Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Copaiba Essential Oil

A Recap from the Copaiba Conference Call July 7, 2009

 with Marc Schreuder

This conference call from YoungLiving about the newest essential oil Copaiba was very informative. I hope moreof you will set aside time to be on these calls and increase your learning ofhow to best use our essential oils. Below is a recap of my notes from the call.Check the Young Living Product Blog website to hear the call for yourself andread more about this amazing oil. Our family has already seen firsthand howpowerful it can be.
From the heart of the Amazon junglesof Brazil, copaiba oleo resin is tapped directly from the tree. A hole isdrilled into the trunk of the 50 to 80- feet tall tree and out will pour thisliquid resin. The resin is then vacuum distilled, using no water, no heat, onlyvacuum pressure to separate off the precious essential aromatic oil. Braziliantribal natives harvest and process the copaiba sold through Young Living.
Sold in Amazonian pharmacies andused for nearly 800 years in folk medicine, Copaiba was also listed in the USPharmacopeia from 1820 to 1910 for topical and oral uses and is still on theFDA GRAS list (Generally Regarded as Safe). Some of the historic uses aredigestive complaints including stomach aches, stomach infections, gastritis,antiseptic, arthritis, cellular mutations, tumors, Fibromyalgia, and pain.
Copaiba is the highest inbeta-caryophyllene which is an anti-inflammatory compound. A 1996 study showedbeta-caryophyllene to be effective in treating stress induced ulcers.Beta-caryophyllene is also found in Helichrysum at between 8 and 12%, whileCopaiba contains 50% beta-car. Clove oil contains 6-8% beta-caryophyllene incomparison.
Marc Schreuder said on the conferencecall - that Copaiba was Helichrysum on steroids. He has been studying Copaibafor eight years and says it is his number one favorite oil with Frankincensecoming in at number two. He also says that combining Copaiba and Frankincensewould give you the highest spiritual and emotional oil blend. Just likeSandalwood is considered an excellent emotional supportive oil, Copaiba is sixtimes better and Marc calls it Sandalwood on steroids due to its highsesquiterpene content. He also likes Copaiba mixed with a little Peppermint forpain applied topically.
For oral consumption, traditionaluses are as much as ½ teaspoon twice daily. Four to six drops per day in acapsule should show benefit. It is not really a diffusing oil and this aromatictreasure is currently found in Young Living's Deep Relief and Breathe AgainRoll-ons.
Marc also pointed out that much of the Copaiba oil marketed is adulterated with soy bean oil or kerosene to extendthe yield. Just not ours.

Debra Raybern, ND, MH, CNC, ICA

Better Health with essential oils
Chauncey Penfold

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