Thursday, March 3, 2011

Which Eucalyptus Essential Oil is Best?

Which Eucalyptus Essential Oil is Best?

With such a large selection of great eucalyptus products offered by Young
Living, it can be confusing to know which one is best for you. But once you
understand more about the unique properties of each eucalyptus essential oil,
you’ll have no problem picking one that fits your specific needs.

Let’s start with a brief history lesson: For centuries, native Australian
aborigines traditionally used eucalyptus for body pains, sinus congestion,
fever, and colds. It wasn’t until the mid 1800s that English doctors started
experimenting with the oil and shared it with the rest of the world. Not
surprisingly, most eucalyptus species are found in Australia. Have you heard
of the famous “blue mists” in Australia? It happens because the eucalyptus sap
exudes from the trees and wisps into the air, creating a hazy blue mist seen
for miles around. Historically, it is said the blue mist keeps down fevers in
nearby communities. A recent study might suggest that is wasn’t the eucalyptus
that took down the fever, but inhibited the fever-carrying mosquitoes in the
area.[1] Now that’s what I call an essential oil diffuser!

So what makes eucalyptus essential oil work? Each eucalyptus species has its
own unique combination of naturally-occurring plant chemicals, which are what
produce an effect on the body. One of the major active ingredient in most
eucalyptus species is eucalyptol (also called 1,8 cineole). Scientists are
only beginning to validate the many positive effects of this constituent. In
one study using rats, researchers saw significant anti-inflammatory effects in
the gut in rats.[2] Another laboratory experiment looked at the reduction
effects of eucalyptus essential oils on specific respiratory pathogens.[3]

Of the five eucalyptus essential oils Young Living offers, the most popular
are Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus radiata. These two oils smell most like
traditional eucalyptus oils (kind of like the vapor rub my mom lathered on my
chest when I was kid). These oils also have a high percentage of 1,8 cineole:
E. globulus has up to 80 percent eucalyptol and E. radiata can contain up to
75 percent of that active ingredient.

When speaking about eucalyptus options, I always suggest Eucalyptus
polybractea as well. E. polybactea has high levels of 1,8 cineole and has the
comforting medicinal scent one might expect from a eucalyptus product. It also
is low in a compound called isovaleric aldehyde, which can irritate mucus

Interestingly, Eucalyptus dives has large amounts of eucalyptol and also high
amounts of piperitone, which gives it a slight pepperminty and citrus scent.
E. dives is excellent for use in a Young Living diffuser to purify the air. E.
dives is considered the strongest of the eucalyptus species and generally
should not be applied to those with skin sensitivities.

Lastly, Gary Young rediscovered a eucalyptus species in Ecuador he named
Eucalyptus Blue.™ Eucalyptus Blue has significant amounts of eucalyptol plus
high levels of alpha pinene. In fact, because of its levels of alpha-pinene,
Eucalyptus Blue can be considered a natural R.C. blend. So, if you are looking
for an R.C. alternative, Eucalyptus Blue is a great choice.

Eucalyptus Blue is my favorite eucalyptus because of its deep, warm aroma. I
also like it because it doesn’t make my eyes water as much as some of the
other eucalyptus oils (think of when you get peppermint close to your eyes).

As general guidelines, Eucalyptus globulus and E. dives are best applied
topically or on the reflex points of the feet while Eucalyptus radiata, E.
polybractea, and Eucalyptus Blue are more suitable for diffusing and

If you still can’t decide which eucalyptus to try, a great place to start is
with our Breathe Again™ Essential Oil Roll-On. This convenient product has a
powerful punch of four eucalyptus essential oils (including Eucalyptus Blue)—
perfect for supporting respiratory health and invigorating the senses.

Which eucalyptus essential oil is your favorite? Share how you use eucalyptus
in the blog’s comments section.

—Toby Palmer
 Product Marketing
[1] James A. Klocke, Mark V. Darlington and Manuel F. Balandrin. 1,8-Cineole
(Eucalyptol), a mosquito feeding and ovipositional repellent from volatile oil
ofHemizonia fitchii (Asteraceae). Journal of Chemical Ecology. Volume 13,
Number 12/December, 1987. 2131–2141.

[2] Juergens U R, Dethlefsen U, Steinkamp G, et al. (2003) anti-inflammatory
activity of 1,8 cineole (eucalpytol) in bronchial asthma: a double blind,
placebo controlled trial. Resp Med 97 250–256.

[3] Claudio Cermelli. Anna Fabio. Giuliana Fabio. Paola Quaglio. Effect of
Eucalyptus Essential Oil on Respiratory Bacteria and Viruses. Current
Microbiology. Volume 56, Number 1/January, 2008. 89–92.
Technorati Tags: Eucalyptus Blue, Eucalyptus dives, eucalyptus essential oil,
Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus polybractea, Eucalyptus radiata
Tags: Eucalyptus Blue, Eucalyptus dives, eucalyptus essential oil, Eucalyptus
globulus, Eucalyptus polybractea, Eucalyptus radiata
 This entry was posted on Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 12:45 PM and is filed
under How to Use Essential Oils, Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils. You can
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To the Best of Health
Chauncey Penfold
337 856 9461

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