification is a great neutralizer to those natural toxins. Also, it’s great for any areas where you’ve got petrochemicals as well as mosquito bites and bee and wasp stings, things that you’re trying to neutralize. Of course those of you who know me know my great septic tank story from many years ago at a convention. I told about how I used half a bottle of Purification in a bus septic system that was backed up. Purification totally neutralized what was really the most odorous, unbelievable smell that you could have ever imagined on this bus full of Young Living distributors, so Purification really has a tremendous reputation.

Improve your Health  with Essential Oils
Chauncey Penfold